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Fed up friday

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    Fed up friday

    Hi all. Its 12.05 am here so it's officially friday,

    Feeling really fed up cos I posted first on mods yesterday but no one replied to me ...........

    Sorry guys just feeling sorry for myself ..........

    Fed up friday

    Hey Boopy,

    Sorry we must have missed that as Dilayne had started another thread for Thursday. We would never ignore you on purpose. I was asking for you over in the games section of subscriber to see how you get such high scores. Have a good sleep!!!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Fed up friday

      ohh Betty...we were not ignoring you girlfriend. There was another thread started for thursday. I have had very little time to spend here today and missed you the first time! Sleep well and see & talk to you tomorrow.
      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


        Fed up friday

        Hi BB,
        I make it 12.15, i am not able to sleep at the moment, even though i have to be
        up at 6am,on early shift, i will be shattered in the morning.Sorry you're a bit
        miserable, you will feel better tomorrow.
        Luv Paula x


          Fed up friday

          Berry, sorry. You are great and we all love you.
          Enlightened by MWO


            Fed up friday

            Sorry, let me amend that to Betty, and I forgot to send big hugs.
            Enlightened by MWO


              Fed up friday

              Sorry miss betty boop! I didn't see your post I guess...where do you live anyway?
              have a good night, you've started Friday's so it should be full by the time you get up!


                Fed up friday

                Love ya BB!!!!! No slight intended.


                  Fed up friday

                  Hi, just got home and I want to say Hi.

                  We love you Louise, boop, betty, .......



                    Fed up friday

                    Hey Betty, nothing intentional!! We love you
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      Fed up friday

                      Happy Friday everyone!
                      Today is Alec's meeting which should go well because it's just for summer placement and he's set.
                      This weekend is going to be calm, I hope Next week my mother, who watches the kids, is going to DC for the week and my husband will be in Ohio for two days. I should be quite tired by the end of the week. See how I am, I am already stressing about next week when I need to focus on today.
                      Hope you all have a great day!
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        Fed up friday

                        Hey Betty, you sweety
                        Believe me, no one would ignore you on purpose - we love ya! I gotta admit, I didnt see your thursday post either - looks like two were started at the same ya sweety!
                        Over 4 months AF :h


                          Fed up friday

                          Hi all. Not having a great day here. I'm tired and over committed for this weekend. I really miss having "me" time. Hubby is out of town again for a fishing tournament. Just feeling very grumpy today.
                          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                            Fed up friday

                            Morning! Nothing worse for me too PP than overcommited weekends. I love looking at my calendar and seeing I have nothing planned. I hope at least some of it will be fun.

                            Beaches, sounds like you will have your hands full next week, but you are right focus on today and this weekend and try and get some relaxation time in. Hope the meeting goes well.

                            To all the rest of you have a great weekend. Another weekend of garage sale-ing for me. A rather swanky neighborhood near us is having over 150 sales. I need nothing but it is fun to see what the "rich people" consider garage sale material.

                            Hugs to everyone!!
                            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                              Fed up friday

                              Hi guys

                              I just made the mistake of googling "palliative care" on my computer...My neice is now officially receiving it, and I wasn't 100% sure what it was, but, my suspicions were confirmed...not good to be receiving "palliative care". UGH. She is turning 21 in about a week. Other than sending her 21 cards so she has a full mailbox, I dont know WHAT else to do for her. What do you get for someone 21 and dying?

                              On a MUCH lighter note, my very close friend from Mass. is coming to visit for the weekend, and that just lifts my spirits!!! (and she is not a big drinker-one glass and she is out!). Also, my own daughter turns 18 tomorrow!!! So, I am looking foward to a nice weekend here. No plans, my daughter has not wanted to plan a THING!!! But, we will MAKE her celebrate!! I am looking into planning a trip for her and a friend over the summer...any suggestions anyone? Like a club med kind of thing? Something two 18 year old girls would have a ball and not get into too much trouble.

                              Well, that is it here...a mix of misery and blessing all wrapped up together...what a rollercoaster of emotion.

                              Love to all

                              formerly known as bak310

