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    For today only.........



    Hi all,

    RR the vulture was better than the dummy. I like Sujul's avatar. But we can't all have that!

    MKR, hope the move is going better. :h

    Jude, if you go with PP instead of head-viced hubby van I have your canoe till you come back?

    Yesterday I had two pieces of good news and one bad. So how come I am focussing on the bad? Why is my cup always half-empty and how can I make it half-full? Has anyone conquered this problem????

    Everyone else, love to you as always
    Enough is enough



      A very good morning to you redrobin and Waves and all fellow-modsters to come.

      Had half my wkly. btl last night and will enjoy rest tonight.

      Going shopping in town today.........wallpaper!!!!.........hope to make it a busy coming week.

      Have a superb day all........`s avatar rocks!!!!! lol

      Much love,

      Starlight Impress


        SATURDAY 30 JUNE

        Good Morning all in modsville ....

        RR, I love the dummy .....

        Waves, Can't help with the cup half empty thing, I always look on the black side of everything .....

        Starlight, WELL DONE!!! To leave half a bottle is excellent ....

        My night with the girls was lovely, we are planning a halloween fundraiser and came up with lots of ideas, and I only had 3 glasses of wine so my head is clear this morning .....

        Also cant resist posting a picture of the cover that I have ordered for my new laptop ....

        Love and hugs to everyone ...

        BB xx Attached files [img]/converted_files/276844=1191-attachment.jpg[/img]


          SATURDAY 30 JUNE

          I tried to have 3 glasses of wine last night, had 3 large glassses and 3 small.
          meant i missed my gym class,feel rubbish and smoked tonnes.

          I need help big time to moderate, af for 2 weeks recently.I knowo i can't moderate on wine i need to change my drink.
          no booze until next Friday for me now.
          strted moderation on monday had 1 glass, wed half a bottle and thu half a bottle and yesterday loads - about 28 units a week - double what I planned.
          trying to lose weight too - help - any advice greatly received on how to moderate - what works for you?
          one day at a time


            SATURDAY 30 JUNE

            Hi Bear, sorry you feel poorly. I am also trying to moderate. I personally find that if I have a little wine after dinner, on a full stomach, or with dinner, I can keep to 2 or 3 glasses. Last night one. But if I start early and on an empty stomach I tend to drink more than I planned. I know that it is hard to moderate, which is why so many decide to go AF. I also try to plan how many I will allow myself and make sure there is no topping off. I have a ways to go though...

            By the way, what is a unit (how much wine) and when people refer to a bottle, what size bottle are they referring to? I thought a standard bottle was 4+ small glasses (25 or so ounces) but I thought someone said it was 9 units?


              SATURDAY 30 JUNE

              Hi Bear,
              Advice I have been given and which has helped is:
              • Change your habits
              • Drink plenty of water between alcoholic drinksKnow your triggersDon't drink until you have eaten.
              It's a start. Good luck.
              Enough is enough


                SATURDAY 30 JUNE

                cheers for responses
                To answer question about units a unit is 125ml of ine, i single meausre of spirtis or half a pint of ordinary strength beer/lager.

                thanks for tips.
                Yes drinking on an empty stomach is what did me in, I feel ok now, I'm planning body pump and a run tomorrow.I think I can only drink winewith food as then I don't get the urge to binge on it.

                I can regulate spirtis quite well so think I should stick to that really.

                May go for nice sauna and steam later to let out a few toxins!
                one day at a time


                  SATURDAY 30 JUNE

                  Hello all, just back from a nice mid-week trip with DH to the mountains to cool off. It was great to walk outside during the day without dying! Managed to moderate - 2 drinks with dinner. One time I had a glass of wine in the afternoon with some dessert. Altogether not too bad for mods in June. I'd like to moderate down from 2-3 to 0-2. I can tell even three affects my energy and weight! Haven't listened to the hypno CDs since going mod, just the Sleep learning and sometimes Subliminal. Happy Saturday everyone!
                  "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


                    SATURDAY 30 JUNE

                    Grrr! I just spent 20 min typing, addressing everyone here.. Ranting about my busy nite @ work... and lost the whole F^%$( POST! That just Pissses me off.
                    What a way to start the day

                    Oh well I'll say more later when I feel like I might not loose it.... it more ways than one!

                    PS Waves you can use my kayak if I go with PP (I don't have a canoe) She has yet to invite me ....though.
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                      SATURDAY 30 JUNE

                      Sorry Jude, meant Kayak. I can't believe PP hasn't invited you!
                      Enough is enough


                        SATURDAY 30 JUNE

                        I'm sure it's just an oversite!:H
                        We'd have a great time I'm quite sure of that!
                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                          SATURDAY 30 JUNE

                          Hello everyone!

                          Hey I am trying to get PP to invite me too and she's not budging, what's up with that?? I think we should just hide in the luggage at this point.

                          Starlight, congrats on 1/2 a bottle that is fabulous.

                          You all sound so peppy today, that is great.

                          Beautiful day here in NY. Have a great one.
                          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                            SATURDAY 30 JUNE

                            I think PP is already on the plane which is why she is ignoring us begging her to take us with her. We would be SO much more fun than her family, don't ya think?

                            Judie, when you write a long post you should highlight and right click on copy. That way if it does get lost you still have it. What's that you say? I am beyond brilliant? Why thank you ma'am.

                            Waves, by nature I have always been a pessimist. I have really, really been trying this year to turn that around. Reading a lot of books on the Law of Attraction, listening to podcasts online about positive thinking etc. I can feel my shift in thinking and it is a great thing. I have a LONG way to go but these tools have been so helpful. I ran into a friend of mine at the grocery store yesterday and she was very sad because her best friend had just died of lung cancer at the age of 53!!!! It really reinforced to me that I must try and continue on this positive journey because what a waste of life it is to always be focusing on the negative. I do not want my daughter growing up only having memories of a grumpy mom which is what I have been a lot in the past. If you are interested in any books I have read that I have enjoyed I can PM them to you.

                            Betty, that laptop cover is something else. Very creative.

                            Star, duck and Zin, sounds like you have been doing great. And Bear, eating food before drinking is key. And water. On the days I am bad I do neither of those. When will I learn??

                            Have a great weekend all!!!
                            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                              SATURDAY 30 JUNE

                              Actually Lushy,... I wasn't even finished typing it. I was still in the process It just disappeared when some whacky "pop -up re; scanning came on our screen...

                              Or do you mean to hit the copy button before ya even start?
                              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

