Don't really know how to catagorize myself, so I won't. I do know that I am 47 years old and have been drinking since I was 16. Very heavily while in college and early 20's. I do recall some ( black0ut ) periods back then, but I have not experienced blackouts in the last 20 years.
I used to binge drink early on and only on the weekends, I have not binged in over 20 years, have not been "drunk" in at least 12 years, although I have been 'buzzed". I do, however, believe that I have a drinking habit.
I drink wine daily. I usually have one or two glasses while preparing dinner and have two, sometimes three, more glasses during dinner. Not quite a bottle, there is usually a few ounces left. History of alcoholism in my family (paternal side males).
I am also a health FREAK, obsessed with exercise, nutrition, and natural healing. This is why I cannot understand my exessive intake of wine, I know that it isn't good for me. I want to stop this habit and haven't had my wine since Saturday. I miss it. It is like I have lost a good friend.
As I have stated, I drank wine daily for at least 20 years and I miss that relaxing part of my day. My drinking was not causing problems in my relationships but I was having acid problems that seem to have cleared without the red wine.
Alcohol abuse? quite possibly
Alcohol dependancy? definately
Very nice place here. Wishing success to all.:l