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    Hey Betty, you are not being a downer you are just letting us know how you feel right now and that is why we are all here. I know what Beaches is saying, its like if he accuses you he takes the focus off himself and I have known people to do that. Sometimes I think if maybe you are changing he is feeling insecure and does not know how to handle it. Men can be such a puzzle sometimes, I feel they have it all worked out in there heads how it is and that is so not the case.

    I am here for you



      Hope you are feeling better Betty.

      I am hitting the sack. Made my goal of 2 (ok kinda big) glasses of wine. I am excited to know I won't be hung over tomorrow like I was today.

      Everyone have a great night.:new:




        Gosh, hang in there. That has to be hard having so much to deal with right now. You will always have us although I know it probably isn't the same in many ways. This is a great place to let it all out no matter if you feel you are being negative or not. I hope you will be feeling better soon!

        And welcome Ducky! I don't think I have welcomed you yet. Great job on your moderating! Waking up not hung over is a fantastic feeling!



          Welcome Ducky


          Hello Accountable, I haven't said hi to you in awhile, I've missed you.
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



            Hope everyone is well – I am in between travels ad missing so much and missing my friends here. I hope you can accept my apologies in advance for not being around till June. I’ll be missing you and will try to find internet caf? to keep up and in touch but know I am thinking of all of you.

            Beaches – glad to hear things are going well for you!

            Betty – Betty – So sorry you are so low. My husband has a huge jealous streak as well and I know what you mean about feeling so alon when you are always there for everyone. Sorry to hear you are in a funk. It will snap soon. Hang in there.

            PP – Enjoy Tea! Just spent a weekend with my girlfriends in Chicago and we had “tea” at the Drake Hotel. It was wonderful – a big girl’s tea party!

            Lush – Missing you friend. Hope you are hanging in and I am with you tomorrow. (((((((hugs)))))))

            Sammi – good to see you

            Chrysa – congrats on your daughter – I am still catching up. I got allergies too – now is the time of year I enter my hermetically sealed environment….

            Judie – Happy Birthday to Mr. Judie! Hope you have a fabulous night out. Enjoy it girl – you deserve it!!!

            Gypsi – So good to see you. Hang in there – you will get to ehere you want to be. You have had an incredible trauma and be a bit easy on yourself woman!! Again - Its good to see you!

            Di – Great work!!! I am jealous!



              Ms Boop... Big hug for you from Sydney, and for everyone else, I hope you all have a great weekend and stick to your mods goals

              :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

