thank you all for the posts and the replies. This site has helped me realize that I am a problem drinker and that I really need to put a full conscious effort to seriously cut down or to stop for good if I can't pull myself together.
After posting on Friday aftenoon that I was not going to drink at an art opening that I was invited to Friday night and not being able to follow up on my promise, then waking up feeling terrible after making a total silly fool of myself, I realized I have no self control with this alcohol thing. oh oh!
I spent all of yesterday thinking about how I have just been in utter denial. I started to feel a bit depressed and spent all day today fighting cravings that I thought I didn't have.
Now I am planning on going AF for the week. I will check in and keep posting my progress.
It's funny, I am just at that place where I am facing myself and accepting that I need to break this habit, it doesn't get better by itself or by turning away or by remaining in situations where it's ok to be wasted and hungover repeatedly.
thank you all for the insight:h