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30 days of Moderation

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    30 days of Moderation

    Pebbles, keep your eye on that pain but I will say that when I had 30 days AF in Oct/Nov the pain under the ribs disappeared!
    Enough is enough


      30 days of Moderation

      Good morning everyone. AF for me last night! Planning mods today. I have a dr appt today. I have been having lots of joint pain and fatigue, so my general doc wants me to see a rheumatologist and have some tests done. And of course every time you fill out paperwork for a new doc they ask about drinking. I am becoming more honest if not totally honest with them. So many meds affect the liver so I don't want to whitewash things...

      Hope R is doing well with abs.



        30 days of Moderation

        Hi all,

        Don't beat yourself too much, Waves. We all do it. I caved too. I had almost made it to the three week mark of not drinking alone at home. My hubby went out of town, and I weakened and bought a bottle of my favorite chardonnay the night before last. At least I did not finish it. (There was probably a half of glass left the next day). Still, I woke up feeling crappy physically and mentally. Not as bad as usual since it had been awhile since I'd drank alone, but nonetheless, I wish I could have kept my resolve. Why is it we can see that we shouldn't have uncorked that bottle so much more clearly the next day? Overall, as this month draws to a close, I feel I've been managing my alcohol consumption better than I have in a few years. I still have a lot of work ahead of me, but at least I have a plan. We are all a work in progress. I have hope for all of us. I've enjoyed this thread so much. I hope we begin a June Month of Moderation thread in just a few days so that we can continue to support one another and keep in touch. Good luck everyone!



          30 days of Moderation

          Thanks for the pep talk Julie! I think you are right; it is important to remember it is a process. We didn't develop these problems overnight, for sure.

          I am in for the June thread!


            30 days of Moderation

            Julie- it's horrid when we break our intentions isn't it. there have been times on here when I have done better by not stating my plans until they were achieved. I must have a secret desire to fail!:H

            Ducky-hope the doc's visit goes well.:l

            Pebbles- hope the weather improves so that the drinking does too.

            R- :h
            Enough is enough


              30 days of Moderation


              It is a process and I for one have been more in control this month with a plan than before. I can also see a way forward living this way, where before I was spiralling downwards, so it's got to be a good thing !

              Count me in for June. I love having a thread I know I can count on to go to daily where everyone is round about the same and soooo lovely.



                30 days of Moderation

                Good morning Pebbles, and Hi to everyone else who stops by today.

                Mods last night after an AF night on Monday. Feeling good.

                The doc was ok. Lots more bloodwork and a med to try. I am trying to be patient as they try to figure out what is going on with me. I don't think it is too serious, just annoying. However, I will be relieved when they can tell me what the issue is.

                Hope everyone has a great Wednesday.


                  30 days of Moderation

                  Hi Ducky, sorry you're not feeling well, it's always a worry when the doctors need to do loads of tests. I'm sure it's nothing too serious. Glad you're feeling Ok on the mods/af though (and if you feel like bringing some of your OCD tendencies over here, my house is in need of a good clean...I'd be sooo grateful).

                  I'm too busy building a Ark, jeez it's nealy June and it's not stopped raining for days and days and days.


                    30 days of Moderation

                    My May results are:

                    8 AF
                    11 mods

                    __ = 61.3%


                    Aiming for 100% in June

                    care to share?
                    Enough is enough


                      30 days of Moderation

                      I feel like I could have written Julie's post, I fell off the moderation wagon last night myself, after doing so well for the last several weeks, drinking alone at home is also the problem I am working count me in for another 30 day mods thread in June, maybe if I check in here more often, it will be easier.
                      thanks to all
                      AF since 7/5/2009


                        30 days of Moderation

                        Good morning Waves and Loved1,

                        I did not count my May results but I know they were much better than April! I will try to keep track in June.

                        Waves, looks like you are doing well. My goal for June is also 100% mods/af. If I can get close to that I will be happy. It's important because I am not sleeping well with this XX#@ joint pain, so the last thing I need is a hangover!

                        Loved1, I drank alone for years. It's kindof hard not too if you live alone and are a bit of a hermit like I was. But I agree, it does tend to lead to overindulgence...

                        Hello to Pebbles and all who check in later. Do we want to start a new 30 day thread tomorrow and label it June, or continue with this one? I am not sure how these things work...


                          30 days of Moderation

                          Hi Ducky, Julie, Waves, Loved1, Lauralyn and anyone else I've missed.

                          I didn't count mine either but I know I had :

                          1 day - awful - (before we started the thread)
                          2 days - slightly over,maybe 1 drink)
                          the rest mods.
                          2 days AF, but they were hangover days so don't count.

                          I would like to aim for some planned AF days, maybe Mondays and Tuesdays. The rest stick to my 250ml airplane bottles.

                          Last night I was well pleased with myself. I had had my drink, then my partner went out, my little one was asleep and everything was done, usually a trigger for me to drink more...and I didn't!

                          Shall we start a new thread for June, like a new slate? I think so.
                          Good Luck for june everyone.


                            30 days of Moderation

                            Great job Pebbles, I also struggle when I am left alone. My AF night on Monday was tough but felt great on Tuesday. I am also going to sprinkle more in.

                            Looking forward to a drunkfree June.


                              30 days of Moderation

                              Hi all,

                              I really think this thread has helped this month. Apart from a few slips we seem to all be doing better. I think a new thread for the new month is a good idea.
                              Enough is enough


                                30 days of Moderation

                                Great, so whomever is rolling first can start it. I know it has helped me a lot to know I have a place to share my successes and my failures. I think the former are growing because of everyone here!

