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Monday 11th June

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    Monday 11th June

    Good Morning All .....

    Hope that today finds you all well, BUT WHERE ON EARTH ARE YOU ALL?????

    My day has started off particularly well today, took some advice that I read here about doing something that makes you smile everyday, so I did ..... bought some new boots LOL

    A special welcome to Berly & Wimpey who joined us here yesterday, really hope to see you back posting, and Hi to determinator, WELCOME TO MODSVILLE ....

    Love & Hugs to everyone else,

    BB xx

    Monday 11th June

    Good morning everyone!! Hope you all have a great day and glad to see we have some new people in Mods Land.

    It's a regular old Monday for me..back to work and back to the rat race
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Monday 11th June

      Morning all - this week is a kind of anniversary for me - it was about a year ago that I almost died from internal bleeding and liver failure. Here I am in mods land a year later - physically stronger than I have been in decades - painfully weaker financially - but emotionally stronger and on the up every day - thankful that I'm alive of course but very very grateful for my loving hubby - he's my rock and my supportive friends and of course my MYO friends - THANK YOU THANK YOU !!!
      hUGS TO ALL


        Monday 11th June

        Morning all! (Well it's night time here , I'm just about to go to bed ready for work tomorrow . Yuck!)

        Just got to work out how to actually replace the rotten vulture with your cute little robin now Betty - too tired to work it out now, Tomorrow. Aren't I hopeless?

        Hi Beaches!

        Optimist that' s a a wonderful story - what a difference a year can make. Good for you.

        Hope you've all had a great weekend and a great week to come



          Monday 11th June

          Beaches, have a good day at work ....

          Optimist, what a fabulous story .....

          RR, you need to right click on the new picture and save it to your computer, then upload it to your avatar.

          Love & Hugs once again .... I really do need to get a life ............

          BB xx


            Monday 11th June

            Thanks Betty, and top of the morning to the MODS crew! gotta play catch up at work after 6 days on the road...always fun. niet!
            feeling quite well tho happy to say.
            Congrads Optomist!!!
            be well everyone
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Monday 11th June

              Hello Muffins!
              I have a slight hangover this morning & I am very pissed off at myself & upset with myself. Well just have to move forward. I had such a great 2 wks. Was even thinking of moving to abs. I felt so good. I am putting up a vision board in my office today & will had one about really feeling sober & happy & healthy on it. Try to catch the movie The Secret if you can. $4.95 on your PC/laptop.

              Have a good week everyone.


                Monday 11th June

                Good morning everyone!

                Optimist, what a great year for you. Good work.

                Chrysa, that was me this w/e. You will get back on track.

                Hi to Betty, Beaches, Determinator and Red Robin. Hope everyone is having a great day!


                  Monday 11th June

                  Morning everyone!

                  Ops, that is quite the story. What a difference a year makes!

                  Chrysa, sorry you are feeling bad today. I like the idea of the vision board. I am sure it will help you.

                  Betty, you must buy new shoes every week, no? Reminds me I need some summer shoes.

                  Beaches, hope work is going okay and your ankle is feeling better.

                  Hi to Det and Ducky! And to all of the rest to come today. Hope this is a great week for all!!!
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    Monday 11th June

                    Hi everyone!

                    Laura, Rachele, Lushy, Optimist, Chrysa and everyone I'm forgetting at this rushed moment, Happy Monday.:hiya:

                    Optimist, you rock! :disco:

                    Hope to catch a moment later to write more. Have a wonderful day!

                    :heart: E


                      Monday 11th June

                      Actually, there's really no such thing as "maybe."

                      There's just indecision.

                      Peace out-
                      ****The Universe


                      Happy Monday to all!

                      BB, smiling over your shoes!! Glad you are OK.

                      Beaches sorry for the rat race. I know it well!

                      Optimist, LOVE your story. Happy you have turned your life in such a healthy direction. Inspiring!

                      RR, half way round the world, glad to see you here though!

                      Det, garlic mon, you did so well AF and wonderfully well at your first attempts at moderation. Congratulations, we are all very proud of you!

                      Chrysa, I am sorry, but I know you can pick your self up . . .dust yourself off and see this as a slight detour on that road to better health!

                      Ducky, you too. It just takes a bit of time at the start to work the whole program out. You two can do this!

                      Lushy, When did you become the sixth most annoying member? I was thinking you were up there with the most beautiful. What did I miss? Hope you have a great week too!

                      E, YEAH!! I am happy to see you here. How are you feeling? Much better I hope!

                      Hugs and Love to all here and those to come,

                      PS: Great to see new moderators but also looking for some of the old timers, check in with us!


                        Monday 11th June

                        Just another "Manic monday!" But no... it's my Friday! Yipee!:H Kinda fun being a bit backwards from everybody else...

                        Optimist, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! So glad you're here with US!:l

                        Chryssa, hope you start feeling better soon. Get back on that horse girlfriend...

                        BB, I only have about 6 pairs of knee high black boots!

                        Hey, where's our new gals? Wimpey? Berly? Don't make us send out a search party!

                        Beaches, how is that ankle?

                        Hope everybody has a great day! Lushy, Determinator, Ducky, Eustacia, Red Robin, MKR, SCMom, Mona Cat, & evry body I missed... all to come...
                        Love ya ,
                        Peace & hugs,
                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                          Monday 11th June

                          Great big Monday kiss to everyone today??..

                          Optimist, it made me feel good to read your post and thank you for sharing.

                          I still continue to struggle with the weekend drinking and I am going to put some serious work into it after I get back from vacation. My weekdays continue to be fine, either AF or 2 to 3 depending on when I get home. Which is fine for me. We all moderate at different levels.

                          Speaking of vacation, the family and I are heading to Cabo San Lucas on Friday. I am looking forward to spending sometime with the boys and my hubby. I have written out a plan to read every morning to remind myself I don?t want to lose any time while I?m there being drunk or suffering from a hangover. I feel strong and positive.


                          Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                            Monday 11th June

                            Hi all.

                            I am feeling very sorry for myself. I have been bitten by a horse-fly and my leg, from knee to toe, has doubled in size. The doc. says it is infected and has put me on anti-biotics. It is burning hot. Boo. Hoo.

                            Love to all as always
                            Enough is enough


                              Monday 11th June

                              Hi, eveyone. I am busy doing math Uck!! hate using my brain that way so I can not stay long just read all posts. Waves that does stink horse flies are vicious worse than bees sometimes. Well anyways back to the books.

                              Feel like I miss you all been so hectic lately

