Wednesday, December 20th 2017 (Posting in the Evening???)
A post in the evening? I've started having problems getting to sleep at night and getting up in the morning and so I didn't have time this morning to be typing anything out. For around a week now it has been going on and while I am not very pleased about it I am not going to freak out about it either. I had tremendous trouble in getting into a sleeping routine when I first got sober (easily the first big challenge in my recovery) and it took a lot of patience to stick with it for eighteen months until I managed to get myself settled. I'm just going to pop this online this evening and then hope that I can get back to posting in the mornings again from tomorrow.
Barry the Bullet and I were working today in the part of town I used to live. The place where the cave can be located. It is still empty. This is quite shocking actually. The amount of times we come across empty council properties on our travels is scary but this case is the most revealing as I know there is nothing wrong with the place. It was left empty and in need of no repairs that might have delayed someone moving in. The annual gas safety check has only just been carried out also. There can be little to stop them getting someone from the housing list in there but still it remains empty. Come this Friday that will be six weeks since I moved out of there and into Lindsay's own cave and so it is starting to become very obvious where much of this criticised wastes of council money goes, if it wasn't obvious before (which it really was!).
When this Friday comes I will have reached the longest time I've spent away from the cave in terms of consecutive nights. I went a six week spell last year. Now I have reached six weeks again but this time I have nowhere else to go. I have to admit that I probably would have stayed in the cave a couple of nights over the last six weeks had it still been available to me. My Detached Protector was kind of asking it of me a few days ago. Things are better the way they are at the moment though.
I went round to my brother's last night. I kind of had to if I wanted to go to my friend English Sara's tomorrow after work like I'd said I would as the gifts for her Christmas had been delivered to my brother's, along with some for Lindsay, last week (or perhaps even longer ago than that). This was my way in. I am coming to pick up gifts and get them out of your way. That's what we like to do sometimes, isn't it!? To make it out as though we are doing them a favour.
What is kind of fucked up is that it was another case of me going round to my brother's to pick up a bag from the back garden. No one was in and so when I contacted him during the day to say that I would like to come round at some point in the evening he explained that he wouldn't be able to meet me but could leave the stuff for me to collect. It's another disappointment really. I was hoping to tell Dr. Bacon all about this recent reconnection with my family but it isn't working out like that. He'll be happy about the effort though. It's about me reaching out and pushing myself, taking risks, and I guess I've been a little bit better at doing this with regards to family stuff in the month of December when compared with other months of 2017.
My next session with clinical psychologist Dr. Bacon is tomorrow afternoon at half past three. I'll have to cut work with Barry the Bullet short maybe around twelve tomorrow afternoon. Today was a full day but tomorrow just a half. Before I head to meet Dr. Bacon I am taking a little trip to the college to meet with one of my fellow students to record a mini podcast. This is some extra work which is what we've been advised to try to get into the habit of doing from the start of next year. I'm glad to be getting started on a new semester when we get back to class in January as I will find my diary fully booked again. Class work and extra projects.
I did find out one of the reasons why some people are still working on these Assessed Shows that I finished off last month and how most students are now going to come in after the Christmas break and still have some of this work to do. Resits and remediation. Shaun was letting the lecturer hear one of his assessments and at the end of it he passed it. Shaun sits down next to me.
Shaun – ''At last!''
Stevie – ''Was that your second attempt?''
Shaun – ''Third.''
I managed to pass all of mine on the first attempt and had never really considered that some might have had to record their live shows multiple times before getting the green light and passing them. Must be frustrating.
Sometimes recently I've been wondering what I might actually do over the next two weeks while I don't have college or work to keep me busy. I do rely heavily on both of these things each week to keep me occupied. A life without them seems quite difficult to imagine. It'll be my reality for a couple of weeks in a few days' time. My last day of work will be this coming Friday and then I don't start back at the college until January 08th , not getting back out to work until the Wednesday of that week (January 10th) so I had better try to think of something to do.
I would like to have thought that I might have picked up the guitar again after what is fast becoming the longest spell I have been without it. Now they sit in the spare room and pretty much gather dust. I did say when I was drinking that I wanted a life completely different from that which I at the time had, I just didn't think that it would be THIS different, a life in which I don't see my nieces and doesn't in any way feature playing music. I can't see me picking it up anytime soon but never say never.
We had our Secret Santa yesterday and things went well. I was working today and that went well.
Tomorrow I have some work in the morning before a podcast session with the Shaman at the college and then a session with Dr. Bacon – my clinical psychologist.
All of which I think will go well.
We're closing in on the Christmas break now.
Closing in on that Christmas break.