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Tuesday June 19

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    Tuesday June 19

    hi prest4time.......

    wow your house dynamics sounds so like mine.......I have a 20 year old as well.......just got a job 14 hrs away from home..........i am a bit of a worry ward i am afraid..........he is home for a few days then off again........although i love having him around...i will miss him......i raised him to be confident and streetsmart i am sure you have with yours as well.....(for it is our job as parents)....... he knows where to go if he needs help.........he is exploring his world.......keep busy with coffee with friends......old movies.........and good old R AND R...........i like to run as well.......have a great week.............
    You've been CRITICISING yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try APPROVING of yourself and see what happens......


      Tuesday June 19

      Wow, I thought I'd hit a time warp:H
      Hi Columbia - did you know this thread was from 2007? I don't think any of these people post here any more. But your son sounds as though he's all set for whatever's out there thanks to you


        Tuesday June 19

        hi blondie.........

        nope did not see the date..........arghh...........i am just reading , reading , reading,........thanks for the TIP.........
        You've been CRITICISING yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try APPROVING of yourself and see what happens......


          Tuesday June 19

          I'm one to comment - I post and forget or don't post and think I have!! That's a lot of reading you're doing :H But it's good that older threads are resurrected because they can and do help.


            Tuesday June 19

            ive done this before too haha
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

