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Sunday April 29th

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    Sunday April 29th

    Good morning Mods friends..
    I just wanted to start todays thread.
    I found out yesterday that my son will do another tour of duty in Iraq. I posted details on What we believe so please read there also.

    This site and you guys have been an inspiration to me for over a year now.
    I've watched you struggle and grow and we've grown together.
    I hope your Sunday is sunny and peaceful.

    I love you all.
    :h Nancy
    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10

    Sunday April 29th

    Morning all,

    Nancy you are in my prayers :h

    I'm going for AF weekdays this week, although i'm in a far better place than I was last year, I have gradually started drinking with dinner again in the week, hubby has realised that he is also drinking too much so is going to do it with me.

    I will have 2 glasses with dinner tonight and then AF monday to thurday ....there i've said it out loud now so I have to do it .....

    Love & hugs to everyone ......

    Paula xxx


      Sunday April 29th

      Nancy your family is nin my prayers as well.

      I am off to Mass then to have fun on the boat and a surprise bday party for hubby's uncle tonight. I am going to be dead at work tomorrow!
      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


        Sunday April 29th

        Morning Mod friends.
        Nancy you and your family are in my thoughts.
        Betty that does sound like a good plan and good luck.
        PP I would love to go boating. Just not quite warm enough here yet.
        Janie I hope you enjoy your Sunday.

        Today I am going to try and get some cleaning done and the van cleaned out. I can't believe how messy kids can be. What the heck are they doing back there? To all the rest to come I hope you have a very nice Sunday.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          Sunday April 29th

          Oh Nancy, my heart breaks for you. You and your family will be in my prayers.

          Good plan Betty, I am planning something similar.

          PP, have fun. It is tough to get ready for Monday when Sundays are so busy.

          Janie, glad to hear you had fun in chat. It can get pretty lively there.

          Beaches, Happy Cleaning.

          Happy Sunday to the rest of you. Love to all!!!
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Sunday April 29th

            Nancy, so sorry to hear about your son.

            Have a great day everyone!!!!!
            Enlightened by MWO


              Sunday April 29th

              Hi Betty Boop

              I am doing mods too and have to take care to keep myself in check since coming on boad here around Feb time..can i join you in this week of AF..feel i need to check in and be accountable you i dont want to drink weekdays..ythats where i have been at for the last 3 months(i mean my plan).did 45 days feb/march and felt better.

              Need to stick with weekend drinks...2-3 wines max or i fear i would go back to almost daily 2-3 glasses...

              It wasnt so much the quantity as the frequency that scared me...hence i came onto this site.
              Hope you keep posting and i will no booze until friday...HOPEFULLY

              Regards Cassy


                Sunday April 29th

                Nancy, I hate it that your son has to be in harm's way. This is such a confusing time. You are in my thoughts.



                  Sunday April 29th

                  Checking in this evening, but I will keep you in prayer as well. I think there must be nothing like the feeling of your children facing the hardest of life's challenges and you have to let them go...

                  Beaches, your kids have a crouton factory going on in the back of the car with the left over fast food... Havent you figured that out yet?? :H

                  Oh... its been a trying three days. Going AF through Thursday night starting tonight.

                  Hope everyone had a peaceful weekend and has a great week ahead!
                  What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                    Sunday April 29th

                    nancy wishing you well from the big apple. Peace

                    Betty I think am gonna join your AF week. my boyfriend will be glad to see me come home with a bottle of juice instead of three bottles of wine every night this coming week.
                    crossing my fingers.

                    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                      Sunday April 29th

                      Thanks everyone.
                      You are all so sweet.
                      I'll be better if totally af....I like all groups here at MWO so will "cross post" . Just reading the news paper today brought tears to my eyes. There have been so many moms to go through this..

                      Hug your kids tight!

                      "Be still and know that I am God"

                      Psalm 46:10


                        Sunday April 29th

                        Nancy - My thougts are with you. My brother is headed back as well. He was assured he was done and he and his wife just had their first baby in March. Somewhere this all makes sense. I'll be thinking of you and your son.


                          Sunday April 29th

                          Nancy, I can't imagine what it must be like! My daughter will get a special hug tonight (even though she doesn't deserve it. Love and thoughts from Oz.

                          Good luck to all the those going AF during the week. I find lots of bloody green tea around the 'danger hour' does it for me. I hate the stuff but it seems to kill any residual craving - for anything!!



                            Sunday April 29th

                            :l 's back at you Hawk and Redrobin.... yes hug those kids....they do deserve it!
                            "Be still and know that I am God"

                            Psalm 46:10

