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Long Time Coming

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    Long Time Coming

    :new: Hello All !

    Don't really know how to catagorize myself, so I won't. I do know that I am 47 years old and have been drinking since I was 16. Very heavily while in college and early 20's. I do recall some ( black0ut ) periods back then, but I have not experienced blackouts in the last 20 years.

    I used to binge drink early on and only on the weekends, I have not binged in over 20 years, have not been "drunk" in at least 12 years, although I have been 'buzzed". I do, however, believe that I have a drinking habit.

    I drink wine daily. I usually have one or two glasses while preparing dinner and have two, sometimes three, more glasses during dinner. Not quite a bottle, there is usually a few ounces left. History of alcoholism in my family (paternal side males).

    I am also a health FREAK, obsessed with exercise, nutrition, and natural healing. This is why I cannot understand my exessive intake of wine, I know that it isn't good for me. I want to stop this habit and haven't had my wine since Saturday. I miss it. It is like I have lost a good friend.

    As I have stated, I drank wine daily for at least 20 years and I miss that relaxing part of my day. My drinking was not causing problems in my relationships but I was having acid problems that seem to have cleared without the red wine.

    Alcohol abuse? quite possibly
    Alcohol dependancy? definately

    Very nice place here. Wishing success to all.:l

    Long Time Coming

    Welcome! You will find many of us here are very health oriented except when it comes to the intake of alcohol. Sounds like your drinking is still at the point of being very manageable. Best of luck!:welcome:
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Long Time Coming

      Hi feelfit,
      It's good to have you with us.


        Long Time Coming

        Hiya Feelfit and welcome,

        Very well written post by the way, espesially the bit at the end...I suppose a lot of us ask ourselves that question...Starting from an early age ( me like you ) its hard to tell whats normal anymore..

        Lots of answers to lots of questions here...

        Like somebody once said to me here over a year ago..."Somebody on the other side of the world is thinking of you"...Thanks Tawny:l
        I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
        One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


          Long Time Coming

          Welcome to you!


            Long Time Coming

            Newbie here too ... and have found lots of hope here on this site. Welcome! Hope to see lots of posts from you!

            AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


              Long Time Coming

              Thank You !

              For the very warm WELCOMES. Be seeing you all around the next pages.


