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Terrific tuesday

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    Terrific tuesday

    Morning Muffs & Co .....

    I didn't managed AF last night Hubby came home from the gym with 2 bottles of wine, sat looking at them till about 10pm when he said 'Will you join me if I open one? You really are doing much better now you know ...

    So guess what, we drank once again, GGgrrrr .....

    Never mind, at least it wasn't the 3 bottles that I used to do....

    Love to all of you out there,

    Paula xx

    Terrific tuesday

    Good Morning,
    BB--I hear you loud and clear! Husband says, "I have a beer out there in the fridge for you." Ugh! Thanks for nothing.
    I'm reading, no time to post.
    Love to all!


      Terrific tuesday

      Morning BB, SM-Mary and Janie,
      SM-Mary, I too am catching up on the boards. Holy cow there are some heated discussions going on out there. Kind of scary I think I will stay in my safe place right here with you guys . I agree Betty that you did good.
      Janie my allergies are starting to kick my butt too but I am enjoying the warmer weather much better than the dead of winter.
      My daugther came home from school yesterday with a 103 temp so not sure what's going on. Hoping it's just a quick viral thing. She just finished another round of antibiotics 3 days ago. They looked at her charts and since last Sept she's been on antibiotics every month. Finally they are referring her to an ENT for sinus infections. About time.
      Everyone else at home seems to be doing well right now, knock on wood.
      Hope you all have a wonderful day. Take Care.
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        Terrific tuesday

        Apparently I can't is actually AF day 4 for me.

        BB, you moderated and thats good, be gentle with yourself.

        I usually don't have allergies but this year I am a sneezing fool. I don't have to med myself yet but the pollen count must be insane.

        Yesterday was a very difficult day for me as I was by myself at work all day. These days usually find me at the ba for some "social" time. Luckily I had a dear friend coming over for dinner and a movie (don't think I haven't blown her off before for a drink). We had a great time and I listened to an alcohol control CD before I went to bed (not the one from the program. I had picked it up about a year ago and then "lost" it).

        I hope all have an excellent day. I'm off to the gym to meet with my trainer!

        Suddenly I see
        This is what I want to be
        suddenly I see
        Why the hell it means so much to me.

        -KT Tunstall


          Terrific tuesday

          Just came back from the doctor and they are thinking strep throat. So she's down and out. We find out for sure tomorrow. Hope everything is calmer for everyone else today Hope the audit goes well at work too, had to call my boss and tell I wouldn't be back in UGH
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            Terrific tuesday

            Morning all!!! I am with Beaches and hiding for cover in mods land today. Sorry to see so much drama going on today.

            No time to personally address everyone today but wanted to wish everyone a great day!!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Terrific tuesday

              Drama Drama

              Happy Tuesday.


                Terrific tuesday

                Hey where's MKR been lately? What's the Universe been up to?
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  Terrific tuesday

                  Good question? What is the Universe up to today? MKR???!!!!

                  Judie, glad you had a nice trip BTW. Saw you posted last night.
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    Terrific tuesday

                    The universe is up to the Jimmy Deans sausage Sun. Well its a commercial that runs here in the midwest and if the sun gets a good breakfast he feels like coming out, the moon to.

                    Anyways it is a funny one
                    Be back later everyone



                      Terrific tuesday

                      I just lost my post, darn it! I went to change my mood and hit the wrong button.

                      Revised post:

                      Judy, Glad you are back and had a great time.

                      Soccer-Mary, Are you out of school soon and are you going to teach at all this summer? I'm not sure a whole summer off would be good for me.

                      Beaches, Sorry about your darling. I hope it's not strep. You know it's bad when they don't want a milkshake from McDonalds.

                      Lushy, good job on moderation last night and I know what you mean, I wish moderating came easy everynight. I didn't drink last night, but traded it for Taco Bell. Very bad substitute.

                      MKR-Mary, Hope you're just busy and everything is fine.

                      Lorelei, Great job on day 4 and getting through the weekend.

                      Happy day to everyone else.

                      Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                        Terrific tuesday

                        Was AF last night and jogged a mile and feel great today! Continue to be crazy hectic .... I have 84 clients all time record for my program so, big pat on the back to myself. My son's bday party is this weekend and still have loads to do. I will be AF again tonight! Isn't today Kanga Day?
                        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                          Terrific tuesday

                          Yep, Happy Kanga Day!:k
                          :beach: I'm still unpacking...But taking my time. Back to 50* weather & clouds... Quite a climate change, but so glad to be home, where there's not so many people everywhere...

                          Beaches, sorry to hear your little one is sick. Sending healing thoughts...

                          Gypsi, thinking of ya. Glad you like the woodburn. I didn't see your PM till we got back.

                          PP, wish we could've gotten together... next time? We went out to Caladesi island & kayaked one day, that was nice. The kayaking on the Wicky Wachee (sp?) River was awsome. Ever been there?

                          Fan, can I go out w/you & the guys? I promise I won't be a bitch! Feelin the need to forget those "he-bitches" myself...(I am a Tomboy ya know...just one of the guys...)

                          Lauralyn, don't ya hate when that happens? I've lost more posts than I can count.... & my typing it takes me forever!

                          Lushy, thanks for the welcome back. Sounds like you're doing great. I need to get back to my routine... Iyyee yiee!

                          Sammys, Jimmy Dean huh? I could handle wakin up with him! That was a funny "Universe quote". I'm not sure how MKR tranfers em. I've tried to cut & paste, but guess I'm doing something wrong..

                          OK, here's my quote for the day
                          "Sex is like oxygen... it's not a big deal, unless ya aren't getting any!"

                          Love & hugs to all,
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            Terrific tuesday

                            Hey, what if, instead of waiting for everything to be perfect, we start living your dreams this week, to any degree we can?

                            **** The Universe


                            I know I have been MIA. Saw three people this morning, back to back and one overlap, (oops,) at one point was working on 4 projects all at once, printing one, formatting last minute changes on another to email out, pulling one up and redoing a photo for client who was coming in and scanning some artwork for the client who had just left. Not seeing 84 in a day OMG, I would drop over!!

                            Lushy, love your sexy avatar!! Glad you are doing OK on the moderation.

                            BB, your outfit is really styling today also!
                            SM Mary, You will have time to catch up once school is out? we miss you!

                            Janie, Sorry about the Benadryl. Nothing like benadryl to make you feel as stupid as the day is long and it is long on benadryl! I feel for you!

                            Beaches, so sorry your baby is sick. I hated that when they weren't feeling well, 103 is really high, I am glad you took her to the doctor.

                            Lorelei, you are finding your triggers and ways to deal with them, we are all quite proud of you for that.

                            Fan, I loved Bob Hope, goofy as he was, I found him funny!

                            Lucky - sissy dickhead with quack . . .what did I miss?!!

                            Sammys - you make me laugh at so many of your posts, great sense of humor! thanks!

                            Lauralynn, trading it out for something else is OK for awhile. You gotta do what you gotta do to get around it.

                            PP, The boat sounded awesome this weekend. 84 WOW!! Have fun with your son's party this weekend.

                            My youngest turns 21 tomorrow. He is in the middle of finals and asked to not have a party for another couple weeks. Totally OK with that b/c of all those weekends in a row of cooking, cleaning having the parties at my house. He is my super serious one or I would be concerned about turning crazy 21 before more finals.

                            Judie, I said it in another post, we missed you!! Welcome home. sounds like a really fun trip!! Sorry they trashed your house. GEEZ! We came back to the VI one time and the house sitter had blown the head gasket on our car . . that was an expensive trip. I like your quote, quite cute!! and yes I copy and paste into the quick reply box.

                            Hugs and Love,


                              Terrific tuesday

                              HI Mary, Good to see you, and you too Judie..and everyone.
                              My husband is doing a little better with offering me the wine. He never knows what to do really..he likes it when I drink, will stop if I ask him too, but I go back and forth..poor guy, but now I'm trying not to put it on him so much...I could say no, afterall if he ask, right? Last night, I didn't have anything and he drank one beer...he even commented that it would be nice (for me) not to wake up with a hangover..which means he has actually acknowledged that I actually have suffered. Empathy..oh, empathy, when he gets it, it's a miracle..God love him, it takes him a while, but when he gets it..he gets it. So, here we are..on yet another round of moderation attempts..always making progress, so that is good.

                              MKR, my youngest is 21..(happy birthday to yours) She is having finals. She was just accepted to the photography program..she didn't make it in the interior design last year, so it's a second choice. She was lucky to get into this university, but she is happy. She is an artist and wouldn't be happy unless she was doing something creative, so I'm glad she'll be settling into something.

                              MKR, yes, the client situation has brought some things to light...I really was pizzed off..I couldn't figure out why..well, someone here suggested that maybe I was pizzed that I had a boss!!! By George, I think they were's a good enough job, but really, I think I've sold out with the job, so I'm seriously considering leaving it. I'll know better if circumstances will allow for that by mid summer I think. I'm actually thinking about portrait painting..I've always loved painting the human figure..haven't thought of painting in a while as some of you know and well, have really been excited about the idea of trying to master it..maybe having time to do it, and freelancing on the change is in the air. Don't tell my boss though! :0)

