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Wednesday Already ....

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    Wednesday Already ....

    Good morning all ....

    Nope that today finds you well,

    I'm stuck at home today waiting for my new leather suite to be delivered!!! We are totally re-doing our lounge, last week had french windows fitted onto the garden, next job is to get rid the the horrendous fireplace that we have ..... anyone in the UK remember the stone fireplaces that went wall to wall ........ we inherited it with the house and cant wait to get rid of it ......

    Anyway, have a good day all,

    Love & Hugs to each and everyone of you ...

    BB xx

    Wednesday Already ....

    Morning all - know I haven't postedin awhile but have been keeping tabs on the postings. Things are going well here with the weather going up and down. We've decided not to do a real veggie gardent but have put out big pots with veggies and herbs and some red sunflowers by the fence. Having a problem with the neighbor's big dogs out at 5:30 am barking but hopefully they'll be moving soon. Work hours have increased as has extra work around the house. Love and hugs to all


      Wednesday Already ....

      Hello Betty - enjoy your new furniture! Remodeling sounds like such a chore .. Optimist - jealous that a veggie garden is possible where you live big pots or no. We do have one very prolific peach tree and Mr. Zin has made a yummy cobbler with its fruits. Was AF last night after Day 1 of a massage workshop - lots of lymphatic drainage and detoxing, so booze with be a no-no all week unless I want to get really sick. I've gotten drunk after deep work trainings and the hangovers are evil. Been doing well moderating. I'll be seeing some freinds tonight and there's always lots of wine present, so I'll bring my limes and soda water. I just hope I won't be too out of it from getting my body worked on today. good morning to all modsters to come!
      "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


        Wednesday Already ....

        Hi BB, yes I remember them well, do you have little 'missing bits' in the stone for ornaments...........tee hee.

        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


          Wednesday Already ....

          No tea I don't have them, just the huge tv and hifi stands .... Not funny at all tea .....


            Wednesday Already ....

            Ohh Zin..a deep tissue massage? sounds divine!

            I was AF last night as well. Just a quick check in today...hubby's 40th bday is today and I'm putting in a 1/2 day at the office and then have 30 people over for dinner followed by a domino tournament at my house. Shhhhh...don't tell anyone but, I haven't even been to the grocery store yet or bought the cake (yikes) Why do I thrive on chaos? :egad:

            This will be me all day.....:racer: OK now I'm just stalling... :crazymonkey:
            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


              Wednesday Already ....

              Morning everyone!

              PP, 30 people??? That sounds like a lot of work. Good job on all of the AF days you are getting in.

              Betty, how exciting to be redoing your house. We just finished a project in our upstairs and I feel like I have a new house.

              Optimist, good to see you again. It has been a while. I have never even seen red sunflowers but now I want some for my garden. Sorry to hear about the dogs. That would drive me bonkers.

              Zin, sounds like you will be feeling so good at the end of the week between AF and massage and detoxing.

              Tea, nice to see you and your hopping toast.

              Happy Hump Day to everyone to come!!!
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Wednesday Already ....

                Enjoy your nw furniture BB. How fun remodeling. I'll bet ya can't wait to get it over with though!

                Zincity, I wish we had a peach tree. Maybe we should try one here. We used have a plum tree that did really well, till it got too old(it was here when we moved in).Massage sounds great!

                Optimist, I just bought a bunch of flowers & plants yesterday... so I'll be doing some playing in the dirt myself today. I need to get some more fresh herbs too. My thyme didn't servive last winter. I think I'll try fresh basil again too. I used to have great luck w/it in Colorado, but not so much here in Oregon...

                Have fun party-ing with your Hubby PP! My Sweetie just turned 40 also...Yep, I'm a "craddle robber",... runns in the family I guess.
                When Grandma divorced Grandpa after 54 years of marriage... , she went with a guy 5 years younger... That's still hard to believe. I guess it was meant to be, she still say's he was "the love of her life!":h She's 99, and has outlived em both! She says she can't wait to go be with her Dale though.

                That OLCC alcohol class yesterday SUCKED!! It was supposssed to be a 4 hour class.... it started @ 10 AM, we took a 40 min lunch, we finallly got done at about 4:30! Sat there listening to this woman with a horrible monotone voice that kept contradicting herself, with mis- information...I was getting very angry! She was an idiot!
                The test itself took about 6 or 7 minutes! But we weren't allowed to take it till we sat there all day listening to her BS... & misinformation, that a lot of us who had taken the course( you have to re-new your license every 5yrs) kept questioning her on!
                If I were new & a young person just starting out in the industry I'd have probably failed just from listening to her confusing mis-information! GRRR!

                At one point near the beginning of the class she said, "I'm recommending that you serve to .o8" (.08 % alcohol is already legally drunk!) What kind of class is this? She's suppossed to be teaching us to be responsible servers & bartenders! If you serve till they're already legally drunk, then they leave & get in accident can be liable. What is usually taught in these classes is not to serve till they're drunk, but to stop BEFORE that (DUH) This IS suppossed to be a class on responsible serving... I was ready to get up & leave right then... what a DITZ!
                Plus I GET to pay $55 bucks & sit there & listen to this...

                So glad that's over!

                OK thanks for letting me vent on that.

                What's scarey is she's been teaching this class since 1987! She's probably never bartended in her life! She has no hands on experience! Just book knowledge... but she get's it very mixed up! Maybe she was drunk!

                Enough about that...
                I've got the day off & it's looking like it might get sunny soon. Hopefully get out on the river. Need to get some fresh air & burn off some steam!

                Love & hugs!
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  Wednesday Already ....

                  Hi Lushy!
                  I was writing my "Bitch-list" the same time you were posting!:H
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    Wednesday Already ....

                    Judie, that just sounds like an awful waste of a day. And recommending you give drinks until they are at the legal limit??? Unreal. You should have gotten up and taught the class. Hope the sun comes out for you. It is rainy here.
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      Wednesday Already ....

                      Oh boy, are you ever going to laugh when you find out you were perfect all along...

                      *****The Universe


                      Hi all,

                      Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well! I have a full day of running around though PP, not for 30 people tonight! Have a great one with your hubby!

                      Started the day outside with the paper, a sweet breeze and a cup of coffee. Very quiet indeed. About 15 minutes later two hot air balloons came almost directly over the house, the dogs went nuts and would not shut up!! I tried Optimist, I really did!!

                      I will hopefully catch up with all tomorrow then after that will have to hunker down with a magazine layout for a few days. Don't see how I will find time to sleep even with the deadlines coming through. Feast or famine in my biz!

                      Love you all, hope you have a great day!


                        Wednesday Already ....

                        Hi everyone,
                        Busy day for me. I am taking a train Thurs to Wash, DC to hang out in museums with a dear friend from high school (omg) who lives in Cairo.

                        Mods working OK..topa starting to take its toll..may not take it today.

                        Judie, what is that OLCC?? Why do you take it?

                        I kinda hope gabby's day is fri so I will have time then to roast her sweet lil'butt


                          Wednesday Already ....

                          OLCC is the Oregon Liquor Control Commision

                          The Oregon Booze Nazis! They obviously have no clue! It seems to me it's just more revenue for the state! Major BS if ya really want my opnion.

                          In Colorado, we used have a liter of margharitas in the waitress station while we worked! It was up to the owner of the establishment,... if it was allowed or not.
                          In Oregon, they can fine the individual, the owner, and shut the place down ,plus jail time,...if anyone is caught drinking at ALL! While working.
                          Also if someone is over-served & gets into an altercation or an accident that causes an injury or death to another person... there can be a 3rd party liability lawsuit.
                          It's incredible.. a bartender can be charged with negligent homicide in the state of Oregon if someone can prove that they were in an accident because they were stupid enough to drink too much, (but still can blame the bartender!...or server---ie waitress it's really BULLSHIT!)

                          They have some incredibly rediculous laws here!
                          Plus you never know if somebody has something out in their car, or if they go somewhere else afterwords. So a lot of this stuff never holds up in court. But the ways a lot of it is written... it's like it's to protect the criminals! These classes just piss me off every time! Plus the instructors are so friggin stupid!

                          PS In order to be able to serve food & alcohol in Oregon I have to have this stupid license... If I didn't ... Believe me, I wouln't bother with this! ... I've only worked in the restaurant industry for 26 years without one of these darn things...But now that I've been back in Oregon for 8 years, I guess it's a fact of life...(by the way I've been a waitress since I was 5! LOL)
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            Wednesday Already ....

                            Good afternoon everyone!

                            Lushy- hope you are having a great hump day too.

                            PP-Have fun with hubbies birthday. Sounds like a good time and lots of planning too. It will be great just sit back and let everything fall into place.

                            Chrysa-Have fun in DC I need to get there now that I am older and will appreciate more than when I was a kid

                            Judie-Your class did sound horrendous...glad it's over. Ugh I hate boring speakers.

                            Tea-nice to see you!

                            MKR- I had to laugh at the Universe quote today. Hopefully your next morning outside will be calmer although I did chuckle again when I envisioned the dogs going crazy over the balloons

                            BB-Your new lounge sounds wonderful. We'll get new furniture when my kids start being a little neater, I think.

                            Zin-Your massage sounds fabulous and have fun tonight with your friends.

                            Optimist-Sorry about the big dogs although it's good you got something planted. We are still working on it.

                            To all that come, hope you have a wonderful day.
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

