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Sunny Saturday 06/02

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    Sunny Saturday 06/02

    Did I miss another thread that was started in mods today? Where are you all? Boo hoo!!

    Had a good night to myself last night, moderated really well, and am getting a good early start to my Saturday. Lots of projects to do around the house and am glad I am feeling good. Since I am alone again tonight with no family around I am going to the store and going to buy the most expensive piece of salmon I can and have a BBQ for one! How fun.

    Hope all of you have a wonderful Saturday!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

    Sunny Saturday 06/02

    Hi Lushy, enjoy your barbecue ..... Make D's sauce for the salmon ...

    Where is everyone ???

    I'm a bit happier today, although Kerrie's neuro appointment has been postponed, should have been next week but now its 3 weeks .....

    Love & hugs to all,

    BB xx


      Sunny Saturday 06/02

      Enjoy your me time Lushy, seems we never get enough of it. try grilling your salmon on cedar planks. YUMMY!


        Sunny Saturday 06/02

        I saw this great new thing at the store called cedar wraps. Cheaper than the planks and they are super flexible and you just wrap them around the fish or chicken. I may try that tonight. D's sauce sounds heavenly. So many decisions!!!
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Sunny Saturday 06/02

          Morning Lushy & Betty.

          Lushy you shouldn't have to pay too much for a nice salmon steak in Seattle, but it sure has been a slow spring run hasn't it... We have a great blackened salmon @ the cafe. YUMM!
          Enjoy your BBQ!

          Betty does that mean your Florida trip is postponed?
          Either way, sorry for the dissapointment. But glad to hear you're feeling better.

          My sister got in last night. She's out at Mom & Dad's. I'm gonna head out there in a while for a visit.
          Looking like a cloudy day here. Figures... I was "Little Miss Domestic" yesterday..while the sun was shining... I should've just gone kayaking & put it off till today... just goes to show ya!

          Oh well, if that's all I've got to complain about I guess I'm pretty blessed.
          Love ya All!
          Have a great day,
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            Sunny Saturday 06/02

            Hi All,

            It's a gorgeous day in the Northeast also. I am sunburnt & tired from a lot of gardening yesterday but feel that good kind of tired. I am moderating with 1 topa 25 mg around 4pm these days & eat a good dinner. I hate taking multiple pills kudzu & I have never figured out if the l-glut helps. Anyway, this is working. All I have to do is remember to not even drink any hard liquor at all. If I do I get a hangover. I do not keep it around any more at all so if it is here it is only .5 pint but that will do me in. I think I should be happy my capacity has diminished so much.

            But friends...I do need to be reminded...if you ever think of it...that I can NOT drink hard liquor at is poison to me. (I can't imagine I will ever get there about good wine though.)

            Have a good weekend you all....


              Sunny Saturday 06/02

              Morning. Barbque for one sounds fun. You have to add one more pampering action to a night alone. Betty, glad you're feeling better.

              Happy Saturday to everyone. I'm running a slight fever due to sinus infection so plan to watch yachting this a.m.
              Enlightened by MWO


                Sunny Saturday 06/02

                I did the cedar plank in the oven once, we used to serve that @ a diff restaurant I worked at.... I didnt know that they soaked the plank in water first... Almost caught the kitchen on fire! It tasted great though!:goodjob:
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  Sunny Saturday 06/02

                  Morning Simybear! We were posting @ the same time.
                  Hi to Chrysa & Skendall too
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    Sunny Saturday 06/02

                    Oh SK, sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon.

                    Chrysa, good idea keeping the hard stuff out of the house. That is the best way for me not to drink wine is to not keep it around.

                    Jude, the Copper River right now is going for $21.99 a pound!!!!!!!!!! I remember when I used to get it for $5.99 a pound down at Pike Place. Yikes!!

                    Okay, I really have to extricate myself from the computer so I can get my day started. Have a good one!!
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      Sunny Saturday 06/02

                      Yep Lushy the springer salmon run was almost non exististent...
                      Hopefully the summer run will come in with a full force! It's really going to have a major impact on the whole coastal economy.
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                        Sunny Saturday 06/02

                        I got some beautiful Alaskan salmon 12.99 today for my husband-- but they didn't have cedar wraps which sound terrific


                          Sunny Saturday 06/02

                          Hi all! We can only get farm raised salmon here. And a recent NYTimes article surveyed a bunch of fish shops and found that lots said the salmon was wild and it was not! I love good salmon.

                          Lushy, great job on mods while alone. Enjoy your cookout. Hi to Chrysa, Jude, SKendall, Simeybear and anyone else I missed. We ran lots of errands and are now cleaning. Exciting! It's VERY humid here now that the rain stopped. Leftover homemade Gyros tonight, with salad. And mods I hope.

                          BBL, the vacuum is calling...


                            Sunny Saturday 06/02

                            Yahoo! I got someone to work for me tonight ! I have the night off, so my Mom, Sis & I are going to a local play that a couple of my cousins are starring in. I guess it's pretty funny. One of my cousins plays a dog! The play was written for Sarah Jessica Parker to play that part it's called "Sylvia".
                            Since I normally work weekends I miss a lot of the local flavor going on here, so I'm really looking forward to it ...especially with so many family members in town for my Uncles funeral tomorro. Not looking forward to that... But it's great seeing everybody. I've been meeting up with family I haven't seen in decades.

                            Have a good evening everybody...
                            :l Judie
                            PS, Gonna take some extra L-glut before I head for town as they have hors de vors & un hosted bar...
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                              Sunny Saturday 06/02

                              How fun Jude. Let us know how it is.

                              Ducky, try and find something other than farm raised salmon. They feed on each other's poop which is why they end up a gray color and have to have color added to them in the factories. I used to eat it because it was cheaper until I learned that little fact. Ick. You can call Pike Place Market here in Seattle and they will dry ice ship you some primo salmon. Might be pricey but consider it a night out in a restaurant.

                              Chrysa, you know I care deeply for you (well really I care about your hot son but that is a whole other story), but the new fuddy duddy avatar does not suit you. Bring back the lady on fire or the masturbating witch please.
                              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

