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Wednesday June 13

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    Wednesday June 13

    Hello Mod's Land.
    I am getting better about saying Good morning because I realized it's not morning for everyone out there

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Beth, my prayers are going out for Lindsay today.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

    Wednesday June 13

    Well I have a new challenge. I have done pretty well with mods when alone or with hubbie. Last night we had friends and I went overboard. Not to the blackout stage -- I remember everything -- but to the blabbermouth, open a bottle before one is finished stage. I feel like crap today. Woke up with a headache and have to meet the trainer at the gym. Should be fun...

    So I need to learn to apply my mods to social situations now. The same people are coming on Sunday with my inlaws for Father's Day so I will have the chance to handle it correctly then.


    Tx for listening to my vent. I hope everyone is doing well today.


      Wednesday June 13

      Good morning Fellow Mods....Ducky-I almost in a way think it's good the mess up once in a challenging situation because it makes you remember oh yeah THATS why I'm working so hard to moderate (ie hangover this morning) I moderated ok last night, as I was w/ friends as well. I made a conscious choice to finish the one glass left in a bottle thats been open since Sat night when I got home. Which I probably didn't need, but having it gone may make it easier to go AF Wed and Thursday. I've generally been doing fairly well not drinking during the week.
      "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced"



        Wednesday June 13

        Greetings MODland. Ducky I think the combination of modding and social pressures is the hardest thing we will face on a regular's hard for sure! try not to ralf on your trianer really though.....hope you feel better soon.
        Nice AF evening last night. Discussed Mods planning when Dx is away this weekend. that's been one of my biggest triggers is when the wife's away I get bored and anxious and suffer from seperation anxiety (at least I have in the past) and then drink too much. things will be different this time a round.
        cheery Wednesday everyone!
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Wednesday June 13

          Tx Gita and Determinator! I am sure I will feel better in a bit. I just returned from the gym. I did cardio and lucked out because my trainer could not make the session! I just might have ralfed on him!!!

          When I socialize I let myself lose track of the amount I am drinking. Or I should say that I used to do that. No more! I saw the look on my neighbor's face (puzzled) when I opened a red when we had 1/3 of a bottle to go...I guess it was obvious I was having more than one more glass! I don't want to see that look again.

          OK, I am on to better things today. Our market had wild salmon yesterday for the first time. I splurged on a big filet and that is dinner tonight. Either AF or MODS.


            Wednesday June 13

            Hi Beaches, Ducky, Gita & D, .....

            Beth my thoughts are with your neice as well .......

            Ducky & Gita, don't beat yourselves up, be strong .....

            D, good luck for the weekend ............

            I've had a good day today, only 2 small glasses last night, (I had been creeping into bad habits). So no hangover for me today .....

            Lushy, you asked about the vibrogym, I haven't had much time this week but will keep you updated ....

            Love & Hugs to everyone,

            BB xx


              Wednesday June 13

              Hi Betty, I am trying not to beat myself up. Thinking positive thoughts works much better. Have a great day and good job stopping at 2. It's so nice to wake up w/o a HO.


                Wednesday June 13

                Hello to everyone in Mods!!!

                Beth your family is in my prayers sweetie...

       seem to be busy, busy these days

                Ducky...great job getting that workout in! makes the bounce back that much faster...sweat it all out and replace with water

                Gita.. sounds like you're figuring out what works for you and developing a program

                Betty..I hear you on the creeping into bad habits too

                I haven't posted in a few days because I have been super busy with work and getting kids set up for camp ect and so on...It's has not been just normal busy but, EXTREMELY stressful busy. I have alot of employee issues and temperatures are running high. I am the manager and I go back and forth between trying to take everything on myself just to get it done and getting fed up with employees and bad behavior. I have to recognize that by taking everything on myself I am teaching and rewarding bad behavior. Need to put those bitch boots back on.... I hadn't been strict with my program for 4 days but, am now back to where I want to be. I will be a lean, mean kick ass machine by 4th of July! That is my goal!!

                MKR and Lush thanks for asking about me.
                Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                  Wednesday June 13

                  Hello to all in MODsville:
                  I had to make a trip to the chiropractor this am. I almost fell down last week in the garden and my back/neck has been out ever since. I still feel stiff but I know I'll feel better in a day or two. OUCHIE!!
                  My 16th anniversay is coming up this weekend and hubby and I are taking a trip. Although we are taking the kids it should still be fun. Park City, Utah. We have never been there and I think it will be beautiful this time of year.
                  Hope everyone is doing well.
                  Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                    Wednesday June 13

                    Happy Anniversary in advance, DidIt,

                    sometimes the near falls do more damage than falling. Hope you are feeling better very soon.


                      Wednesday June 13

                      Hi Ya'll!

                      Beth sending prayers to you & Lindsy & your Family... :lilangel:

                      Beaches-Sounds like you're still busy with school... Summer's coming!

                      Ducky- Hope you're feeling better. Glad ya didn't spew on your trainer.

                      Gita- My weekend is the mid of the week. So I have to keep myself busy Tues- Thurs. As long as the weather's good... it's no problem...

                      Determtr-Seperation anxiety huh? You know you can always come on here.. we'll "bitch slap" ya! Make ya feel loved !

                      Betty- Those old habits sure can sneak back in real fast & furious if I'm not really vigilant. (Don't know what just happened to my print type here..)

                      PP- Management sucked for me! I'm so, NOT cut out for it!
                      It's like being part babysitter, part psychologist, and trying to please everybody ... while still remaining friends...Ha Ha... Try doing that in a small town, working with everybody ya know, & have known for years, that you "party" with after work...
                      Great to see you!

                      Didit- I hope the chyro helped. Happy Anniversary & enjoy Park City!

                      I had a wonderful day on the river yesterday! Spent most of the day on the water with my doggie. I put-in about 1opm and didn't take-out till about 7:00pm. It was beautiful & sunny, definately got some color, & caught some great waves off of the jet boats! Feeling a bit sore today.. but not too bad.
                      The sun hasn't popped thru just yet today, but probably soon. Maybe go again later, after I do some chores.

                      Hope everyone has a great day! Happy Hump! inkele:
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                        Wednesday June 13

                        Hey Judie, have a great "w/e." I have a kayak too. My husband gave it to me for my birthday last year. I have hardly used it because of a problem with my left shoulder. I am getting an MRI tomorrow so hopefully I will find out what's up and then make a plan to fix it and get in my kayak!


                          Wednesday June 13

                          In your divinely sanctioned quest for having, doing, and being ever more, should you ever need a little inspiration, simply think of all you now have, all you now do, and all you now are.

                          Blows our minds.

                          You rock,
                          ****The Universe

                          Beth, as all have said, in our thoughts and prayers. You are so strong, you have shown us this over and over again. Your sister needs you for her rock right now, I pray you have the strength to help her.

                          Beaches, hope you have a great day and get some fun time with those kiddos!

                          Ducky, do you have the cd's? Maybe pull them out plus tons of kudzu and l-glut just before you see friends. Making a (silent) game out of whose drink last longest got me through my first couple dinners out with girlfriends. You can do this, just maybe have to rethink some of your program.

                          Gita, good job, I think it does take awhile into the program before an open bottle stops calling your name.

                          Det, I think not having my husband around in an evening use to make it way easier to pull that hidden bottle out of where ever and a great excuse to over do so I do know what you are talking about. Good luck for this weekend, I know you can do it. You have the strength!

                          BB, your vibrogym sounded cool!

                          PP, Hey good to see you girl! Sorry work is so heavy right now.

                          DidIT - ICE IT, its better for your inflammation than heat. Hope you feel better and you have an excellent trip! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!

                          Judie, hope you get the chance to get out on the water today!

                          Louise and I just met at my office and went for a nice long walk on a tree lined dirt road. What a sweet lady she is and just wonderful company to be around. I have never had the opportunity to meet another MWO member. What a lovely experience that was. We are going to try again for another walk real soon.

                          Hugs and Love to all here and those to come later in the day!


                            Wednesday June 13

                            Mary & Louise! How wonderful! Wish I were there! :flower: :dancin:
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                              Wednesday June 13

                              OK Lousie and MKR I am officially envious of your meeting and walk must have been really nice. Everyone else HOWDY!! It's BAD PATTYS BBQ Fest at work so now I speak Barbeque lingo!!!!

                              Have a great day Ya all,
                              Sammys ( Brisket maker, sweet potato french fry maker)

