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Wednesday, April 25

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    Wednesday, April 25

    Where are all the muffins?

    Hawk? Present.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Wednesday, April 25

    Boop. Present

    How are you today hawk????

    Love & Hugs to everyone,

    Paula xx


      Wednesday, April 25

      Optimist present - off to work - searching for a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - hope everyone has a great day - raining here
      hugs to all


        Wednesday, April 25

        Sophia, present.
        I'm lurking, even though I haven't been able to post much lately.


          Wednesday, April 25

          Sammy present and off to work.

          Be back later



            Wednesday, April 25

            Hi Everybody! Well, I thought I was going to get to relax last night. No such luck. My son came home and said he had a project for his Peace & Social Justice class. He had to create a food budget for $20 a day. Since I have helped people on assisted living develop such plans, he asked if I would help him.

            By now most of you probably know me well enough to know I never do anything simple! So, I thought this would be a great opportunity for him to integrate this in with developing some thoughts about his food budget and food choices at college next year. So, we wound up emptying one side of the refrigerator and one space in a cupboard for him to experiment with a week's worth of food for himself. (My son already cooks and loves healthy food). So we went to the grocery store and we had a ball! It was so much fun and we were laughing and carrying on. But we wound up working for hours in putting together a healthy nuitritious meal plan that he feels he can make this week on his tight schedule. So, now we have another family project!!!!! But I think this is a good thing, though I am very tired today!!!

            Love to all, hope you have a great day!
            Saving the day one minute at a time!


              Wednesday, April 25


              Beth present and accounted for!! Gosh, I have barely posted recently but have been lurking (such a creeepy word). I am fine, overall. Just waiting for a 12 year old to arrive for a testing... This one is a testing for gifted. Just a simple IQ and achievement testing, so no big sweat.

              Well, off to do my work. Hope you are all having a good day.

              formerly known as bak310


                Wednesday, April 25

                Present. Have also been reading rather than posting. Have been feeling a little down lately, but better today.

                Have a great day everyone!!
                Enlightened by MWO


                  Wednesday, April 25

                  Lushy present. I want to send hugs to all who need them today. It is so frustrating to not be able to do more for people when they are down but I hope coming here makes you feel a little better.

                  Hope you all have a nice day!! :l
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    Wednesday, April 25

                    Just running by to say hello to all you lovely people.

                    I liked this quote I found, I hope you do too.

                    To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
                    :h :h :h :h


                      Wednesday, April 25

                      Lushy, it does help! A lot!

                      R - That quote is just what I needed to hear at a time like this!
                      Saving the day one minute at a time!


                        Wednesday, April 25



                          Wednesday, April 25



                            Wednesday, April 25

                            Present...super-de-duper-de-busy today so I hope to write more later

                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                              Wednesday, April 25

                              toughintexas...aka...Tex, TNT, here and accounted for...trying to learn to navigate site, read up, and make goals, thinking of everyone I've met in the past 24hrs. which has really given me hope!
                              "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"

