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In need of support!

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    In need of support!

    It's 1:00 in the morninging, and I should be sleeping. I just joined the web site, and gave a breif life story in the "newbies" section, should have gone here first, I think. Boy, what a mess my life is right now. What's funny is that from outwardly appearances, it is enviable. I have a husband who loves me, we make a good living, we have raised a son who has turned out well . . . .
    But - I have always struggled, as long as I can remember, with self esteem.

    My grandfather was an alcoholic. He was quite a colorful charqacter, from all reports - belonged to the marines so was away a lot. When he did come home, he was often AWOL, which meant they would come looking for him. He was wont to make homemade wine, which gramma didn't condone, and once in a while you would hear a bottle explode in the basement, and he would go running downstairs to hide/ckean up the mess. My mother was a product of this relationship - prob not much love or affection here - she once told me that her mother was wont to slap her on the forearm with the flat side of a knife if they were in the kitchen cooking and her mother got mad at her for something. Mom never got beyond a 7 grade education. The best thing that ever happened to her was meeting my Dad at 17, marryiing him, and having a good marriage. They had 3 kiids, my brother, my sister, & me. Mom started having troubles sleeping when I was about 15, & the Dr. told her, just have a little glass of wine before you go to bed. Big mistake. By the time I was dating, I could count on her waiting up for me, rather drunk when I walked in the door. Meanwhile, my brother had married, but become an alcoholic himself, and it really took over his life. He was on the verge of losing his house, and in an evening that will never be fully sorted out, he drove his wife out of the house, wrote a sucide note, and althiough never shot himself, fell down the basement stairs with a gun in his hand, hit the back of his head and started bleeding. He called 911, but when the ambulance arrived the door was locked, and no answer, so they in turn had to call the police, and by the time they got there, Rick was suffering from such a massive internal bleeding to the head that he died a few days later.

    Meanwhile, my husband and I had established a good life together, although we both tended to drink too much. We were unable to conceive a child, so in 1975 adopted a baby boy. We were a very happy family, and by the time our son turned four we had both decided that we wanted to bring him up in a better environment than we had both experienced, and realized the drinking had to go. We were both sober for at least ten years. In 1985, I started working at the Post Office in our small town. Christmas of that year, my husband's brother committed suicide. Still, we remained sober. It wasn't until we were on holidays one year that my husband ventured the theory that since we had been ablt to manage our drinking so well for so long, we should be able to enjoy just one glass of wine every evening? Well, we bought a bottle, which in hindsight I sure wish we had never done. It seemed we were able to manage things for several years after that, but then I began to find my job very stressfull. When you are the Post Master in a small rural town, you know a lot about your customers, and they don't like that you know a lot about them. I found that I was starting to be shunned at local social events because of this. Also, my huisband's father, who was living in a senior's home with his wife, began to fool around with one of the other ladies in the home!!!!! Can you believe that? His mother did end up institutionallized because of Alzheimer's,,,,,, and his father took to the bottle, had had a drinking problem before, whick we had never been aware of. It's been just a roller coaster from there. Two years ago, we decided to move to the nearest city, just to give ourselves some privacy (there is none of that in a small town!). We had a brief honeymoon period for about a year - we really felt almost like we had moved to the lake because we had so much time to ourselves, we used to go walking a lot, etc. Also did our usual amount of drinking, but no real problems yet. Then in winter of 2005 my husband got approached by a US company who was expanding into Canda, and after much thought, my husband accepted the job.

    What a mistake!!!!!! He is away a lot, and works far too hard even when he is at home, is exhausted and depressed most of the time - also diabetic, so this is not good - and I am alone a lot. Hence, the drinking has excalated.

    I am really wanting to cut down on the drinking, and we are both aware that we have a problem, but my husband for a long time sort of thought it was my probelm, and he didn't have one - However, whenever we resolved to "stop" it was always him who would phone me on the way home and say "do you feel like having something to sip on tonight?" - and I would say okay, and on we would go. He still has a handle, somewhat, on his drinking, but I can't say that I do. And it worries me that most of our marriage we had drunk together. Except for the ten years we were sober, we have always drunk together. I would love to get back to that senarop (sp?) but seems pretty had to do right now. It seems we are both stuck in jobs that we don't really like, and don't know how to break out of the rut. To make matters worse, my sister's husbasnd, 44 years old, is dying of stomach cancer. We are stressed to the max - seems tio me that we have had tio deal with more tragedy that the average family - and we turn tio drinking to comfort us. My husband and I truly love another, but we are both tired and stressed, and it seems the ralationship sufferes just because we are both so tired and stressed. When we do have a glass or two of wine together, we are able to realx together and have some good times. and that's what makes it so hard to give it up, I think - that's when we truly connnect, and I have actually said to my husband that I am afraid that we no longer know how to relate to one another unelss we are half cut.

    So here I am, knowing there is a big pronblem here. I don't know what the answer is. We are both pretty down and out, and turn to alcohol to make us feel better. My husband knows I am logging on to this website, and doesn't discourage me from doiong so, but I don't think really trusts it. I, on the other hand, have been reading the posts for about a week now, and realize this is probably the most solid support I am ever going to find.

    I really want to quit drinking. Please help! I see Determinatlor, Lushy, Catt, and many others, who have built up real relationships on this web site. I need that.

    Calling out for help......
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

    In need of support!

    Hi Hannah and welcome.

    Am sorry you`ve had a lot of sadness in your life.
    Like yourself, I had 10 sober years in the remote past. Sine coming to M.W.O., I have managed to get my drinking under control ( I only really wanted to cut down this time around.)

    You and your hubby having had 10 sober yrs. together in the past says that you both did it before, and you can both do it again. Also, your relationship and camaraderie can hardly be based on alcohol, since you stayed together throughout the 10 yrs. that neither of you were drinking.

    I wish you much success,

    Starlight Impress


      In need of support!

      I feel for you, what had happened has been difficult but as starlight says you did stay together for the 10 years you were sober together, so personally I feel that if you can keep discussing this with your husband he may come round and agree again.

      Don't ever give up - giving up the alcohol, you can do it.

      Good Luck

      Diamond x
      I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
      I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

      Marilyn Monroe


        In need of support!

        Hi Hannah and welcome,
        Just take one day at a time(good old AA philosophy) it's not easy I know from personal
        experience. You have done it before so you can do it again. Keep coming back to this
        site, you will get lots of support and advice.
        Best wishes Paula.


          In need of support!

          Hi Hannah, My husband and I have a similar relationship. He even said something this morning about it when I told him I was going to not drink for a month. He was actually dissapointed! We have been married 23 yrs and have done our drinking and partying together. It has been fun some of the time. He is 6'3 I am 5'5 and we drink the same amount. He can handle it, and I can't. I have a hard time quiting when I get started, and frankley, I don't want to quit when I start. I am worried about my health, I don't want to end up old and drunk....old I can't help, but the other I can. If you feel like trying 30 days with no drinking you can join us on Monthly AF. There are 3 of us so far and we just started yesterday. I am hoping that having a little group of people that are trying to do the same thing will help me be more accountable. Good luck and I am glad you are here...Buffy


            In need of support!

            Hi Hannah

            Despite how much you have been through you have managed 10 years of not drinking. You have done it before, so believe in yourself that you can do it again.

            From personal experience I have found the support here tremendous. Maybe when your husband notices a change in yourself it may prompt him to come and join us too. Either way at least he knows so that you can support each other.

            All the best.
            Mandy x


              In need of support!

              Thanks so much for all your encouragement and support. I'll keep trying, and visiting the web site. Every day is a new begginning, right?
              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                In need of support!

                Hannah, nice to officially meet you. I saw you in the recipe section which means we have a lot more in common than just enjoying a drink or four!

                I am so amazed how long you and your husband were sober for. Men metabolize alcohol so differently that I think it is easier for them to not think they have a problem as much as we women know we do. If you have gone that long before, you certainly know you can do it again. I am glad you found us. Look forward to hearing more from you!
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  In need of support!

                  :welcome: Welcome Hannah! I hope we can be the support that you need. Have you downloaded the book, or ordered the supps or CDs?
                  Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                    In need of support!

                    hi Hannah,
                    Welcome. Hang in here on the various forums with us. I learned so much from this place & I know you will too and benefit as I have.
                    Best Wishes, See you around the "boards"


                      In need of support!

                      Welcome Hannah, your story is so very. you and your husband most have a great bond.. I am sure that you are very capable of doing this.
                      stick around there are so many things to learn here. it's also a great place to reinforce your self, when you see that others succeed it helps you keep moving forward

                      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                        In need of support!

                        Preciouspinot - No, not yet, but may be doing that. Sorry, guys, that I was so long winded. It just all came pouring out. Seems that maybe my husband is doing some thinking too, he never came home with a bottle or anything tonight. Maybe things are looking up.
                        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                          In need of support!

                          Preciouspinot - I just posted a reply to you, but it seems to have got lost in cyberspace. No, haven't ordered the book or anything yet, but may do that. Thanks again everyone, you are the best!
                          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                            In need of support!

                            Well look at that, there it is!
                            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                              In need of support!


                              Hi Hannah,

                              I don't know if you'll come back to look at this again - if you do I just wanted to add my warmest welcome to you and say I really admire your courage and strength - you have obviously faced many challenges in your life and you're not shying away from one more.

                              I have to say that I used to drink for support, 'stress',escapism and to make life 'easier' I suppose and one of my biggest surprises when I stopped drinking was how much better I dealt with everything - stress included. I did start excercising which helped, but I just found that I got less wound up about everything - partly because I could remember more and felt more 'involved' with life, rather than just an observer - just a thought...

                              It's great if you can take on this challenge with hubbies support (and hopefully his joining in!) - you've obviously got a very honest and caring relationship. I lost my marriage in part to us both drinking too much - I really wished we'd faced the problem rather than let it destroy us...

                              Good luck, and I'm glad to have already seen you out on the 30 days - so look forward to getting to know you better there! :l
                              :rays: Arial

                              Last first day - 15th April 2012
                              Days 1-7 DONE
                              Days 8-14 DONE
                              Days 15-21 DONE
                              30 days DONE
                              60 days
                              100 days

