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Thirsty Thursday?

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    Thirsty Thursday?

    Mornin' Muffins,
    Well, I had 2 days AF, but caved last night. My husband and I are on a diet and yesterday was grape day..soooo, it gave me the perfect excuse to have wine because it was allowed. Not proud of it, but not too concerned. I'm committed to the diet which gives me extra motivation not to drink..if it's not allowed, I won't drink. OK, I'm just going with what works here for me. It was a stressful I do consider that a trigger.

    I managed my ego well yesterday with the work project I mentioned, and feel good going in today. I'm hoping to take tomorrow off to get my garden ready to till. I'm really looking forward to getting in the dirt! If it gets ready, I'll get the grandkids over here to help me plant, and the youngest has a birthday on Sunday...3 year old Isaih. The weather is nice here, I've lost a couple of pounds..feeling creative and even thinking about painting. I have a bunch of canvases that need to be stretched..My husband makes the frames for me..he just needs to put one more piece on them. I'm wanting to paint my dreams..there are few of them that are so striking that I just have to. I've never done fact I haven't painted in this all feels pretty good.

    Have a wonderful day lovies!

    Thirsty Thursday?

    Good Morning Everybody! I've been catching up on the threads -- wow! a lot going on! Its been crazy for me, but I am hopeful that my schedule will slow down soon.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

    Saving the day one minute at a time!


      Thirsty Thursday?

      Good Morning all. Yes MM, lots going on here. Hope you are able to rest soon.

      Di, I understand the client is always right syndrome and throwing your ego out the window. HAS to be in commercial art. Ever have pieces that when they are finished with them, you want to say, PLEASE don't tell a soul I worked on this as you have ruined it!!) What I think is funny is I am updating my logo b/c of my ten year anniversary in this business and part in honoring the young man who was working with me and died suddenly, as we were working on that together last year. Anyway, a couple clients, want to "step in" and offer their advice and ideas on my work. I am chuckling to myself as they are the 1/32" micromanagers on their artwork. (I am like, yeah right, NO this is MY artwork and NO you don't get to touch it!!) I hope you have a better day with them.

      Hey to all, sorry I missed yesterday. I have had a few more upsets and set backs. My brother just lost his sister in law and one of my mastermind girlfriends just lost her 33 year old son yesterday morning. She was helping him raise his 9 year old twins. I have my dad's 79th party at my house on Sunday and now rosaries and services to go to over the next couple days.

      Tonight however my oldest son gets pinned in his pharmacy program. Means he is on rotation now and is an intern for the next year! My heart was truly happy for him this morning, he works very hard towards this!

      Hugs and love to all here and those to come,


        Thirsty Thursday?

        (((hugs MKR))) You have a lot going on!


          Thirsty Thursday?

          Quick hello....
          I am a huge blob of stress today! I need 75 more hours to do what I have to do in three. The fact I am even posting goes to show how insane I am.

          My Mom called and asked if "I was busy", I took about three minutes to tell her all I had to do and didnt even take a breath, and she said, "You need a bumper sticker that says, Hurry up and get here so I can stop getting ready!"

          Wise woman...

          Bye and have a great day!
          What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


            Thirsty Thursday?

            OH Mary, so sad. I hope tonight will provide something positive for you. I know you are so proud of your son.

            Di, you sound in creative mode. I wish I was artistic.

            Allie, it will all be worth it when your guests all arrive.

            MM, hope things slow down for you.

            And where are the rest of you??? Waves, hope you are well. Gypsi, loved Chicken Soup yesterday and was very appropriate for what you are going through.

            Seems to be a busy time for all of us this time of year, myself included. Hope you all have a great day!!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Thirsty Thursday?

              MKR Mary and Lushy, thanks so much -- really appreciate the thoughts. Mary, I am so sorry to hear about all of the tragedy going on in your life! Wow, you are so strong. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SON!!! I am so proud of both of you!

              Di, sorry you are having trouble with clients -- that can be a real bummer! It sounds like the perfect time to start your gardening. I, too, love to garden and it seems to take my mind off of everything -- very calming.

              Lushy, love the icon -- that is cooollll!!!

              Hope everybody has a great day.
              Saving the day one minute at a time!


                Thirsty Thursday?

                Hi Lushy and Monica! Yes, I would definitely rather be in my garden right this very minute. My 'client' is my boss basically, and she is always right...I don't know why, but I can get so angry with her...maybe it's because she's not a very good art director..the feedback is very vague, she either likes it or doesn't like it..well, that is very helpful!!! grrrrrrr,
                I do my best to hold it in, but I know it shows...anyway, I'd rather be anywhere than here and that does help the creativity flow.


                  Thirsty Thursday?

                  Mornin' all -
                  Got woke up this morning by the neighbor's stupid dog; it's chain was caught in between the planks on my porch, and like all little dogs, all it could do at that point was sit there and bark... and bark... and bark. Sheesh, I despise little dogs (no offense to those of you that own one). Give me my German Sheperd any day; at least she's smart enough to figure out how to unstuck herself.
                  Ok, enough of that rant -

                  I had what was hopefully the last altercation with the daughter-in-law yesterday. She was up to her usual crap, trying to force her schedule on me (when can we stop by and get this? When are you going to drop off that at the house?). As she apparently didn't get the hint a month ago when I told her I wanted nothing more to do with her, I responded to her email and made it very clear that she is nothing and no one to me any longer, and to please delete my email address from her address book, at which point she reverted to her usual high-school minded self and called me a bunch of names and told me to grow up. At first I was upset (it's amazing how some people can cause that 'fight or flight' response just by seeing their name in your inbox), but then I realized that I finally had this dumb bitch by the short hairs. She was stupid enough to use her work email to harass and verbally abuse me. Rather empowering knowing that she absolutely will stop her harassment of me, else I will contact her employer and share the emails that she's sent over the last few months, at which point she will be looking for a new job. And in a town as small as this where the medical field is even smaller, she'd be having a tough time of it...

