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    Good morning everyone,

    Has anyone heard from Ilex in awhile?

    Things have calmed down here a little bit and my mod's plan is going rather well lately. I have been having a couple glasses of wine at night and waking up feeling really well. I think it's because I have been able to get outside more with the kids and am not cooped up in the house so much anymore just staring at the walls. However I think it probably has more to do with all the support I have gotten from you all here

    Have a wonderful day.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


    Morning all, well done Beaches ......

    No not heard from Ilex recently.

    Thought i'd better check in and let you all know that i'm still here, just feeling a bit low at the minute and don't have any positive vibes to share....

    Lots of love and hugs to you all .....



      So sorry to hear that Betty. I hope things improve quickly. Start with hugging your daughter..that is always a good place to start with me.

      Beaches, great job. Nice not to feel tired with two little ones running around at the ankles isn't it!

      I have a Mother's Day Tea at my daughter's school today so, I am really looking forward to that. She says "we're having tea mummy" in an English accent...too cute...

      Have a great day all!!!
      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.



        Hey!! There's not been a single day in your life when you've been anything but magnificent. Give this to yourself.

        Every day you move mountains, touch lives, and perform miracles.

        Every day you're a success, a hero, an example.

        And every day you change the world...

        **** The Universe

        Morning Magnificent Mods!

        Beaches that is just wonderful getting a handle on this program where it is second nature. Great job!

        BB, I am sorry you are down. We have missed you over here.

        PP, enjoy your "tea." That is so cute with your daughter, I am sure it will be a wonderful time.

        There is the most incredible Tea House here in NM. Funny thing is, for my mom for Mother's Day, I have bought a gift certificate to take her and my two sisters to high tea when the schedules work. Everything they serve is a piece of art and the atmosphere is so lovely. I know she will get a kick out of having that afternoon. For my MIL, I did the same except for her, it is for 2 friends and myself to go. I took her before and she said this one beats all the tea houses in NY! Fun part is I get to have two afternoons of great company and lovely tea! How is that for treating myself??

        I saw where some of our long lost mods checked in yesterday and I am happy to see you doing OK. Hang in there!

        Hugs and Love to all,



          Morning to all of you!

          Boopy, hope you start feeling better soon. Sorry to hear you are down.

          Beaches, good on you girlfriend!!!! I am proud of you. I agree getting out of the house really helps a lot.

          MKR, those teas sound so nice. You are so thoughtful.

          PP, enjoy the tea. Our school is so unorganized that our Mother's Day tea is next Friday! Uh hello???

          Thinking of all of the rest of you and hoping you have a nice day. Another beautiful day here in the NW so I plan to get outside and enjoy it.

          Di, congrats on quitting the job. Sounds like you are ready for a big change!!!

          Hugs to all of you!!
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



            Good Afternoon Muffs,
            A super high allergy day here in Soprano land. Just saying hello..trying to stay in touch for my own to you all later



              Well it's still morning here... And a bit cooler than it has been lately, but hopefully it'll warm up soon.

              It's my Hubby's birthday today. He's catchin' up with me!:H I'm only 5 years older than him...till August. I'm treating him(and me!), to an evening out for dinner @ sunset, at one of our favorite restaurants. It's right next door to where I work... they offered me a job last time we were there. I kinda miss the "fine dining" deal where I work... but the moneys great & the exercise can't be beat, plus we keep our own tips where I'm at... this other place pools em. Been there, done that, not usually a good deal for really hard workers...

              BB- sorry to hear ya got the blues... I've been kinda low energy lately myself...Probably just a "cycle"...

              PP-that's so cute about your daughter. She sounds like a little sweetie.

              MKR- Enjoy your tea w/Mom & friends, that sounds very elegant...& nummy!

              Di- how's it feel to FREE? I'll bet it's great!

              Beaches- it is nice to wake up feeling good isn't it. I never used to do that...(duh!)

              I've been eating like a pig the past few days. Must be PMS... Good enough excuse as any! Guess I'd better get on the stairmaster before dinner tonight.

              Hope everyone is having a great day.
              Peace & Hugs,
              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



                Afternoon everyone, going to clean this house today. Well I better get busy its not gonna clean it self.

                P.S. Chrysa those avatars of yours are the best.



                  sammys's' hard to get a one up on the duck..I had to is one of the sites I found......Free Animated GIFS

                  betty...hope you are OK & that it's not it?? what is wrong?

                  BTW duck...where is my broom?????

                  Oh and IRISH...your lime helmet saves you..but I know you are a poser for a wabbit !!!!!



                    Hi all -
                    Just checking in. Nope, haven't fallen off the planet, just been really busy lately. A friend of mine is the canteen manager for our local American Legion and he's been begging me to take the bartending day shift for over a month. I decided last week to take it for now; it's not much (don't even get paid for it, just tips) but it's a start. The goal is to get on a schedule. Plus, as an added bonus, by the time I finish my silly little 4 hour shift, I'm tired enough that I'm only drinking maybe 4-5 beers instead of the 24 that I had been drinking every day.

                    I prolly shouldn't even be a part of Mods right now; I am in no way even trying to moderate my drinking ops!: But I know that you guys all love me anyway, and you have been such a huge source of support since I joined. I'll get it back eventually.

                    By the way, I just wanted to say THANK YOU :thanks: to Judie for the lovely woodburning piece she sent me. It went into my purse the day I got it, and stays there. It's become my talisman; goes everywhere I go.



                      hey everyone..just flying by (no broom, just butterfly wings today :0)
                      AF..what, about 11 days the topa for 4 days and off some meds I was taking for my stomach for 2 days..beginning to feel human again I on the treadmill for 25 minutes this morning before work and played in the, all is well.
                      Have a good evening everyone.



                        Tea parties that is so great. They sound so fun.

                        Gypsi we do love you no matter what.

                        Congrat Di on 11 days that is so great.

                        Had fun with the kids playing outside again tonight. I love the wamer weather. No more cabin fever!!
                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



                          Thanks all of you,

                          I just feel all 'Booped out' at the minute, can't think of anything positive to say to you all so its easier to say nothing at all ............

                          My hubby is convinced that i'm having an affair even though we have been married 16 years and I can honestly say to you guys here that I have have never ever been unfaithful ........ He's even admitted to having me followed but never found anything ........... but I have male friends and apparently that is a crime ...... HE HAS A HUGE JEALOUS STREAK ....

                          Now my dad has to go in for heart surgery in 10 days!!

                          Lots of other stuff happening as well, nothing major but suddenly all my friends are busy and don't have time for me, when i'm always there for them .....

                          Sorry guys just feeling really really sorry for myself ...... I should be stronger I suppose xxx



                            Betty I responded in GD to you and again I will say it here. Please feel that you can talk to us and know that we will offer you kind words. I know it's not the same as family and friends of many years but it's a start. It's so sad that your husband is doubting you. Any reason that you should be doubting him? Sorry to ask but if this came out of the blue could it be because of a guilty conscious on his part? I know that if my husband started asking me those questions my radar would be up and I would be checking phone logs, credit card bills, etc....
                            Love and hugs....
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



                              Beaches, yes a good friend has said the same ......... but i feel really bad spying on him .... I think that i need to find some balls ........ sorry if that offended anyone.......

                              Paula xx

