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Monday 27th April

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    Monday 27th April

    Good Morning Muffs & Co ......

    Hope that today finds you all well ..............

    I'm feeling really good today, been drinking more recently and have decided to be AF till friday, & I actually am looking forward to it .....

    Good Luck to those joining me ......

    Love & Hugs to everyone .....

    Paula xx

    Monday 27th April

    Good morning Betty and all that come,

    Great goal Betty and good luck. I am hoping to get some AF days under my belt this week too.

    Back to normal this week. My mother is back in town so the routine is back on track. We have another audit at work today then I hope things will calm down on that front. Take care everyone and good luck on all your goals.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Monday 27th April

      Morning All!

      I haven't been able to check in since Friday cause the weekend was so busy.

      Had wine on Friday night, but remembered to eat and stopped at the one bottle so I didn't feel so bad Saturday.

      My supplements arrived Friday and I started taking them on Saturday.

      BF and I went to an awesome moroccan place to eat on Sat - anyone within a 2 hour driving range of New Castle, DE should PM me for directions. I was AF for the dinner.

      Getting ready to head to the gym for my morning cardio. I'll be checking in later, take care everyone!

      Suddenly I see
      This is what I want to be
      suddenly I see
      Why the hell it means so much to me.

      -KT Tunstall


        Monday 27th April

        OK I just realised that I got the date wrong!!!!


          Monday 27th April

          Well, we forgive you boopster. Today is Monday. The chardonnay is all gone. Back to work. I'm going to have to talk to someone about my knees before I get back heavy into exercising. One swells and the other gets a sharp, shooting pain on the outside of the kneecap, on the right side of the left knee, if I kneel on it. Anybody know what that means?


            Monday 27th April

            Happy Monday!


              Monday 27th April

              fsophiah;129697 wrote: Well, we forgive you boopster. Today is Monday. The chardonnay is all gone. Back to work. I'm going to have to talk to someone about my knees before I get back heavy into exercising. One swells and the other gets a sharp, shooting pain on the outside of the kneecap, on the right side of the left knee, if I kneel on it. Anybody know what that means?
              I would really get a doctor's opinion on your knees before you really start heavily exercising. I have an old knee injury that acts up from time to time. If I mishandle it I could get myself into some serious trouble that would require more surgery. My doctor has given me instructions on what exercises are acceptable and which ones are not. Depending on what is causing your pain you may also have certain exercise restrictions.

              Suddenly I see
              This is what I want to be
              suddenly I see
              Why the hell it means so much to me.

              -KT Tunstall


                Monday 27th April

                Hi all. Busy day here - lots to do before I leave for vacation with girlfriends. Couple days of abs would be lovely....good luck to everyone giving it a go. Hugs to all who follow.


                  Monday 27th April

                  Hello everyone, sounds like we all are OK. Hawk girl vacation I am so jealous, Lucky you are the funniest dickhead!! Lorelei nice to see you here, you to Janie. Fesophiah bad knees sounds painful hope they feel better. Beaches and Boop Helloooooo!!!

                  Luv you girls


                    Monday 27th April

                    hello everyone...well, today is the day. I'm officially going back on the only took me two months to decide!!! So, right this moment, I'm popping a 25mg and had my RXs refilled for the 25 and the 50mg. Kind of feels like a relief. When I was on it before, i could just about take a drink or leave it. Wish me luck! I've been averaging a bottle of wine a night lately, the weekend..add a2 or 3 beers earlier in the day. I've gained weight as well. Honestly, I hope the topa will help with that too..I know some people don't get that benefit the second time around. It's been 7 months since I've taken it..I do know that when I took it before, any of my compulsive behavior subsided...over eating,, if nothing else, I should drop some weight (I could lose a good 10 pounds now) with limiting the A!!!
                    I should be back on the boards now that I'm actually getting back with the program...gotta go get some more All One, Glut and Gaba, and I'll be set!


                      Monday 27th April

                      Hi all! We had a great time on the boat yesterday. We saw a pod of 7 dolphins who swam up to the boat (one was a baby) and we saw a huge loggerhead turtle that must have been 5 feet long. Five hours in the sun followed by a birthday party was not fun though. At the bday party I found myself gulping down glasses of wine. I had 5 glasses which was not my plan and I can feel myself skating on thin ice. AF for me tonight.

                      I am at a place where I have improved greatly on my drinking habits but, instead of continuing to improve I feel like I'm fighting to stand still. I feel like I have hit a plateau. Well, I know I have. It is time to re-evaluate. It is no longer enough to be "ok" ... I am ready to be f*in' fabulous.

                      Someone give me a shove because I sure need one right now.
                      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                        Monday 27th April

                        Hi all,

                        I've been to sick to do much for the past couple of weeks. The doctor is finally going to give me some meds today. Yeah! When I went to see her last Monday, her response was it's a virus and take a couple of days off. Like that really works or is even possible :H Drinking wine everynight didn't help either, but I always seem to do that when I have the sniffles.

                        Hubby and I are working through some stuff too, but that is going much better this week.

                        Betty, I'll be AF with you. It will be Mon, Tues and Wed for me this week.

                        D. Good luck with the Topa, I wish I was not so afraid of it to try again.

                        Good day to you all,
                        Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                          Monday 27th April

                          You've been officially shoved.....right into a nice warm bubble bath with a nice cup o'tea!!!

                          Rehydrate, rest and recharge for tomorrow is a new opportunity to be fabulous!
                          Suddenly I see
                          This is what I want to be
                          suddenly I see
                          Why the hell it means so much to me.

                          -KT Tunstall


                            Monday 27th April

                            So Very Empowering

                            Well, I did it -

                            Ever since Jim passed away, I've kept everything in the house almost exactly the same as what it was the day he went into the hospital. I started changing that today....

                            As most of you know, his kids have been absolute buttheads to me for months. There were pictures of his kids and grandkids on the living room wall -

                            Notice I said, "were?"

                            I just took all the photos down, took out all the pictures, shredded them and put the empty frames back up on the wall. Not sure why the empty frames, but I'm ok with that.

                            It felt soooooo good and empowering to shred those pictures, even if it isn't the actual people :H


                              Monday 27th April

                              Gypsi .... You are so very strong, My prayers are with you xx

