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Thursday, April 12

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    Thursday, April 12

    Morning all, Been keeping tabs on the site - haven't caught up yet with Kerrie - praying for her. Not much time - hubby's having a minor heart procedure done today - would appreciate positive thought sent his way today - I gather strength from you all.
    Hugs to all

    Thursday, April 12

    Good morning Optimist and everyone else who comes today

    Sending you good vibes optimist.

    Nothing real exciting in my neck of the woods today, which is nice. Kids are still on Spring Break and tomorrow they are going out with a provider for a few hours. They need to get out and around. We live in an area where there are no kids for them to play with, just adults.

    Hope you all have a nice day.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Thursday, April 12

      Good morning! Thursday already!
      Busy week for me.
      Thinking of you all..Optimist, my prayers for you and your husband!


        Thursday, April 12

        Good morning, Optimist I said a little something for you and your family today. New computer system at work learning the ropes today. We have about 6 inches of snow here and it SUCKS!!!!! Maybe even more who knows, I can not wait till it melts.

        Soccer, Beaches and Optimist Have a good day and all those to come.


          Thursday, April 12

          Good morning all
          Saying a prayer for you and your husband today.
          Everyone else, I hope you are well.
          I am feeling good lately. I have really been trying to stick to my goal (which has been AF lately). I have been taking the supps, the vitamins and the topa, listening to teh CDs (mainly the hypno one), have gone to AA for extra support 3 times this week and have been trying to stick close around here as much as I can. I am now on day 8 of AF (still pretty early in the game but still feeling strong and positive and no real cravings/compulsions so far....). I feel strong spiritually, mentally and physically....
          A few crabby moments and some urges but nothing I havent been able to handle.
          Anyways I love you all
          Love Jen
          Over 4 months AF :h


            Thursday, April 12

            Good Morning all,

            Optimist, you and your husband are in my prayers. Quick, easy procedure and recovery for the positive thoughts coming your way.

            Struggling, trying to physically manipulate the circumstances of one's life, reveals a misunderstanding of how those circumstances were actually created. And for the focus placed on them during the struggle, it actually serves to keep things from changing.

            Acceptance, on the other hand, reveals an understanding that today's circumstances arose from yesterday's focus, encouraging introspection and fueling new thought, actually serving to hasten change.

            Yeah, almost sounds like an SAT question.

            **** The Universe

            Beaches and PP, what lovely support you offered to Gypsi yesterday, you two are really quite special!

            Gypsi, I am so very sorry that your husband's ashes were disrespected. Sometimes that "step whatever" relationship is really tough. I am so sorry they treated you horribly over the past few months. Sounds like a lot of misplaced anger on their part.

            BB, prayers for Kerrie, you and Mr. Boop.

            Hawk, I was reading a different post of yours and just wanted to tell you, I think you would make a lovely mom. I hope you are feeling healthy again.

            Soccermom Mary, stop by a little longer and let us know what you are up to.

            Sammys, I do NOT envy your day in front of a new system. I always get a little aggravated when things are not at my fingertips at work. Sorry about the snow. I actually wore my down coat to work this morning and I am in NM.

            Jen, I am so PROUD of you!! You really are developing a program that works for you. Not always easy but you are tackling those challenges.

            Laura, you know how much I admire you and I hope you are happy. Try hard to let those comments roll right off your back dear. (It can be tough, consider the source and where the anger is coming from.) Stay strong sweetie!

            Judie, packing and counting the days!! WAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOO!!!

            E, I hope you have made plane reservations off to see your dad. It will probably do both of you a world of good.

            Dilayne, glad you are back on track!

            MM, very cute advise on the jury duty!!

            Lushy, Waves, Hillary, New Di, Rachele, Fan, Ilex, Mary Anne, Ding Dong and any one I missed, hope you all have a lovely day today.

            Hugs and Love to all,


              Thursday, April 12

              Hi all

              I haven't posted for quite awhile, but have been reading posts when I can. Optomist, prayers are out to you from me.

              I have to tell you all, I am really feeling down right now, and it is reflected in my drinking of late. Life just hasn't been great in my little world lately. My niece, who many of you know is sick with cancer, is going downhill. She is experiencing more pain, nausea, and has had bowel issues, maybe related to pain meds, maybe advanced cancer...who knows, which has caused her to once again be admitted to the hospital. They want to do another cat scan on her, but can't get her to take the necessary "contrast" drink with so much nausea. Ugghh. She turns 21 at the end of the month. It is just really horrible. So, I am just really down about it. :upset:

              Also, my husband has had some issues at work. A new CEO has come in, and no one likes the guy. My hubby has been so proud of his status at work. He came in as VP of Dietary (that is his field) but was fortunate to be asked to take over as VP of Human Resources as well about one year ago. He loves it. He took the test to get his degree, which is a very prestigious thing apparently, and he has done a fantastic job. Well, new CEO wants to take this responsibility away from him, and give it to someone new. Not because he has done a bad job, but because CEO feels it should not be done by someone who is also VP of another position. Hubby is heartbroken. Ughh.

              Well, other issues abound as well, but they kind of take a back seat to these, and I guess overall, I just am not loving my life at the moment. I am sorry to be off the boards for so long and come on and gripe. I just am sad...really sad. I can't talk to my sister about my issues, as she is the mother of my niece and doesn't need my crap. My best friend moved away, my other closest friend has lots on her plate right now, I can't lean on hubby at the moment, so I am really feeling alone in my dispair. It has been a hard year for me. Other things have been tough as some of you may know, and I can't talk to my family or friends about these issues either. Ugghh.

              Well, I guess I just spilled my guts out. Thanks for reading. I hope you are all having a better week than I am. I know things will get better...well some, anyway. Not much long term hope for my niece. She is the most amazing person. Life is unfair.

              Love to all

              formerly known as bak310


                Thursday, April 12

                Hey Beth... is your best friend's house for sale?? I could buy it and then we could be neighbors! Sorry you are feeling so down.... gosh knows I can relate to everything you are saying, but thankfully I'm getting a little break from a lot of the funk. Call me if you wanna talk!

                BB- thinking of you too... prayers for your husband and Kerrie. I know this has to be so stressful, but deep breaths...

                To everyone else, just a quick hello. I'm bouncing off the walls from the supplements today I think! I am taking a B-vitamin liquid supplement that really gives me lots of energy and has all the stuff that we get depleted of from overdrinking, so it really makes me feel good.

                Beth.... go take your "Stress B Gone!"

                My heart bleeds for all you having snow! I cant imagine! I thought we were having global warming??

                What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                  Thursday, April 12

                  Hi Everyone!
                  Beth, (((hugs)))
                  MKR..thanks, but I'm not exactly back on track yet...but looking in that direction.

                  So, is Lushy still on vacation? I wanted her to see my crown..since today I'm blessed with the senior member title..and dang it! Lushy would be gone...I soooo wanted to gloat on her! :0)


                    Thursday, April 12

                    Optimist...sending prayers your way

                    Beth...big hugs to you hope you start to feel better soon...maybe we can do lunch again soon!

                    Di...congratulations again on your new senior status!

                    Today is my birthday but, I'm stuck here at work .....I'm going out to dinner with the family later so, it should be fun.....
                    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                      Thursday, April 12

                      Happy Birthday Preciouspinot!

                      Dilayne, where is your crown?

                      In and out too.

                      You are all so special to me!

                      Optimist, all the positive thoughts I can muster are being poured out to you and your husband right now:l

                      Happy Thursday Muffins!

                      Love Ya,
                      R- Attached files [img]/converted_files/227074=890-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/227074=982-attachment.jpeg[/img]
                      :h :h :h :h


                        Thursday, April 12

                        Rachele, go to the general board, the thread welcoming the new senior member (ME) :0P

                        PP, this is for you!


                          Thursday, April 12

                          Happy Birthday PP and that cake looks really good.

                          P.S. You have to fight for your right to party!!!


                            Thursday, April 12

                            Enjoy your birthday PP~


                              Thursday, April 12

                              Mornin all -
                              PP, another Aries in the family? That's awesome Happy birthday to you
                              Optimist, you have many prayers and good thoughts being sent your way today.
                              And to everyone else, I hope you're having an awesome day today. I am in much better shape emotionally. A couple of my friends came over to the house yesterday and picked up hubby's ashes. They put them in a container and I've got him back in the house with the rest of his ashes. Once the snow melts (and I'm ready to say goodbye), I'll respread them with the love and respect that he deserves. All of our friends that found out yesterday what those idiot children of his had done were as horrified as I was; quite a few were more than ready to go down the street to Jr's house and kick his butt!! That really made me feel good to know that Jim and I have that much love and respect. And hopefully this means that my current drinking binge that I've been on since Monday, when I first saw what they had done, is over ray:

                              Beaches and PP, thank you so much for the support you gave me yesterday.

