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June 12, 2007

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    June 12, 2007

    I have size 11 feet. There are only two pair of shoes in the entire world that fit me and I already own them. I'll say no more.
    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


      June 12, 2007

      Nancy, sorry to hear you struggled this w/e. I went a bit over myself but am back on track. Glad you are feeling better today.


        June 12, 2007

        Hey, everybody and WELCOME LOUISE!

        BB is right. We are a mad bunch but that is part of the fun!:nutso: Feel free to join right in!

        I'm multitasking while writing this so don't worry about me if I sound unusually wacko. I'm at work but my brain is at home trying to remember 100 little things before I pack hubby and kid off to see Gramps who lives on the opposite coast.

        I was a little bad last night/this morning. I was feeling aggravated at my husband and absolutely could not fall asleep, even with the help of calms forte, herbal tea etc. The one thing that I know will know me out is wine. Hence, around five o'clock I poured myself a half-glass, maybe a smidgen more, of cab. It knocked me out and I'm trying to decide whether it was the right thing to do. I knew that I had a lot on today and I'm sure that the booze smell was absent from my breath by the time I interacted with anyone. Still, I used alchy as a med?

        What do you think? Am I a slacker?

        Anyway, my love to all who have posted and all of the laggards yet to post.

        :heart: E

        P.S. to Boopster, Judie and Det--You don't know from shoes hos.:devil:

        Nancy, no more bad dreams for you, sweetie.


          June 12, 2007

          Hi E, don't feel bad, i've done that in the past to get some sleep, just don't make a habit of it ...... Or you might get my pointy toes up your rear end .......

          Love & Hugs, BB xx


            June 12, 2007

            Eustacia, I've done that in desperation. Hey it was just one and you didn't get to enjoy it. Judie, my dog is an American Water Spaniel. They are chocolate brown and look like a cross between a cocker and a retreiver with curly poodle hair. They were bread to hunt ducks as they are under 50lbs and can get in and out of boats. But mine has not read the book and refuses to swim. He likes to chase rabbits and roadrunners. And lately he has started eating shoes again after a 10 year break from it! Only the good leather ones of course. So the shoe wardrobe is small and I will have to go to Nordstrom when I'm next in Seattle - the only place I can find shoes that fit.


              June 12, 2007

              Louise, Welcome to modsville, we are a crazed and fun group over here! Glad you joined us. sound like adorable doggies. They must be having such a good time in NM going after roadrunners and bunnies. We have both in abundance out here! See you soon!

              Hey Didit, GREAT to see you back.

              HAWK, I about dropped over hearing from you! WOW we have missed you! Glad you are back stick around, you have to tell us what you have been up to!

              Judie, you always crack me up!! Love your dancing pink elephant.

              Nancy, that sounds horrible. Hope you get a good nights sleep soon. I have some awfully strange ones sometimes and I really do have to watch how much violence I see on television or movies at the ripe young age of 52 or it can give me horrid dreams!!

              Ducky glad you are back on track.

              Sammys, well said.

              E, you have some alone time? WAHOOOOOOO!! sounds good! You know, sometimes you just need to get some decent sleep!

              Thanks BB, my name is Mary I am a scarfaholic, borderline shoeaholic. I am not taking any medication for these conditions . . . whew, good to get that off my chest!

              Hugs and Love,


                June 12, 2007

                Hi all,
                If I miss you it's cos you haven't posted yet today so I will greet you first. Hope you are well.
                Beaches, great to hear that the autism work is going so well.
                Ducky, Alaska might not be so easy on the aches and pains.
                Betty, I have one pair of shoes for winter, one pair of sandals for summer and one pair of smart shoes for special occasions. That?s it. Am I a heathen?
                Determinator, you reminded me, I do have walking boots and trainers.
                Mkr, never had sushi, will try it.
                Louise, welcome, it?s amazing how fast this site is growing. Gives you a realisation of just how many people are suffering from this. On Monday evening next week in UK there is a channel 4 programme on drinking yourself to death.
                Lushy, I can?t believe you are breaking up for summer already. We have another 6 weeks yet!
                Didit, That?s brilliant. Well done.
                Jude, I am going to picture myself on your water as my sleep aid tonight.
                Hawk, was missing you. Nice to see you back.
                Nancy, I hate nightmares.
                Sammys, Where do you keep all the shoes? I hate having them all over the house.
                Eustacia, enjoy your free time. Alc is a brilliant sleep aid but I tend to wake up early in the morning after it.

                My leg isn't quite as swollen today but has got worse as I have walked about on it at work.
                Love to all as always,
                Enough is enough


                  June 12, 2007

                  Waves, nice to see you .........

                  You are definitely a shoe heathen .............

                  But thanks for the tip about the monday night programme ........

                  Love & hugs to you all, BB xx


                    June 12, 2007

                    I keep the shoes in my bathroom in plastic containers stacked in two big rows, I also have a container full of flip flops et, I also have in one closet the floor full and a shelf in that closet also. It sounds like so many but honestly it really is managable and I do not keep any I do not wear. But of course I have winter shoes and summer shoes. Boots for winter also take up a bunch room.

                    Sammys Alright OK I am a shoe whore!!!!


                      June 12, 2007

                      Hello. checking in ... 2 drinks today ... very tired. This is my Friday. see you tomorrow.
                      "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams

