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Monday June 18

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    Monday June 18

    Hello Mod's Land
    Hope you all have a great day.

    I start mine off traveling an hour and a half to a supervisors meeting, oh what fun. We get to learn about all the changes in the system to send all our staff over the edge because they just learned the old way

    Thursday is the last day of school for the twins then they have a couple weeks off until they start with the summer program. My daughter will be having her surgery on the 28th so that will give her some time to recover as well. Never a dull moment in our camp.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!!
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

    Monday June 18

    hi beaches..doing ok and sticking with the no weekday drinking boss just called around as i,m off sick. we got talking and she asked me if i drink!!!!wow!!

    i managed to skirt around it by saying right now i drink at weekends only..which is the truth..never was able to lie!!. well at least for last 3 or 4 weeks i have stuck with this new routine...hope it lasts as i feel good about it!!

    regards Cassy

    hoped she didnt notice the guilty look


      Monday June 18

      Beaches, hope your drive and meeting go smoothly.

      Cassy, wow, that is weird that your boss asked you that. Good thing you had a good honest answer!

      Off to the gym. I am thinking of adding some AF days into my week. We shall see.

      Hope everyone has a great day!


        Monday June 18

        Hi all,

        Cassy, you are doing really well, keep it up .....

        Panadol, I want some of those slippers ......

        Jude, sorry but I laughed at your Kayak story .....

        Waves, good luck at your meeting ....

        Nancy, well done for your wedding, 3 glasses is probably far better than in the post ...

        Janie, well done for your night in, thats the worst thing for me as well ....

        Julie, Keep up the good work and don't be tempted by the cigs ....

        To everyone else, hope that you are well ....

        Anyway, my wedding story ........... It's a long one i'm afraid ....

        The groom has been one of our closest friends for the last 8 years, and until he met his wife he had a string for bad girlfriends, and I was always his sounding board. I was there for him on many occasions, and he was always there for me too, we have had a very close friendship for the last 8 years, and his wife even mentioned that I was going to be a bridesmaid along with Kerrie but changed her mind .....

        Anyway, the day was lovely, His wife is a lovely lady and is good for him, but her family really took over and his friends (all 6 of us!!!!!!) were pushed to the back. Steve was an usher so he was really involved, but when I found out that he was sitting on the top table and me and kerrie were alone I started to feel sorry for myself .... I sat wallowing in self pity and then realised that I wasn't on a single wedding photo ......

        Although it was a lovely day I felt that i'd been forgotten .........

        Anyway, It came to the time to leave and the groom was drunk, he stood at the door with a drink in his hand and shook everyones hands as they left ...... As I went up to him (with Steve & Kerrie) he put down his drink, opened his arms wide and said 'come here P' where have you been all day?? He proceded to hug me really tight and wouldn't let me go, when I eventually pulled away he had tears in his eyes and said, 'I've always loved you you know, and I always will'!!!!!!!!

        I tried to make a joke of it and said, You know I'm not on a single photo, he started looking for a camera because wanted a photo and I was overwhelmed and started crying also (this is happening in front of half the wedding party and my husband!!!!) he insisted that my hubby took a photo of him and me with tears streaming down my face, because i'm his best mate and how could I not be on any photo's ......

        Steve took the photo, and as I went to leave, he grabbed me again, holding me and asking me not to go .....

        I turned and walked away, with tears streaming down my face and everyone watching with mouths wide open, luckily his wife didn't see this.

        All the way home I was waiting for hubby to do his jealous act, but instead he asked if I was ok ..... I asked him if he was angry, and he said no, why should he be? He said that the last few months have been a learning curve for him, and he said that because i'm such a special caring person that lots of people love me, and that he is the lucky one because he has me, he was absolutely OK.......

        Anyway we had to see the groom yesterday to return Steves suit, I was dreading it, but guess what he said ...... 'Haven't a clue what I said or did last night, I was really drunk and can't remember a thing!!!!!

        Anyway sorry it was long ... but I just had to share...

        Love & Hugs to you all,

        BB xx


          Monday June 18

          Good Morning All,
          Betty..that is a bitter-sweet story but I am happy for you.
          Beaches ..what kind of surgery is your daughter having. I am sorry that I missed that before.
          I am doing OK. No hangovers..still need to do better. 1 topa day seems to handle the cravings. I still drink wine. I have some paranoia about going AF.
          Fathers day was a good day for all of us.


            Monday June 18


            What an amazing wedding story.

            It's funny how when people get drunk, they sometimes say such warm and loving things, and then other times they go on the verbal attack.

            Better the former than the latter I say.

            Sounds like your husband is taking a more enlightened view of your relationships. Great to hear it.

            cassy, I can't believe your boss asked you if you drink. Glad you were able to tell the truth. I would advise against telling your boss you have a problem unless it's a close personal friendship of course.


              Monday June 18

              Morning All!!

              Beaches...never a dull moment with little ones is it..I hope you don't have to end up having surgery as well

              Nancy...I have been exercising a little over a month now and now I get the "high" when I jog so, it makes it enjoyable. You had mentioned about living a healthier lifestyle. It is a chore at first but, eventually you will look forward to it

              Judie..I just checked out the beautiful...expect me on your doorstep one day

              Lush...hope you had fun at your concert...I haven't been to a concert in years! Hope it didn't get rained out

              Ducky...good going with all your days at the gyms...yeah endorphines!!

     what a story! Are you going to fill in the blanks for him or just wait until he sees the pictures? Inquiring minds want to know!

              I have been good and keeping up with my exercising. I even did 4 miles of jog/walk yesterday in the rain. It had not stopped raining here for 3 days. Hurricane season is heres for sure. I have also managed to drop another 2 pounds! I am on a serious mission to look decent in a bathing suit for the Bahamas for 4th of July !
              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                Monday June 18

                Good Morning all,

                Lushy did it stop raining so you could see the concert?

                Waves dear, glad to hear your leg is better!

                Judie, scary flip but super happy to hear you were prepared. I was giggling thinking about Bungee being all embarrassed!

                Louise, so great to get to know you a bit better and the walk was lovely. I was fairly crippled later in the day, went to a party in the evening and when I had sat for about 15 minutes, could not get up and walk solid, my leg just buckled under. Maybe I pushed a bit more than I figured but I was not buckling on the walk. Felt great at the time. going to keep on working at this!

                Mona, thank you for PM ing me about Beth's niece. Left early on Friday and had no idea that Lindsay had passed on.

                Beth, I am so sorry but also glad that you were there for your sister and your other niece. She needs you right now too! Big bear hugs! You are being so strong and we are all quite proud of your efforts in this crisis.

                Beaches, sorry about your daughter and I hope you do not need surgery as well. That's a lot of recouping!

                Cassy, that is weird that your boss would ask that. I do not think she should be privy to any "in depth" information.

                Gym bound Ducky, you are doing so well! Add a day or two in there of AF and it will change your thinking a little more even.

                BB, glad your husband is finally getting it! Sorry you had such a weird experience at the wedding. Bet you looked super!!

                Chrysa, good for you on the topa. Glad to hear Father's day was good!

                Nancy, how are you doing?

                Hope you all have a lovely week. I have been busy revamping my business and am going to be moving it home, cutting down my overhead and giving myself permission to rest, exercise, go on vacation, playtime with my husband and have generally hand picked my clients I will keep. It has been a great and liberating process so far. Still have some details to iron out on the move but am looking forward to it. May change my times I am on my computer as I do wake up at ungodly hours sometimes!

                Hugs and Love to all,


                  Monday June 18

                  PP, posting at same time! Awesome on the weight loss. I bet you will look so very gorgeous!! xo Mary


                    Monday June 18

                    Mary, remind me what type of business it is? Moving it home and limiting it sounds like a great idea. You deserve some rest and fun.

                    The gym was great. That part I have down. It's the eating/drinking part of my life that is hard.

                    Time for lunch, lol.


                      Monday June 18

                      Hey Ya'll! Well as usuall... I'm a bit backwards... It's my Friday! Yeah!
                      Just got a call, so I have to go in a little earlier than planned, but that's OK, I'll make some extra cash, and be done earlier!

                      PP- We have lot's of room, just let me know when you're coming! I'd love it.

                      Cassy- that is strange that your boss would ask you about drinking...Mine knows all about my history with it. But that's only because I was fired from the cafe 8 years ago, for showing up drunk... 3 or 4 times(fired, that is- I was drunk more often than that! ) Not many secrets in this "one horse town"!

                      Lushy- how were the Indigo Girls?

                      Ducky- Good job getting your work-out in early! I haven't even brushed my hair yet.

                      Betty- That wedding story is so sad. Sounds like you handled it with grace.. I don't think I'd have been able to hold it together so well. I'm sorry that happened...

                      Beaches- Hope your daughter's sugery goes well.

                      MKR_ Sounds like a good move. Getting things close to home & minimizing things a bit... The time will be good for you. You deserve it.:h I'm all for liberation!

                      Beth- thinking of you and your Family.

                      Chryssa- I don't hardly ever have AF days myself. But sometimes it's only a beer or 2, and I don't always finish that... Sooo much better than the "old daze"... I think it's more of a mental habit, and being around it, (Hubby has beer every night after work) I know it's no excuse, but it's still a HUGE improvement! It's something I can live with, and I don't feel like I'm ruining my life, or missing out on anything either...

                      Hope everybody has a wonderful day! Love ya Bunches!
                      Peace & hugs,
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                        Monday June 18

                        Morning everyone just read all posts some pretty interesting. Will be back later to check in and catch up some more.



                          Monday June 18

                          Hi Guys,
                          Would like to join you all at Monthly Mods.

                          Has taken me so long to actually `do` something about my excessive drinking, as the thought of never again savouring wine turned me into a mourner........seriously!!! lol

                          So, thought long and hard about it, and I decided that, if at all possible for me, I would far rather moderate. Personally, I regard abs as a form of deprivation, and a surefire way to make me a misery-guts.

                          Was my 1st wk. moderating last wk., and I managed 5 AF nights in a row-didn`t always find it easy though. Had a btl. of wine last Fri., and have been AF again since. Plan is to stay AF until weekend, but as any of you who have read "BUT.........Mummy said I could!!! lol"(which I posted earlier) will know, I got a btl. of wine in fridge at mo., and am sorely tempted to drink it tonight. Anyway, even if I do drink it, am still proud to know that I`ve been AF 7 nights out of the last 8, compared to a very occassional AF night these past 5 yrs.

                          Starlight Impress


                            Monday June 18

                            Hi starlight, welcome to Mods, nice to have you around .....

                            Judie, I didn't handle it well at all, I walked away .... sobbing .... You know I even cried when I posted it today ....

                            Hey ho,

                            Love & Hugs, BB xx


                              Monday June 18

                              Hello Mods people, im pretty new to all of this and I have been reading the posts without replying, I hope that im not intruding but the wedding story got me thinking, initially I thought that it would be my worst nightmare, but then upon reflection its pretty special that people can tell each other that kind of stuff without fear of reprisal, you are very lucky Betty, you must have a very undrstanding family around you.

