This thread is "LIVING FULLY". I want to post when I am glad I am sober. I want to post if I have to start over. And I want to post to support others. It is not a goal for me to never drink again. It IS a goal for me that alcohol never interferes with my life again, and that means I rarely do it, and that if I do, it is not much. What does that make me? A girl who wants it all? I person in denial? Someone who "wasn't bad enough" to have to completely stop? I know, I know I've heard it over and over - if you are here, you need to stop completely. But where IS that line? Is it possible that some people aren't full-fledged alcoholics who come to this site? Are there degrees of addiction? I think I would consider myself someone who was addicted to alcohol - because I wanted it every night. But I don't any more. I learned to quit and I learned to cope differently. And I learned that alcohol has a very small place in my life now. Some would say that's not possible. I didn't drink two liters a night. I drank 2-4 drinks. I snuck it, I lied about it, I hid it and I hated it. Does that make me a card-carying alcoholic?
When I share daily how grateful I am to be fully interacting with my life without alcohol, I have very little desire to drink. This last month or so, I felt like I had no accountability, and it was harder. I wasn't sharing with others how glad I was to be clean and clear. I think it is an exercise we all should do - to consciously state what we are grateful for, and often. It is part of what makes us happier, regardless of our vices.
I understand that this is a drinking site, for alcoholics and people who struggle and have previously struggled with alcohol use. That's me (raising hand). I struggled because I wanted it every night, and I hated the way it made me feel and act. I don't feel like I struggle much now, but I fear that if I don't participate in sharing my gratefulness with others, I will revert into a more frequent use situation because there are so many alcohol influences out there - everywhere I turn. For instance, I am going to a party tonight with my husband for his co-worker who is moving away. The people in his field drink like fish. I don't want any. Really, I don't want ANY. I know it will make me feel and sleep like shit. My daughter has a dance recital tomorrow and I want to feel top notch to enjoy it. I'm bringing my sparkling "La Croix" stuff, and that will do me fine. I want to tell you all this because it makes me stronger and I feel great about myself when I don't do it. So can I share that?
My goal is not to "never drink again". My goal IS to live so that alcohol does not impact my life and is not a focus. And if it is not a struggle for me to live this way, and if sharing about it is helpful to me or others, that's what I'm going to do. I will share if I DO have some, and how that makes me feel. I will share if I DO happen to struggle - and mostly share how much I love living life without the haze of this stupid liquid. I am being honest and trying to be as true to myself as I can. I want to live with authenticity and bravery and joyfulness and gratefulness, and would love if others would share too. So there it is.