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Isn't Today Friday?

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    Isn't Today Friday?

    Good morning All
    Just checing on the posts to find out I'm the first - hope everyone has a great Friday - weather's supposed to be wonderful all weekend - only four hours of work today - then free - hope to see the first sunset of the season on the beach with my hubby.
    Hugs to all

    Isn't Today Friday?

    Hi optimist, and all to come ....

    Sunset on the beach!!! I am soooo jealous!!


      Isn't Today Friday?

      Good morning everyone! The weather is beautiful here too..but no beach. I'm jealous too O. Have a great day everyone!!! See you on the flip


        Isn't Today Friday?

        I haven't felt this tired since I had little kids, a new job, and a husband who was changing careers. Out of everyweekday, I'm spending about an hour and a half chauffering my son's in-residence GF through freeway traffic to her school. Then, there is at least an hour of reading to help her with. She is a wonderful girl, but I'm exhausted. My mother, who is moving to Dallas, is here just until Saturday, because for Christmas I got her and my DIL tickets to see "Wicked" here in town. They were expensive tickets that I got on ebay, and I had to get 4. I had planned to sell the extras on ebay, but when I-R GF came, I decided that she and I could go, so we'll have a girls' night out on me.

        Last night we all went out for dinner, and on the way out, DIL said, "Matt has to pack for the gig. Could you pick up N (my granddaughter) at school?" "Well," I said. I can leave work at 2:30. I have to take Mother to look at her new place. I have to go and pick up I-R GF at 4. If I can squeeze in getting N at 3:30, I will." This is what my life is turning into. I wake up tired. I go to bed tired. On Thursday night, my son called and said they had no power because of the storms. I said they could come over. So, DIL plopped herself on the couch and started watching "The Tudors" because they don't have showtime on their cable, and that left Matt and me to chase N for an hour and a half. I even told Matt, "I'm so tired. Do you think you can clear off by 9?" In the meantime, I-R GF took my husband's new macbook upstairs to her room to talk to my son in Japan on skype, and my husband was complaining that he was losing his computer, which I can understand.

        All of this is transitory, but geez. I think after this, I'll be ready to move to a private, scenic place away from everyone.

        Allie, I may try the topa again. I have been considering some other kind of med though. I'm a little scared of vivtrol because a one-month injection means you are stuck with whatever side effects you will have for quite a while. I am curious about accomplia, which is really a diet drug. If any of you have experience with these, let me know.



          Isn't Today Friday?

          Oh, BTW, thanks for being here. I realized yesterday that if I complain too much about all this around the house, it will cause an avalanche of complications. I really do want to help these people, so I so appreciate the chance to vent here, where people know me just as me and not as an extra convenience in their lives.


            Isn't Today Friday?

            mornin everyone..

            fsophia, will you be responsible for taking your son's gf to school all the time? Wow, that is VERY generous of you? I hope it is VERY temporary for your sake...I have a hard enough time transporting myself to the grocery store these days! :0)

            Feeling better on the topa this that is good news. Still having conversations about leaving my job..a little scary since hubby is talking about leaving his too..but he changes jobs all the time, and his change would mean more money doing his own feels exciting and good on the other hand because by nature, we both prefer working for ourselves..he is a carpenter and I'm an's just been these last few years that we've felt like we needed to buckle down, lay low and play it safe to get our debt in check..which we have, now we are both busting at the seams to get back out in life...never wanted to be a corporate or institute I shouldn't be surprised...change is scary anytime though.

            We got some very much needed rain yesterday..I'm very glad since my garden is young and tender..Sooo glad it is Friday. We'll fill our pond's's about 25' long..sort of a kidney shape and about 4.5" wide in most places..tucked in the woods...ahhhhh, quite sancturary..I'm there already!

            Have a lovely day..

            oh, and today is 5 days AF!


              Isn't Today Friday?

              Good Morning everyone, sounds like you are gonna be busy fsopiah and I understand the feeling of being the house slave, Optomist, Janie, Betty and Chrysa I wish my weather here was as nice. Its not bad 50-60 degrees but I still feel a little chilly everyday.

              Have the best friday you can today everyone!!
              Drs. Appt later yuck!!!



                Isn't Today Friday?

                Hey Dilyane posting at the same time, boy that pond does sound really nice!



                  Isn't Today Friday?

                  Hey everyone

                  I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm very jealous of your garden Dilayne - it sounds wonderful. And Sophia I hope your life gets less hectic very soon.

                  I have a Dr.'s appt today too - bad sore throat (I'll omit the graphic details of what it looks like) - hope it's not strep.

                  AF since 6JUN2012


                    Isn't Today Friday?

                    Good morning Northern Hemispherers,

                    It's just about to turn into Saturday morning here and I'm just about to put the dogs out (they come straight back in again) and head to bed with a good book. But thought I'd 'check in' and say a quick hello before I do.

                    One of the things I love most about my newly non-muddled head is its capacity to remember what I've read from one day to the next without having to continually re-read! I'm powering through the novels. My daughter and I are going horse riding tomorrow and then off to the theatre tomorrow night. So should be a great weekend.

                    Now make sure you all have wonderful weekends as well!

                    Love and thoughts,



                      Isn't Today Friday?

                      Have you noticed, how all dreams come with built-in challenges and all challenges come with built-in dreams?

                      Odd how it just worked out that way, huh?

                      **** The Universe



                      Been in since early this morning, waiting on some approvals so I got a minute here.

                      Lushy, saw on a different thread the comments on "who is the most beautiful member?" I come to these so late, in the game all the time. Anyway - YOU have my vote!!

                      Sophia, hang in, it HAS to get better!!

                      All the rest of you here and those to come, (sorry no time to address individually) I hope you have a lovely Friday and an excellent weekend!!

                      Hugs and Love to all,


                        Isn't Today Friday?

                        Hi, Happy Friday!
                        Red, How did you get your head non-muddled? The topa has me tired and muddled. Am I ever going to be normal again?
                        Peg S.
                        It's a brand new day!


                          Isn't Today Friday?

                          Geez Sophia, I'm tired just from reading your post! Hope ya get some time to yourself soon.

                          Hubby brought home a web cam yesterday! That's quite a trip to get to see people. Guess I'll have to start washing my face, & brushing my hair before getting on here now!

                          Happy Friday to everybody. It's my Monday though, things are starting to pick up @ the cafe already. I'm not looking forward to the insane busy-ness that summmer brings... The money will be nice though.(and I'll probably drop 10 lbs from running between tables!)

                          Di, your garden sounds beautiful. Ours is full of blackberry vines. I need to go out & do some "clear cutting"!

                          Everybody have a great weekend.
                          Peace & hugs,

                          PS, I'll be watching the sunset over the ocean too... from the cafe window.
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            Isn't Today Friday?

                            Well, it's sinking in...I really and truly actually think I'm going to put my letter of resignation in. Maybe in two weeks for June 1. GASP! It's really a dream come true, very scary, but it really just feels like the right thing to do.

                            Of course, the way I've been working the last day or two, I may get fired..I haven't done a thing all day! Oh my goodness!

                            The board is quiet today. I hope everyone is happy and enjoying the day.


                              Isn't Today Friday?

                              Hey Peggy,

                              How long have you been on topa? I was tired and muddled (well more so than usual) for the first few weeks but its since tapered off. I feel pretty good now. Mind you, I've stabilised my dose at 100mg as I don't seem to need to go much higher.

                              Hopefully your mudddle-headedness will go soon too - but its worth putting up with in the short term.

                              Off to the horses now....


