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Sat., May 12

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    Sat., May 12

    Morning all -

    Leaving for vacation today and a lot to do to finish getting ready. Looking forward to it very much though I will miss everyone here. Hopefully I can locate an internet cafe some where!

    Just received some great news about a friend and it was definitly a "gratitude reminder." I'm grateful for a lot of things, family, friends, health, MWO. Feeling gratitude is a nice way to start the day.

    Make it a good one everyone! See you soon.:h

    Sat., May 12

    Good Morning Hawk and all to come,

    Enjoy your vacation ....

    Huge thanks to all of you for putting up with me moaning recently, I am feeling much better now ....

    Love you all xxx


      Sat., May 12

      Hawk have a wonderful vacation and Betty I am happy you are feeling better. Glad to see you around more again.

      Not sure what's on the agenda here today which is kind of nice.

      Have a great day to everyone who comes!
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        Sat., May 12

        Morning Hawk (enjoy your break), Betty, Beaches and everyone who follows. I hardly slept last night. As it happened, I took the supplements right before bed. Does anyone think that could be the culprit?


          Sat., May 12

          Morning all! I did pretty good with the wedding last night. I had 4 small glasses of wine over a 4 hour period so, no hangover today. Yeah! I am about to go out for my walk / jog in a minute. I am really enjoying the exercising and how it makes me feel.

          I had a dream last night about MWO. It was a physical place where each board was a workshop that you went to. It was very cool. If any of you watch "House", the blond young doctor was a newbie. I made sure that I introduced myself and showed him how the program worked. At one point he said I was a bit smug so, I'll take that to mean not to get to comfortable and to remember to follow my plan and stick to my goals.

          Hawk have a great time...

          Betty, it looks by your avatar you are feeling a bit stronger these days..

          Beaches, I would kill for a no agenda day..

          Ducky, I don't think it was the supps...take calmes forte...

          To all to follow, have a great day!!
          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


            Sat., May 12

            Good Morning all. It is a beautiful morning here. I didn't notice these very oftern when I was drinking.

            Precious, I love your signature. Sometimes the truth hurts! LOL
            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


              Sat., May 12

              Ducky, kudzu makes me a little jumpy and my heart beats faster . so uh maybe.
              Hawk..Have the time of your life, and keep checking in
              Betty, My Boopster is back! So missed lovely Betty


                Sat., May 12

                Hi MD and Mar,

                So lovely to see you both posting in Mods .....

                Thanks Mar, I am feeling much better, still not 100% but getting there, My battle at home is a long one I think, but i'm standing my ground ....

                Thanks for all of your support,

                Love ya, P xx


                  Sat., May 12

                  I am so glad Betty got her boop back!

                  I have no boop today though. I am in a funk. I am in a funk because:

                  * I am about to sue a company for an honest mistake they made. Their mistake will end up costing me about $80,000. And I do not have time during the business day to deal with this matter but have to. And I truely like the man representing the company being sued.

                  * I may sue another company for another honest mistake which is what has led to lawsuit #1 above. Debating that one now.

                  ***** I failed to mention I came out of mediation regarding a matter similar to this a month ago. I am getting very familiar with law. Law is expensive.

                  * Have to go to court for a ticket I got on my birthday of all days for rolling through a stop sign 1 block from my house. The Highway Patrol was in my residential neighborhood which has extremely minimal traffic and gave me the ticket. Why was the friggin Highway Patrol in my neighborhood writing me a ticket??? The Highway Patrol belongs on the highway!!!! I have fought 2 red light tickets with me on camera and I have won so I will fight this one too. Wish me luck.

                  * Stress of parent losing house, 401k, and all $, including my inheritance to a con man. Now this parent needs financial support from me and I am resentful.

                  * I want to be skinny and would be if I did not indulge in vino.

                  I don't know what is wrong with me. I never cry and could cry @ the drop of a hat right now. No worries, I will get my fu ck it attitude back soon.

                  We have a good group of people on the site now. I am happy about that.



                    Sat., May 12

                    Lucky .............. OMG .......

                    Really wish that I could do something ............... We are all here for you in anyway that we can help ..............

                    Love you, P xxx


                      Sat., May 12

                      Thanks Booper~

                      I regret my post because others have real problems. Oh well.

                      The choice is now wine or the gym. Seems obvious to me. Already blew off the purse party I said I would attend.


                        Sat., May 12

                        awww c'mere ducks lemme give ya a hug!
                        Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
                        April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
                        wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
                        wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
                        wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
                        wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
                        wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
                        wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

                        I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


                          Sat., May 12

                          Thanks Katie

                          I think I will change my name to luckysmiles- lucky to you.


                            Sat., May 12

                            Lucky your problems are just as real as others, we really are her for you ...


                              Sat., May 12

                              Betty, I will be all good again if you share some boop with me. Please...

