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Fed up friday

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    Fed up friday

    Hi All,

    Sorry for starting this thread in such a fed up way, I'd had words with hubby and was feeling really touchy, but it was lovely to see all your replies when I got up ...... thanks guys I love you all xxx

    I've had a much better day today, still stuck in office because mum and dad are away for another week :durn:.

    Love & Hugs to each and every one of you :l :l :l

    Paula xx


      Fed up friday

      Hey everyone

      Lushy I have to say your avatar creeps me out a little - those eyes staring back at me!

      I've been around and reading posts most days but haven't been posting much the last couple of months - nothing terribly wrong, just not much to say. I'm quiet by nature, but I do want to get more involved, because this site is about conversation, not book reading. This place has helped me so much!

      Beth, your neice is in my thoughts.

      MKR, sorry to hear of the sadness in your life right now, but also congratulations on your son, you must be very proud.

      Hope everyone has a great weekend - it's supposed to be sunny here for the first time in what seems like months. I'm off to find my sunglasses.

      AF since 6JUN2012


        Fed up friday

        Hi all,

        Just a Friday check in.

        I liked your post Betty and I too was feeling very ignored because no one had gotten back to me about how to put an image in a post and I am feeling quite put out about it.

        Really Betty, hope your day gets better.

        Beth, I'm very sorry about your niece, I wish I had something to say to make you feel better. About your daughter, I'm pretty sure I spent my 18th birthday at a Day On The Green concert in San Francisco. It was an all day rock and roll event and I'm sure I had a blast. I think Ozzfest is the closet thing there is to that now. You would have to look around your area.

        Lushy, Your avatar forgot to take her meds this morning.

        4 days AF, yeah for me. I need to keep busy this weekend.

        Talk at you later,
        Humor is just another defense against the universe!


          Fed up friday

          Laura that was hilarious about Lushy's avatar. It is kind of freaky. I think that woman's face lift is a little too tight or something. If you still need help about posting that picture let me know. I know that RJ told us all to stop awhile back because it took us so much space but I don't think a few hear and there would hurt.

          Yes, Pixie keep posting it's good to hear from you.

          Lushy I love seeing what the rich consider garage sale material too. That's some of highest class stuff in my house

          PP hope you get sometime to yourself this weekend even if you have to lock yourself in the bathroom for awhile.

          Glad you're feeling better today Betty. Must have been the night for arguing with the hubbies, I did that too.

          My son's meeting went great today. It ended up being the big for next school year and they approved a 1:1 to start over the summer to get to know him and who will follow him next year. We also will be getting a consultant to train the staff in ABA and all services will continue. I feel so much better today. I still can't believe how stressed I was about all of this...I figured it out today after the meeting when I had the natural high of happiness!

          Have a good one and hello to everyone who comes along.

          Beth I am so sorry to hear about your neice. It is a sad way to spend your 21st. I can't remember my 18th but I know that I never preferred the to-do's either.
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            Fed up friday

            By the way, because I am a weather freak....We had 12+ inches of snow on Monday. Today the thermometer is reading 74 degrees. Gotta love NY
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              Fed up friday

              Okay if we are going to take turns being sensitive around here then I am next. I happen to love my avatar, and I think you are all just jealous!

              Pixie, glad you are going to jump in and join us more. I know people get tired of reading my blather (no affirmations needed on that comment, thanks!) so the more around here the merrier. BTW, anyone notice I am over 3000 posts. Can you all pool your money for my therapist?

              Beaches, we had that exact same weather thing happen here. Snow one day, two days later it wsa 70. Very odd. And I will join you and Betty in the fighting with husband club last night. I hung up on him and boy it felt good!!!! I am so happy that meeting went well for your son. What a relief for you!!!

              Laura, 4 days AF. Great job. I need to work on that next week.

              MKR, hope you are okay with your busy week.

              Bak, I am so incredibly sad about your neice. Just heartbreaking. I pray for strength for all of you. Hope you find something fun for your daughter's birthday.
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Fed up friday

                One other thing. I think with good always comes bad. Most of you know that we have been searching for a dog for my son and found one. The puppies were due on the 18th of this month. The mother went into labor today and lost all 3 puppies. Very sad.
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  Fed up friday

                  Hi Betty, I'm sorry I missed you thread, but I guess when you posted I was in bed and I didn't see it when I got home from work.
                  After all your kindness and support I could never ignore you and I'm sure everyone else at MWO feels the same way!

                  Raoul xx


                    Fed up friday

                    Raoul, thanks ever so much, and welcome to mods, hope to see you posting here more often xxx

                    Beaches, so sorry about the puppies, that is awful :upset:


                      Fed up friday

                      Well, it's soon going to be time to go bring my daughter home. Most teenagers don't want their dad picking them up, but mine does. She might be having a few doubts about whether I'll be there or not but I will. I'll log on when I get home for a while before going to bed.
                      Is the site real slow tonight or is it just my computer?

                      Sorry about the pups, beaches, that's terrible!

                      R x


                        Fed up friday

                        Raoul, you are a good dad!!!!!!

                        I',m sooo proud of you, for me it's helping my daughter with her homework, it makes you feel really good ...........


                          Fed up friday

                          Thanks, Betty. It feels good. I'm going to hang around here for a short time then let my daughter have the computer for Myspace. Now that is being a good dad!!

                          R xx

