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28 May 2007

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    28 May 2007

    Hi Moderation-Ville,

    First time EVER I post here,

    In fact, I should be posting here instead of Absville! As, after all, I have been on Moderation since February. 2 or so glasses per night. From one bottle of wine/champagne a night down to 2 glasses of wine, thanks to Topa!

    Anyway, weather here in Hanoi a bit shitty, too. The working day's nearly over. It's 5 pm and I'm gonna leave the office in half an hour or so.

    Hope everyone's fine! Remember, don't despair when things look glum! There's always worse to come ;-))))
    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:

    28 May 2007

    Good evening Paddy,

    Morning here and went over mods as I knew I would with the inlaws here. They leave this morning and I am commiting to truly doing mods. I'd like to have some AF days too. Hope everyone else did better yesterday!


      28 May 2007

      Hi everyone,it' a typical bank holiday in good old uk cold,wet and windy.Never mind
      i'm DRY.
      Love to all. Paula.


        28 May 2007

        Hi Paddy, welcome to mods ....

        Morning Duck ....

        Things quiet here, i'm having a clearout and listing stuff on ebay .....

        Love & Hugs to everyone ...

        Paula xx


          28 May 2007

          Hi Paula, we were posting at the same time ,,,,


            28 May 2007

            Hi Betty, pleased to see your still reminding us all of little Maddy.
            Still praying she's found safe.


              28 May 2007

              Hi Paddy and welcome to Mods although since you're all over the boards like a rash it's like you've always been here anyway! and I mean that in a nice way xxxxx

              Paula, how was Cyprus ? seems ages ago now doesn't it ? and what about THIS typical for a Bank Holiday. Sh*t...if I'm allowed to say so.

              Yes, Betty, still hoping and praying.


                28 May 2007

                Hello everyone and WELCOME PADDY. Great seeing you over here in Mod's land.

                Great day here in NY. Getting ready to take the kids over to the park to let them burn off some steam.

                Just confirmed that a couple girlfriends and I will be staying in a hotel in Aug--kids free, for the weekend. VERY EXCITED and kind of worried about drinking. This weekend was a test and I went out to the bars with them and stayed in control. So I am hoping in Aug will be the same. I started back on Topa about and am waiting for my 3 month supply to come in. Hopefully it will get here before I run out, that will definately help me in Aug.

                Hope you all have a wonderful day.
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  28 May 2007

                  Hi Ya'll! Happy Memorial Day. Thank you to all of you Veterans out there:h past & present...:l

                  Georgous day here. I've got to work but not till later .. so think I'll go get some river time in & go for a paddle w/my doggie It's already 70*! After a busy weekend it'll feel good to sit on my ass & soak my feet in the river... maybe even drink a beer (just a light one)before I have to slave for one more night!

                  Feeling like I'm getting used to the topa again. I was really tired for a few weeks, when I started back on it. But I'm feeling like my ol self again... much better! Gettin my "mojo workin'

                  Hope everyone has a great day!
                  Love ya bunches...
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    28 May 2007

                    Happy Memorial Day to all and I echo Jude's thanks to all veterans!!!

                    Pebbles you had me laughing out loud about Paddy being a rash on the boards. Like a bad rash you are Mr. Paddy!!! LOL. Nice of you to honor us with your presence over here in our corner of the boards.

                    Hope everyone has a great day...........
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      28 May 2007

                      Hey everyone,sounds like we are all doing good. I am doing way better its amazing when you are improving yourself you discover what is truly going on in your life. I for one will no longer have blinders on for the way I am living this one life I have been given.

                      Luv you all,

                      P.S. Boy don't I sound like I just discovered the solar system, I just feel so much better with the denial about things gone.


                        28 May 2007

                        LOL Sammy. So glad to hear you are in a better place this week.
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                          28 May 2007

                          Sammy you sound great! I love it.
                          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                            28 May 2007

                            Well I am heading off to an early bedtime. There is one glass in the bottle from last night and it was calling me but I am not going to answer tonight. I really want to get this mods thing down and I think an AF night now and then will help.

                            I am so thankful to have this site and all of you to turn to.

                            This will be my first AF day in a few weeks!


                              28 May 2007

                              Good evening all - I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day or Banked Day!

                              Today was my first day at my new job. I just LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE it! My new office is super-sweet too. I am very excited. Another good thing, my hours are from 9-5 which is perfect for me. My daughter spent her very first full day in daycare and survived. Felt really guilty dropping her off this morning. She did OK though.

                              Nothing really else to say right now, so you all have a wonderful evening!

