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Friday May 11th

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    Friday May 11th

    Happy Friday Muffins,

    To all the moms/mums out there Happy Mother's Day this weekend too.
    We are going to one of the state parks in our area on Sunday and having a picnic and letting the kids play and swim for the day. The park also has trails and some water falls which I think they will enjoy.

    Have a wonderful day and I hope you all are well.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

    Friday May 11th

    Morning all, Happy Mothers day to those of you in the states .... we had ours in the UK back in march .....

    Thanks to everyone for your support when I vented yesterday, In the past i've always 'done as I was told' and not had male friends, but now i'm sticking up for myself which isn't going down well!!

    Love & hugs to everyone ....


      Friday May 11th

      Morning muffins! Make it a great day!


        Friday May 11th

        Good morning Betty and Hawk. Glad you are feeling better about things today Betty. I am feeling good. After slipping on Wednesday night and feeling like hell yesterday, I was able to moderate (2 glasses) even with a neighbor's celebration. I liked going to bed knowing I wouldn't wake up with that guilt and dread.

        Off the the gym. Be back later to check in.


          Friday May 11th

          Morning everyone

          Betty, good for you for sticking up for yourself, hope things settle down soon.

          To all, have a wonderful day - it's Friday!

          AF since 6JUN2012


            Friday May 11th

            Good Morning all my Muffin Friends,
            Thinking of all of you this Friday and upcoming Mother's Day!


              Friday May 11th



                Friday May 11th

                Good Morning Muffs. Happy Friday!! Try to relax.


                  Friday May 11th

                  OK, I don't want to instill panic on the mods board but, we are coming seriously close to.....bathing suit weather AHHHHHHH!

                  I did my walk/jog last night and 50 the way I feel the next day.

                  Today I have to retrieve my hubby from the airport, go to a wedding where my daughter is the flower girl and then reception. Tomorrow is a baby shower that I am helping throw and then the Ballet with my mom. So tonight and tomorrow night I will be getting to bed after midnight. I have not planned one thing for mother's day. It is too late for reservations anywhere and I'm not sure what I will be up for anyway. Kind of a downer because I was really sick over Valentines and we missed our dinner plans and for my 10 year anniversay we had all three kids and went to a burger joint

                  I'm not supposed to be planning this myself anyway but, if I don't I will end up getting jipped again.
                  Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                    Friday May 11th

                    I almost forgot...Nancy have a great time at your BBQ tomorrow and know you have an entire community here praying for your son and your family!!! :h :l :h
                    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                      Friday May 11th

                      Morning and Happy Mother's Day to all of the US Mothers.

                      Hawk, have an awesome vacation. You will be missed. I think you should spend your whole time at an internet cafe so you do not miss a thing around here!

                      Betty, good for you for standing your ground. I hope everything works out. You sounded so sad yesterday.

                      Beaches, sounds like you have a nice Mother's Day planned. My hubby works so it will be a mom and daughter day which will be great. Perhaps I will treat myself to a nice dinner out!

                      Ducky, hope your moderating goes well this weekend. Two glasses at a get together is excellent!

                      Janie, hope your tea was nice. Hope you found a dress your daughter approved of. At our school tea they always ask us to wear floppy hats. Who wears those anymore? Not me.

                      Pixie, Soccermom, Lucky and Chrysa, nice to see you all and hope you all have a great weekend!

                      Hugs to the rest to come. TGIF for sure!!!!
                      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                        Friday May 11th

                        Hi all,

                        So sorry I can not take the time to indiviually address all. I hope you have a lovely weekend and that the problems disappear and are replaced with joy.

                        Much Love,


                          Friday May 11th

                          Happy Mothers day everybody!

                          SOBIF!! It's my Monday. Whaaa!

                          Oh well time to pay mortgage... guess I should be glad I have a good job...
                          Went out to a lovely dinner with Hubby for his B-day last night. Had fresh calamari appetizer, then fresh grilled salmon, steak, & scampi prawns and of course a piece of cheescake for desert.(we shared all of this...I didn't eat it ALL!) Good thing I had those 2 Mickelobe Ultra's with dinner! LOL . Guess I'll get back on the stairmaster & ab lounge today. That's OK I won't get a chance to eat tonight...

                          Betty- sorry to hear about your troubles on the home front. That's got to be so maddening. I hope you get it resolved soon.

                          Beaches- I want to come to your mothers day sounds great!

                          MKR- have a great sound busy.

                          Lushy- you should let your Hubby treat ya to dinner. Maybe I'll adopt a kid, so I can get "treated" on mothers day!

                          SM Mary- great to see you.

                          Ducky- great job on moderating... that can be a real challenge @ social events, for me.

                          PP- yep it's already bikini season! I think I may have scared some fishermen on Monday! I didn't get too close to their boats tho... Probably even scared a few fish outa the water!

                          Chrissa, always love your avatars! Where do you find em all?

                          Hawk- Hope you're having a great vacation! Good to see ya.

                          Pixie-have a wonderful Friday too. I'm dreading work tonight... but at least I'll be able to burn off my big dinner from last night!

                          Have a great weekend everyone.

                          Peace & Hugs,
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            Friday May 11th

                            Good Afternoon and Happy Friday!

                            My computer was in a funk yesterday, so I havent even been on the site since day before. Betty, sorry for whatever is going on -- cant imagine anyone having a tiff with you!

                            My husband and I just took his Mom to lunch today for Mother's Day, as since both of our mother's live here, its too complicated to try and treat everybody on the same day, so tomorrow I'm taking my Mom to a movie and dinner so that Sunday can be all about ME! LOL. PP.... I get jipped sometimes too, but I've put out a vast array of hints out this year, so I've got my expectations going now!

                            Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and Mother's Day!

                            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                              Friday May 11th

                              Happy Friday All and Happy Mother's day to all mums/moms! - Hubby and I had an early celebration for MIL a couple weeks ago. It was a little strange, like everyone's mood was a little off. Maybe they were just tired. It was also my last drinking day - felt proud of stopping at 3 generous glasses of Pinot Grigio - but that's just because FIL didn't want to open a 2nd bottle and I'm not quite a bold enough drunk to go ahead and pop a cork for just my own sweet self with company present. I sent a card to Sis with gift card earler this week. No response yet. Hope it arrives on time. I'm always happy to be working on Mothers Day since my own mom died and it's a sad day for me. I'll be massaging lotsa Moms all weekend and I'm looking forward to being super busy.
                              "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams

