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Wednesday, April 11

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    Wednesday, April 11

    Hi, Everyone,

    I thought I'd start a thread instead of killing one.

    Gypsi, I stopped in here a couple of days ago and saw that you had posted. I'm so impressed with your fortitude. Also, belatedly, happy birthday!:day4:

    Mary, I had to laugh when I read about your shoes and scarves. You and I should have a contest. I have drawers of silk scarves and shawls that I no longer wear. Also, more shoes than I could wear in fifty lifetimes. The beautiful scarves and shawls I keep, hoping, I guess, that I'll have another stretch in my life when I'll go out to dinner and to soirees. Some of them are quite special and I know that I could never find similar ones should I donate them to charity. The shoes are another story. I cannot tell what will and what will not be wearable until I have walked outside for about 30 minutes. Hence, most of my shoes are only worn once and then they are discarded to the "maybe sometime if I ever get my body fixed" pile and, ultimately, given to charity. I wrecked my feet during my dance career and almost nothing except flip-flops--including standing barefoot--is reliably comfortable. A couple of months ago I had some good luck in finding out about Masai warrior shoes with half-spheres for soles. I bought a pair and if I wear them I'm able to "roll" through the pain. Fortunately, I have an appointment with a neurosurgeon next week who is going to try to fix things. I'm kinda worried about giving up exercise for my three month (minimum) recuperation because exercise is so important in keeping my drinking down.

    I'm going through some tough times personally. As some of you know, I have no biological children. I am the carrier of a genetic defect and I saw no reason to chance passing it on to a child. It is very likely that I am going to lose my beloved dad within the next month to this disease. There is one physician who thinks that he might be able to buy my dad a little time as long as my dad can withstand the surgery that is scheduled to occur over a four day span starting about a week and a half from now. My dad told me on Monday that he also has severe prostrate cancer but that there is no chance that he could survive surgical intervention for this problem. There is some hope that if he survives the upcoming series of operations that he can have radiation treatment for the prostate cancer later this summer.

    My dad, to many people, is old. He is in his seventies. But he is so engaged with life and has such a vibrant mind that giving up is not what he wants. To complicate things further, my father is not a Christian and, hence, lacks the idea of a warm, enveloping afterlife. And to complicate matters for me, when he is suffering this much, he isolates. He is thousands of miles away and I would be on a plane to see him in a heartbeat, as would my siblings, but he feels that he will stay calmest and do better if he is only around one person, my stepmother. My stepmother has practically devoted her life to taking care of him and I worry about her, too. But she is very formal and I have to tread lightly (sorry, bad pun) to avoid making her life harder. I know that my dad loves me and that there is absolutely no bad blood between us and I feel glad for that knowledge. I just so wish that I could see him, if only for a few minutes, but that would upset the sort of mindfulness that he is using to survive.

    I did something really dumb a few days ago. I googled him and tried, once more, to understand the work he had done when he was younger. I didn't understand a great deal of what he had written, but it is clear that he has such a creative and giving mind. I couldn't stop crying.

    To make matters worse, my husband is being a grump. I think that Mary and someone else had recommended some self help books about relationships that I thought I ordered from Amazon but apparently didn't. Mary, would you please tell me the name of the book again?

    Does anyone else have advice about living with someone who snarls and speaks in a harsh tone of voice? My husband and I are not from the same background, culturally or economically, and he thinks that the way he speaks to me is fine. He did not speak to me like this before we were married and I keep trying to figure out how I might be eliciting this behavior from him. I never heard a man address a woman harshly when I was growing up. People around me were polite--to a fault, I might add. Perhaps, therefore, I am hypersensitive to harshness. I've been trying to "develop a thicker skin" for years but my progress isn't very good! Therapy is not something my husband will consider and I am already in it. For a time, particularly after my mom died, I used alcohol to mitigate the pain of the way he speaks to me. Obviously, I am trying to make another choice. I did lapse a little a couple of weeks ago and like Mary, I am finding that for me, moderating is going to have to mean abstaining with only an occasional drink.

    A few months ago, Jenneh posted a very interesting self-test about types of alcoholism. It turned out that my drinking is heavily related to my hypergyclemia that was diagnosed via a glucose tolerance test 25 years ago. Jenneh, would you mind posting the self-test again for the benefit of people who have recently joined? It really helped me a lot, and I think that it would help others.

    Ok, so this is a gloomy (and VERY long) first post on what I hope will be a wonderful Wednesday for all.

    My love to all, Eustacia

    Wednesday, April 11

    Good Morning E,

    Sorry to hear that so much is going on in your life, It must be hard being so far away from your dad at this time. You are in my thoughts today :h

    Love & Hugs to all to come,

    Paula xx


      Wednesday, April 11

      Thanks so much, Paula:h

      I'm just sitting here staring at this screen and playing dumb computer games. I've got to "get up" in an hour and a half. I'm resisting taking a glug of my old standby, Cab. One glass would knock me out; however . . .

      Maybe a second dose of calms forte?

      Here goes!

      :heart: E

      P.S. Thanks for posting. I thought I'd killed another thread, and so early in the day!


        Wednesday, April 11

        Hope that that was the calmes forte and not the cab???

        Love P xx


          Wednesday, April 11

          Hi E,

          What a terrible time for you, it just seems so unfair that everything happens at once.

          One thing though, I lost my Dad 3 years ago and miss him a lot still even though when he was alive he drove me nuts ! However, he retired from the forces at 55, then did NOTHING with his life until he died at 73 (apart from drink), I wish he had achieved something I could have looked back on and been proud of him for like you can with your Father. It must be incredibly painful for you now, but he sounds like a fantastic man and you'll always have that.

          If you'd have googled my Dad, it would've gone "Who?"

          Husbands though....jeeez, my ex was a grumpy bas*ard too...couldn't stand that for long, that's why he's ex ! Got a nice kind one now instead, what a difference ! Mind you, the ex is grumpy with his new wife too, so it wasn't me, some people are just miserable and you can't change them. Not sure how much that helps though. Sorry !

          lots of love


            Wednesday, April 11

            I do have a thick skin and I don't think it's perfectly okay to be a grump 24/7. It's self indulgent and inconsiderate. Everyone has a bad day or two and that should go without question but if your husband thinks it's okay to snarl at his loved ones, you have to be the one to tell him it's NOT. Otherwise, he's going to go on thinking it's perfectly okay.

            I know it's impulsive but, putting myself in your Dad's shoes, if I were ill and one of my kids hopped on a plane and showed up on my doorstep I would be thrilled. You don't have to stay forever you could just pop in for the day. Don't put any thought into it just get up and go......this is one benefits of not having children you can just be spontaneous!

            I know saying it all and doing it are two different things and it's easy for me to say since I'm not the one who has to do it. But, I wanted to say it anyway.

            You are a wonderful soul, E!!!

            You know it took me 20 minutes to write that on this dumb computer!

            To all my other wonderful muffin friends, have a terrific hump day!
            :h :h :h :h


              Wednesday, April 11

              Oh and I have yet to play one of those dumb computer games. Are they fun?

              I'm going to have to hire a maid.
              :h :h :h :h


                Wednesday, April 11

                E, so sorry that you are going through such a painful time! Please feel free to PM me anytime you feel you would like to have a shoulder to cry on -- you are a wonderful person and you will get through this!

                In my life, I am just the opposite. My husband is the meek, mild one who grew up similar to what you explained. I am the one who grew up in hatred and violence. It took me years to "soften", and I know I hurt my husband through that process. Even now, every once in a while he will say to me, "you are still living your childhood", and he'll reflect with me on the incident in my life that is synomous (sp?) to the way I'm behaving. His help in providing this reflectiveness has led to a very happy life for me and for him. I don't know how you might trigger such discussions with your husband -- it sounds like he may need anger management. If he is not willing to go to someone, maybe if you can get him in a mood to talk about his childhood and what makes him act like that, it may help him change and it may also make you feel better.

                Another thing my husband did was to tape our conversation one time years ago because he would say I was harsh and I thought he was nuts. When he played the tape, I couldn't believe it was me on there! I didn't sound anything like I meant. So his fortitude helped me change.

                Its kind of embarrassing to talk about this now because I am no longer that person. Quite frankly, I'm ashamed of the way I used to be, and I recognize that I would probably still be drowning in that pain if it would not have been for my husband pulling me out, and not without getting hurt sometimes in the process. Now, we live a peaceful, loving life. My son is a happy, wonderful child who has lived in a loving, nurturing environment. I owe that to my husband's patience and love.

                I don't know if that helps you, E, but in all probability it isn't you that he is snarling at but some deep-seeded problem from long ago.

                I wish you luck. Please let me know if I can do anything.

                Saving the day one minute at a time!


                  Wednesday, April 11

                  Oh sweet, compassionate, eloquent, brilliant E (I could go on but i wont embarass you - this is Jenneh by the way). I am so sorry for the pain you are going through. Just know that I am here holding your hand right now, even though we are of course not 'together' physically. Of course I wil repost the quiz.
                  Love to you


                  Over 4 months AF :h


                    Wednesday, April 11

                    E - My heart goes out to you. You have so much on your plate and none of it is terribly pleasant. I lost my Dad almost 8 years ago and he too was an accomplished but quiet man. I can't imagine being anywhere but at his side during the end. It would probably mean more to him than you think. You need to do what is good for you too. Don't avoid doing something that if left undone will leave you full of regrets when this dark period is over. (Does that make sense?) You are in my prayers.


                      Wednesday, April 11

                      And I might add, I am a complete dork. Yup. Today is Wednesday but I posted first in Tuesday. Am I out of it or what? See?? I indicated in my mood thingy I'm tired - but not knowing what day it is? Wow.


                        Wednesday, April 11

                        E-Prayers are with you. My father is 84 and have been grumpy and harsh all the time I can remember. He did soften a lot when my sister was killed in a car accident-but still grumpy by most people's standards. He certainly does not see himself that way. I was always scared of him. BUT, I know how much he loves me even though he doesn't act like it. It comes through in little ways. And he knows I love him. I will miss him terribly when he's gone- and I will feel guilty about my judgement of his ways.
                        Try to see your father if you can. It would be good for both of you. Peace & Love, Di


                          Wednesday, April 11

                          Dear E,

                          Whoa! Supposedly we are only given as much as we can deal with at one moment in time. I can not believe how much is going on in your life, some major decisions to make here. I am glad you shared with us, it is so nice to see you back here.

                          So much great advice here, you are both in this relationship and it is about what both of you need and want too.

                          LOL on the scarves, you know what I am talking about!! Hang onto them, as they offer such a nice visual for you and wrap yourself up in one of your favorites when you feel down. They can help change a mood and offer comfort.

                          E, your husband may be in the middle of depression without knowing this. Anger is a sign of deep depression. He had no idea how nasty he was, or just didn't care to look at it. I did the only thing I could do at that time for myself and my boys and that was to leave. He then finally sought help. I do not recommend this route except as a last resort as it takes a tremendous amount of energy and will to do that. Still in the end it was the BEST thing I could have done for us. this is the book the therapist told me on the side that I should get, it was quite thought provoking.

                          Here is the name and a brief summary from Google:

                          Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths & Stories About the Wild Woman Archetype
                          by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D.

                          Every once and a while a truly great book for women comes along. Sometimes the book calls us to arms, sometimes it provides us with important new information about ourselves or our bodies, and sometimes--like this book--it will nourish our souls. . . for more review:
                          Women Who Run with the Wolves, Pinkola-Estes

                          Hey all, I read this book a few years back - it is truly a woman's soul book. Hope anyone who picks it up will enjoy it. Take back your life NOW!

                          All you other fine mods, I hope you have a wonderful day.

                          Gotta Run, the insurance adjustor is coming in in a couple minutes. this is for that car accident that the guy had no insurance and did $6,000 worth of damage to the front of my car. AYE YI YI! Still don't have my car and can't move my neck to one side very well.

                          hugs and love to all,


                            Wednesday, April 11

                            I am breezing in and out as well....another hectic day here. I started my day at the vet's office and asked the vet if he would be interested in doing some Pet Therapy for my clients. While in the waiting room there was an article on the wall about him doing this type of stuff in the community. He calls me into his office and I tell him all about the program....a speech that is well rehearsed from when I am out marketing. Then I start to describe the level of functionality of my clients. Some are low functioning schizophrenics some are high functioning depressed little old ladies and everything inbetween. I'm telling him of how the clients "present"...this man is a doctor after all and a trained professional. He is shocked and floored about how low some of my low funtioning clients activity hallucinating, never been to a grocery store by themselves, isolate in their rooms..ect...... Out of the blue the man starts to cry! Cries right there in his office with me now comforting him. Very bizzare morning for me I'll tell ya'
                            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                              Wednesday, April 11

                              E I'm sorry to here of all that you're going thru right now. I hope you're able to see your Father soon. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts & prayers...

                              My Dad has always been a bit of a grump, except after he has a few beers in him, then he's all jokes & laughter. It bothers me to hear the way he speaks to my Mom, very harsh sometimes... I think he's done it for long, & she's allowed it, that he doesn't even notice. It is hard to be around it though.

                              Well I did get out on the river yesterday, for some nice paddling. Today it's raining, so I guess I'll start packing & going thru the closets ... down Memory Lane... see what still fits after a long winter! I've been trying to loose a few pounds for Florida, but it doesn't seem to be happening. Oh well, muscle weighs a lot! (especially with some padding on it!)

                              Hope everyone has a great day!
                              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

