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Friday at last ....

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    Friday at last ....

    Hello modsville .......

    I'm joining E in the cleaning for an hour this morning, but only until my nearest retail outlet opens .....

    A close friend gets married tomorrow, and I don't have an outfit yet, so i'm hitting the shops .....

    Love & hugs to you all,

    BB xx

    Friday at last ....

    Good morning Betty!

    Have fun shopping. I hate shopping these days because I have put on so much weight. I only go when I am desperate for an outfit for an event. I am working on losing the weight and cutting down on A should help. I am also a gym rat. Too bad I love to eat and drink and cook! I just read the secret and put my desired weight on my bulletin board. I remember being that weight and enjoying clothes shopping. Sorry for the vent!

    Hi all, hope everyone is having a great Friday!


      Friday at last ....

      Hello all moderators..well here we go again another weekend looming!

      Got the plan all worked out ...was going for a meal tomorrow but thats off so will have a meal at home with hubby and share a bottle of wine!

      No booze tonight or sunday planned.sticking with no weekday boozing(including Fridays..traditionally a tricky night for me when was home boozing regularly/daily actually!!)

      noticed my choc intake is creeping up..its this mentality of a reward at the end of a day i think!1stick better tna boozing for me.

      Off work at present for 2 weeks( a few health problems0 hence i,m on here during the day time .Off to do some household chores in a bit and some gardening too.

      Have a good weekend....lets hope we can all stick withour individual plans.....small steps.

      i keep a calendar and its lovely to be able to marl out so far this month so many Af days!!
      i know it is a long journey for me to make the changes neede but am encouraged by all your honest sharing and support....

      Regards Cassy


        Friday at last ....

        Betty, have to find something racy to match those new boots!
        heya Ducky, Cassy and the whole crew to come,
        Aloooooha Friday!
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Friday at last ....

          Okay, Okay. There is a message that appears at the top of my screen. It says,
          Hello fsophiah it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks, why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums?

          Also, I got an email from Tawny yesterday. So I'm home. I went to Louisville, KY to grade AP exams for a week+. I put an an outrageously expensive ad in the upscale neighbohood newspapers for the online tutoring business that I'm trying to start and got no calls. My mother moved to Dallas. My son's girlfriend moved in with us. She's extremely needy. I retired. I have been trying to put 27 years of teaching stuff into my house, and it's not pretty. I'm having a party tonight. What else? Getting wine under control just isn't high on my list, and I need to get into a more peaceful region. I need to hang with you guys.


            Friday at last ....

            How to know you're illuminated, enlightened, and, spiritually speaking, totally on fire?

            You choose to be happy most of the time.

            ****The Universe

            Good Morning all you fine mods! TGIF, it is a busy one and that is OK, I have sprinkled it with me time too!

            BB, happy shopping!

            Ducky, good for you being a gym rat. In no time I predict you will enjoy shopping again!

            Cassy, I hope nothing serious. Feel good, glad to see you here.

            Sophia, glad you stopped by! Sorry to hear you are still not happy with your schedule and responsibilities. I think retiring means you should find some "me" time in all of that. I think we are alike Sophia in that I "have" to schedule that in as a priority or it will get passed right on by. I know I am all about saying yes to everyone and well, I am finding I really do need some take care of me time or this is just not worth it slugging through this all the time. Really want to hear you say NO to some of the little things that are driving you over the edge!! It will make retirement much more enjoyable if you do that I think!! Wishing you luck on finding some time to meditate and relax. Big Hugs!!

            Det, if you are a dad, happy father's day via U.S.A!

            The party is at my house and I am OK with that as I feel so lucky to have my dad here about now!

            Someone mentioned Friday nights were always their time to shine on the drinking. No matter what, Friday nights held that same, "I deserve to party attitude" for me too. . . . even if I had to work on Saturday. Friday was an excuse to blow out the evening. I am so happy to wake up refreshed and good on Saturday mornings these days. Anyone feeling that must party Friday attitude coming on, try and remember how much you would like to enjoy Saturday morning, it may make it easier to pass that one last drink by!

            Have a great weekend . . .all of you!!

            Hugs and Love to all,


              Friday at last ....

              Morning all!

              Wishing all of you a wonderful moderating weekend. MKR, you are so right about how great Saturday mornings can be when we are not hungover.

              I have a busy weekend with an arts festival tomorrow and going to a concert on Sunday with my daughter at our local zoo. Great family time.

              Happy Father's Day to any of our US Dads here!!
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Friday at last ....


                First of all, thanks so much for your support yesterday and last night during my cleaning whirlwind. I got a good night's sleep (maybe manic cleaning is the key) and I'm back at it this morning.

                Well, well . . . look who's back! Sophia, I, too, was wondering how your were doing and I finally decided that you were likely on some global romp having fun. It does sound like you have your hands full, sweetie. Glad to see you back.

                Cassy, what's wrong? I hope that it isn't something a lit r & r won't fix. As for chocolate, it cures most everything. Unfortunately.

                Boopster, you've just inspired me to do another hour of cleaning. I know the lure of the stores. I hope that you find something as lovely as you for the wedding.

                Ducky, if it helps, I feel pudgy today, too. And, I cleaned like a demon yesterday. Don't quite get it.

                Have a great day, everyone. My love to all.

                :heart: E


                  Friday at last ....

                  Good Morning all!
                  I've missed you. I've been reading though and catching up.
                  Summer school is keeping me busy.
                  Have a great Friday.


                    Friday at last ....

                    Good morning modsters. I wasn't so mod yesterday and managed to drink two beers and then 4 glasses of wine over several hours. Don't feel so hot now. I wondered how long this would take - 2 weeks. So I am going AF for the weekend, which covers my workweek anyway. I'd pretty much stopped listening to the CDs, except sleep learning, and will start that again today. AF is simpler and I am thinking that all I got out of moderating was regaining some weight. Socially I think I had just as much fun without wine as with, and the times I've gone out the booze has certainly added to the bill, not to mention groceries.
                    "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


                      Friday at last ....

                      Happy Friday everyone,

                      Nearly home time here (4.45pm), looking forward to getting my feet up. Hope you get something gorgeous Betty (that outfit you are wearing would be divine?). Speak to you all on Monday.

                      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                        Friday at last ....

                        Hello everyone, I am thinking this weekend should be great and am going to relax, make no plans and go with the flow as they say. I should get a plan for A right now so I do not let that flow to much. Be back later and have a nice friday afternoon.

                        Boop hope the shopping goes good and you find something really cute and not to expensive. (Although I am at a point if I really like something I will pay heavily just cause I know I will wear it and be pleased)

                        Nothing worse than wearing something and not feeling like you look good in it.



                          Friday at last ....

                          Hi Ya'll!
                          It's my Monday, but I need to make some $$, and I've had 3 wonderful days off. Kayaked everyday this week... feeling strong & brown!
                          If I get some chores done... I might still sneak out for an hour when the boats go by, and catch some waves.:H

                          My Dad had the seed implant procedure done for prostate cancer, everything went well. His numbers are low, so it's looking good.:fingers:
                          I'm glad they didn't have to do the surgury, that sounded too invasive, and I worry about his health...

                          Sophia- Great to see ya! Missed you...

                          E- Glad you got the cleaning done... my place is a happy lived in mess. Itll just have to wait for bad weather for me to get around to it though!

                          Hope everybody has a great weekend. Love you ALL!
                          Peace & Hugs,

                          Sending prayers to Beth, Lindsey, & Family... :lilangel:
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            Friday at last ....

                            Hi Sammys, good idea to make a plan. Sunday will be my tough day because the inlaws and some other company will be here. I don't want to feel like crap on Monday.

                            Jude, glad you had a nice 3 days. Hope your workweek/weekend goes well.

