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    Good morning Starlight you sound great.

    Hi to everyone else to come too!

    Off to my sons tour soon then will be making cookies for the last day of school for the teachers. It has finally cooled down to the 70's again which is perfect for me.

    Have a great day everyone!!
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      WED JUNE 20TH

      Good morning Starlight, Beaches ... feeling good in modsville myself. Was thinking about going abs, but seem to be leveling out. I think abs a couple days a week is good. Still sleeping really well. That's the biggest difference from pre-MWO. And mods is defnitely less booze than before! Now I just want to get the exercise and food piece a little more under control!
      "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


        WED JUNE 20TH

        Morning All!

        Star you do sound great. Great job on all the AF days. Nothing better than a morning after an AF night.

        Beaches, glad the weather cooled for you. 70's is perfect for me too.

        Zin, glad to hear you are finding a way to make mods work for you.

        Well summer is here and I made my daughter promise me she would help me get out and exercise every day, if even for 10 minutes. I have been such a slug for too long. We went for a bike ride yesterday and it was great fun. I did not realize quite how out of shape I was but it was the kick in the butt I needed to realize how important it is to take care of my body. Another nice day here so we will get out for another ride. I forgot how good it was to inhale fresh air! LOL.

        Love to all of the rest to come! Happy Moderating Wednesday!!
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          WED JUNE 20TH

          I am out of the office today marketing my programs and interviewing potential staff. This post is from my phone. Did my 4 miles yesterday and 1.5 glasses of wine. I have now lost a total of 7 pounds. With all this extra energy I have rearranged my closet...cleaned out my suv....cleaned all the paper clutter in my is filling receipts....
          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


            WED JUNE 20TH

            Hi All,

            Starlight, thanks for starting the thread, you are now the official mods thread starter ...........

            Beaches, any chance of sharing those cookies .............

            Zin, well done you are doing good ..........

            Lushy, you just reminded me, I have to start on my magic gym machine again ............

            PP, please stop bragging about your new phone, I'm jealous ..........

            Well, My day is busy, been at work today and I'm just getting ready for a school governors meeting, we are interviewing for a new headteacher next week so we have a lot to do ...........

            Love and Hugs to each and everyone of you .....

            BB xx


              WED JUNE 20TH

              I think this may be my anniversary at MWO. How do I find out when my first post was?


                WED JUNE 20TH

                Well this modster was not quite mods last night but ready to get back on program. Two hours in the gym (one with the trainer) was pretty good punishment. I have the exercise thing down; now I have to cut down on my calories...

                Hi Betty, good luck with the search.

                PP and Lushy, good job moving.

                Zin, glad you are feeling good in modsville. Beaches, enjoy the baking. Starlight, thanks for the startup.

                Making homemade pesto today to go over tortellini. Sending it to poker night with DH. I think I'll have a taste though...


                  WED JUNE 20TH

                  Congrats Sophia, Not sure how you find out, perhaps you could PM RJ ....


                    WED JUNE 20TH

                    Hi Everybody!

                    CONGRATULATIONS SOPHIA!:flower: I know I was pretty out of it, when I first found this place, so I had to make an estimate of my beginning date...
                    I just went back to "my story" and knew I'd been here a few weeks before I'd posted that( the web site & server has changed so much since then... my original posts aren't here anymore... -thank God!)

                    Lushy- I can think of one or 2 things better than "that" :wow:

                    Ducky- Home made pesto sounds yummy!

                    Betty- enjoy your interviewing, hope you find a great one.

                    PP- 7 lbs! You go girl! Fightin' weight! (I'll still arm wrestle ya!)... But no foot racing!

                    Zincity- I think if I go abs, I end up obsessing over the thought of it so much.. I loose a lot of energy. Seems to make sense for me to just have one or 2 if I feel like it. Rather than being "Hyper-sensitive" to anyone around me that might be...

                    Beaches- I love the 70's... music and all! The temp is perfect too! Hoping it gets to be that here today as well. What kind of cookies?

                    Morning back @ ya Starlight! You sound nice & cheery!
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                      WED JUNE 20TH

                      Hello everyone, got home from work had to discuss beer, I won't go into detail but it does make me feel like having one that is for sure. PP seven pounds is so great, I always think of weight in terms of 1/2 burgers we sell. Seven pounds would be 14 1/2 burgers, stacked up 14 burgers is alot of meat/fat. Fsophiah close enough happy anniversay. Boop, ducky lushy, Star,Zen and Beaches have a really good evening.



                        WED JUNE 20TH


                        fsophiah, you just need to do a search under your name and voila!--all of your posts will be there, starting from the first. I think. However, if you joined much before a year ago the earliest ones might be history.

                        I'm struggling a bit here. Actually, I'm terrified and sad. My dad almost died Sunday night. The ambulance took him to the wrong hospital because he was in such distress that the EMTs didn't think that he would make it the five minutes more that I would have taken to get him to the hospital where he is usually treated. He was born with a genetic heart defect (the reason I chose not to have biological children). He has long had COPD (maybe because he smoked before the Surgeon General's report came out, but then again, so do I and I've never smoked) as well severe congestive heart failure and mitral insufficiency. He developed pnuemonia. He was administered cortisone--perhaps, because his asthma also kicked up--and that threw his blood sugar out of whack, so now he is on insulin. He so wants to live and yet there is so much wrong. He is 77, but still intellectually and creatively vigorous.

                        To make matters worse (at least for his children), he refuses to "be seen" in poor condition. I cannot imagine that he doesn't know that we love him and would love him no matter what. Any one of us would have been on the next plane if only we knew that our presence would do something other than upset him. My stepmother is the only person he wants around him which also means, despite her needs, that she has to deal with this alone.

                        I know that there is nothing concrete that anyone can do to "help" him, but it hurts so much that my love alone seems meaningless to him. This is bringing out extreme feelings of helplessness in me, rejection, not being good enough for him (not pretty enough or smart enough, the way I felt my entire childhood) and acute memories of my mother's too recent death. I feel like I am going backward in time despite the fact that he wrote me a letter a few years ago in which he said that he loved me and that I was ok the way I am. I wish that I could feel that his isolation was more than rejection but I cannot.

                        OK, enough of my complaining. I hope that everyone is having a better day than me.



                          WED JUNE 20TH

                          Sorry to hear about your dad taking so ill. He sounds like a very proud man when he doesn`t want any of you to see him at less than his best, just as so many elderly people are. Am sure he knows you love him very dearly.

                          Starlight Impress


                            WED JUNE 20TH

                            Hi Everyone,

                            I'm so trying not to sneak a drink at work. I still have patients to see. My sister sent me an email saying our father had been transferred to another hospital. I called the number that she wrote went to his room and it was not in service. I eventually got through to him but not until after I was sure he was dead. I'm shaking and I'm trying not to throw up. Have pity on the patients who have to see me!



                              WED JUNE 20TH

                              Oh E, so sorry to hear you are hurting. Lost mom and dad last year myself and it is still so hard. Can you leave a bit early?

