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Sunday 22nd April

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    Sunday 22nd April

    So far this month I have only succeeded in my goals for 4 days. Unless I turn this around now this will be my worst month since starting this site.

    About 6 glasses of wine daily. Better than the ?? drinks of previous times but not where I want to be.

    Yesterday I bought Kudzu. So here's hoping.

    I remember that months ago someone said that mods people were frivolous. Impossible! :H The top 3 threads when I came on this morning were:

    Imagine's game
    Why am I a threadkiller?
    The word association game.

    I felt like re-instating Once upon a time but resisted. I think that makes me less frivolous than the rest of you.

    I prefer to think of us as imaginative, lively, caring, supportive members with a great sense of humour .:l

    Love to you all as always.
    Enough is enough

    Sunday 22nd April

    I agree Waves. Happy Sunday to everyone. My husband has gone out for the day to the Zoo with our son, so.....I have the day to myself. Its a sunny warm day and i'm going to relax and try and switch my worry-wart mind off!!! should be quite easy, shouldn't it. Speak soon, Bella xxxx


      Sunday 22nd April

      Hi Waves,
      Kuzdo works for me, I can't do moderation ,it's all or nothing for me.
      Best of luck Paula xx

      Congrats, Bella xx


        Sunday 22nd April

        Hey Waves, Paula and Bella, Waves I also am not where I want to be but doing way way way better. I am drinking more resposibly when I do and not as often. But still hoping to cut back more. I to will start taking the kudzu, I tried it for a few days and I know in my head that a few days does nothing. I am hesitant to take anything in pill form, but not in liquid form (beer) how silly is that.

        Well anyways, Good Morning from Sunny YAH!! WI.


          Sunday 22nd April

          Hi Waves, Paula, Bella, & Sammys,

          I'm a little bit like you all, drinking far less than I used to but still would like to be better, My friends came round last night and they are HUGE drinkers, so is my hubby when they are round, usually I would be the 1st to say drink up everyone but I actually sat back and let them finish first and even refused a couple of top ups, still drank 2 bottles of wine (yes I know its still too much, but that was from 7pm till 2am when they went home) usually I would have passed out at about 12 ish and not remember them going home but I can actually remember going to bed so I'm feeling pretty good.

          Love & hugs to everyone else :h :l :h

          Paula xx (or call me betty now that we have another Paula xx)


            Sunday 22nd April

            Waves, the kudzu works great for me. I take 2,700mgs of the MWO Kudzu a day.

            I'm not where I want to be a lot of the time either but I am doing sooooo much better most of the time.

            Waves, Paula, Bella, Sammys, Betty and everyone else to visit today,

            Have a wonderful Sunday!

            :h :h :h :h


              Sunday 22nd April

              Hi everyone

              I also am doing much better than I was, but would like to improve that even more. At times I seem to lose my commitment to this, and the trick for me seems to be to get back on track as soon as possible.

              Waves, you might also want to consider the L-glutamine, and other amino acids (All One powder, or just AA tablets). I know taking all this can be a pain, but it definitely makes a difference for me.

              Have a happy Sunday everyone!

              AF since 6JUN2012


                Sunday 22nd April

                Morning all! Waves so nice to see you around. And I am proud of being a frivolous member!! Once Upon A Time does need a revival. Did you get the kudzu from here? It makes such a difference from other brands I have tried. It really does help.

                All of you are echoing what I have been experiencing this week. I have been so busy with work that is has been too easy to forget the supps and the CDs and boy it does make a difference. I have not been bad, but not wanting any AF days. So gotta get back to my AF weekdays with the help of my supps this week.

                Bella, BTW forgot to say congratulations to you!! That is really exciting.

                More work for me today. I just got back from vacation but am ready for another.

                Jude, are you home yet?

                Happy relaxing Sunday to you all! :l
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  Sunday 22nd April

                  Waves ? I hear ya ? not my best month either ? I am about 50/50 this month but you?re right ? its better than a whole lot of ??? The Kudzu helps me when I remember/have the presence of mind to take it. Good luck with it. I do it (3) just at the witching hour and its been good. And you are right. We are imaginative, lively and caring. And since Pedro met his unfortunate demise on the bus, it just hasn?t been the same. Perhaps someone new will hop on the bus?.or ship?or raft ? whatever.

                  Bella ? Mine is at the circus with his grandkids (woo hoo!) My worry switch is rigged. Hope yours is in better shape and you had a great day.

                  Hi Paula ? Hi Sammy! Good to see you guys.

                  Paula Betty/Betty Paula ? Isn?t it strange to be in that position? Good, but strange and kinda like ?WOW!? My husband suggested wine last night and I was like?.Oh?let me see if we have some. Totally wasn?t on my mind and he had more than me and that hardly ever happens. The words ?No, I?m good? actually came out of mouth when he went to refill me. Shocking.

                  Hey Rachele ? good to see you ? shimmering as always!

                  Hi Pixie!

                  Lushy ? Always good to see you dear friend. Hope you had a productive but stress free day (is that possible?)

                  Love to all!!


                    Sunday 22nd April

                    Hi all! The last of my guests just left. We had a baptism reception here at my house (I was Godmother). It started at 4 pm and went until 9pm. I did really well and it was a challenge as there were cases of champagne. Looking forward to a productive Monday!
                    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.

