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Wednesday, April 11

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    Wednesday, April 11

    Judie - My dad always said when packing for vacation "half the clothes, twice the money." You'll be fabulous! Show off those muscles girl!


      Wednesday, April 11

      Thanks Hawk! Your Dad sounds like a very smart man!
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        Wednesday, April 11

        E. I am so sorry about your father. In your post, it sounds to me that your father doesn?t want you to worry about him. Keeping that in mind, I?m sure he doesn?t know this is causing you to suffer and worry. I think spending time with him would be a good thing for both of you right now.

        About the hubby; when my hubby and I were in the early years, he often tried to control me by criticizing me. As I got to know his family it became apparent this was how things were done in his house. I think I mentioned once I was raised to be a bit of a princess so this verbal abuse was new to me. It could have eroded my self confidence after a time, if I had not realized where most of this bad behavior was coming from. Soon, I was able to laugh most of the crap he said off. Pretty soon, he just quit doing it. Not all of it, sometimes he still gets to me, but most of it. The Jackass actually told me recently he was not going to pay to replace our dishwasher if I would not learn to load it correctly. What a jerk! I just ignore him when he is being that stupid.

        Soccer Mary, I would like to do jury duty again too with a different case. The case I was on should have been a matter for family court, but it escalated to criminal court brought on by a bad unfinished divorce. The justice process itself was fascinating.

        Mary, thank you for the book suggestion.

        Judie, I was always told to pack and then take half out. I still end up with too much stuff.

        Good day to you all,
        Humor is just another defense against the universe!


          Wednesday, April 11

          BB, hang in there, you are always so very supportive especially considering all the worries you own! We love you!

          Rachele, I am so sorry that computer is giving you so much trouble as we love it when you post regularly!

          MM, thanks for sharing, pretty incredible of you to tell us the other side of the story.

          IS, (Jen) So good to see you, wondering how the house deal is going.

          Hawk, such words of wisdom on your father. I am sorry you lost him when you were so young. LOL, you are too funny with the shoes! NO you are not a dork!!! YOu were drawn to the dark side of "shoes title!"

          Welcome, Di. Glad to see you here. I am so sorry to hear about your sister.

          PP, WOW. Think of him, anyone who became a vet to start, loves animals and cares very deeply. It probably overwhelmed him to realize some of the animals he treats are in better mental shape than the people you deal with regularly. Did I tell you lately, how special I think you are?!!

          Judie, glad you got out on the water. I am sorry your dad is grumpy to your mom. Mine was much harsher when they were younger, now the mellowing and my mom's illnesses, I don't ever hear him raise his voice or have a tone with her, it may be a progression for your dad as well. (Turn hubby onto the nicorette gum, he may find he wants to cut back and stop when he realizes what a pain it is to smoke anywhere else.) I hope you have the most INCREDIBLE vacation. I use to vacation like that only on sail boats instead of backpacking.

          Laura, I am sorry they pulled you in, that is what I was afraid would happen. When you own your own biz, it doesn't really matter to them, that it just dies while you are away. the book does help get a different perspective on our own intake and reactions to abusive uncalled for remarks.

          Yes, my husband and I are in a better place than ever before, he shares so much more and a huge part of it is that he is not drinking too much now. The biggie though was him going to therapy on his own and him taking his depression meds regularly. There is this very neat mellowing going on with him though that I really enjoy now.

          Many hugs and much love to all of you,

          PS: Lushy - hope you are relaxing - we are sure missing you!!!


            Wednesday, April 11

            Hello everyone..trying to catch up with all the post!

            E- I don't know if this book would be helpful, but it surpassed any self help books I've read on relationships..and my goodness, there have been many. 'Invisible Partners' is the best explanation about the dynamics between men and women that I've ever may help you see what is going on deeper inside between the two of you. The author is John A. Sanford (Ive read and gotten a lot out of many of his books) the meantime, ((big hugs))

            I'm doing ok..not great on the moderation, but I feel like I'm moving back in the right direction. I got on the treadmill the last 3 mornings and have been making my fruit smoothies with the All One..I already do feel better...

            I have a photo I want to show you if you are interested. My daughter took it recently, and I swear..I would bet my bottom dollar that it is a ghost. Take a look at

            what do you think? :0)


              Wednesday, April 11

              Hi Everybody! Just taking a break and have been catching up on some past posts. Sorry I didn't read the one about the trial earlier. The perfect answer to get out of any jury is to say that you believe that the police or authorities (depending on the case) is always right and you want to vote for whatever they think. It really works! Neither side wants you.

              Hope you all have a nice evening!

              Saving the day one minute at a time!


                Wednesday, April 11

                Lots going on here today, I am going to read all posts again, you all are such great people I have alot to catch up on here today.

                P.S. I am saying a little something for each and everyone of you today!!!


                  Wednesday, April 11

                  Sammy, Congratulations on your graduation. :H I need to start classes as soon as Lushy gets back.

                  D. Is that a ghost or a Fairy?

                  MM. Now that would be lying and I was sworn to tell the truth. :H
                  Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                    Wednesday, April 11

                    Wow E, you do have a lot going on. My father lives out of state and I think that I too would have to see him so that I wouldn't have any regrets. Even if it just meant seeing him for 10 minutes to let him know I loved him. My dad doesn't like anyone to see him in pain.

                    I agree that I think it's your husband that has a lot of issues to deal with if he is that angry. When I was in my 20's I was irritable, anxiety ridden and didn't like anyone. I was diagnosed with depression. Went to counseling which turned my life around. Stay strong you know that you are worth it.

                    Hello to all. Checking in late today. I have been preparing for an audit at work which happened today and went very well. Sigh of relief since I am the only one who knows anything about the program in my department.

                    I hope you all have a nice day and I must say what a great group of supportive people. I love you all
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      Wednesday, April 11

                      E -
                      I am sorry for your pain and anguish that you're going through with your dad. I can't speak for you, but I know that the time that I had with mine at the end was something that I will cherish for the rest of my life. There was more bad times than good at the end, but the few good times that he and I had together more than made up for the bad. I would suggest that you really consider jumping on that plane and going to see him, if only for a few days. Although he may say that he needs only one person in his life right now, most dads are really grateful to have their daughters with them as they go through tough times. I think it makes them renew their determination to 'tough it out' so to speak.

                      I am having a really tough time right now staying sober. My husband's kids were supposed to spread his ashes on the front lawn; yet when the snow melted away a couple of days ago, what do I see? A pile of ashes dumped in the middle of the yard. I am horrified beyond belief that they did this to their father, and it is almost impossible to go out my front door right now with that view waiting for me. Once again, I must clean up their mess. I am working on gettting a couple of good friends over here to scoop up his ashes and set them aside until they can be properly scattered. I cannot do it; it is still just too painful to even think about.


                        Wednesday, April 11

                        Gypsi I don't even know what to say. That is so sad, I would be feeling exactly how you do right now. Actually I would be furious with my kids. I wouldn't be able to do it either and you shouldn't have too. Not at all.
                        Can your kids help now and put things right?
                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                          Wednesday, April 11

                          They are not my kids, and I don't want them anywhere near the property after the way they treated me during the last few months.


                            Wednesday, April 11

                            Gypsi, I don't blame you. I wish I know what I could say to you to make you feel only a little better. Just know that I am thinking of you. If I was near you I would help, I really would. Hugs.
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                              Wednesday, April 11

                              I don't even know a dignified response to that....THEY would be a "pile" in my yard.....

                              Much love and respect and the hope for a better tomorrow.....Surround yourself with those that truely matter...Discard the rest
                              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                                Wednesday, April 11

                                Oh Gypsi I just saw this. I am so sorry for your pain. I am praying for your strength and holding your hand in the only way I can.
                                Love Jen
                                Over 4 months AF :h

