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My NEW Story Starts Here...

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    My NEW Story Starts Here...

    Be strong ceprise! You can do this if you want sobriety bad enough. It's worth the price of admission times 10.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      My NEW Story Starts Here...

      DG: I just wanted to let you know that I've checked in here (which I do from time to time). It's great to see your story progress. I haven't read the beginning for a while, but I'm sure you have & see the changes from beginning to now. Someday, I hope to write my story, but I really want to have some serious sober time before I do. I know the journey will never really end because recovery is on-going, but I want to be able to recount my past ups & downs from a really sober standpoint.

      In the short time that I've been sober & have been going to AA meetings & working on the 12 steps, I've seen changes in myself. I want to look ahead & continue to challenge myself. I know the areas I have to work on: correcting some of the char. defects that lead to the drinking in the first place.

      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        My NEW Story Starts Here...

        Going Alcohol Free Today

        Started week three of the program today. My dose of Topiramate is 25 mg in AM and 50 mg in PM. For two weeks I've been doing the supplements and hypno CDs. I've been decreasing my alcohol consumption and completely gave up scotch. I've gone from two 1.75 liter bottles of scotch and two 1.75 liter bottles of vodka per week to less than half that. Every day it seems to be a little less.

        Today I thought I might go AF this week, so I didn't buy any vodka, but bought a bottle of wine to bring up to my work apartment tonight. I work 5 days a week away from home and commute on weekends. I've been observing a "one hour rule", no alcohol until after one hour has passed after returning to the apartment or to home. After dinner tonight, I didn't feel like having a drink. I still don't. The wine is un-opened. I pray to God it will remain that way.

        AF day one for me.
        :new: ceprise


          My NEW Story Starts Here...

          AF Day 3

          Dear DG:
          After re-reading your post from 2007 at the front of this thread, I'm starting to know how you feel. Topiramate, supplements, hypno CDs, community, and a dedication to the MWO program is working for me. I'm sitting here for the third night in a row, alcohol free. Has it been easy? No. But when I consider the alternatives, My Way Out has been an answer to my Prayers.

          I pray that I can continue to 30 days AF. I have so many other health challenges to address. But I was kidding myself by not addressing my alcohol addiction first.

          I thank you and the other members who post here for your help. I make it a point to check several times a day to get encouragement.
          :new: ceprise


            My NEW Story Starts Here...

            Welcome, ceprise!
            Toughen up!


              My NEW Story Starts Here...

              Ceprise, congratulations on your 3 AF days!! Some say Day 3 can be one of the most difficult, so you have passed an important hurdle. And as I learned the hard way, why do it more than once? Please feel free to join us on the AF Daily thread in the Monthly Abstinence section of the forum if you think that will help you stay focused. It's a good group of AF folks who help keep each other going.

              Hi Delta Moon!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                My NEW Story Starts Here...

                AF Day 5 Report

                Busy day today at work. Reports to management are due, so us minions and underlings were scrambling to tote those barges and tug those bales. (mixed metaphor intended)

                I am sitting at home and have no desire for alcohol. I've made 5 days so far and I don't want to screw up. I feel liberated. I know I need to keep going and stay on the program.

                30 days AF is my goal.
                :new: ceprise


                  My NEW Story Starts Here...

                  Congratulations on 5 days ceprise! In know that a "bad" day at the office used to provide me with just one of many many "good excuses" to drink. (um...there are no good excuses to drink!) As I come across those examples of the "old good excuses" it has helped me to reflect a bit. Did drinking help improve the situation at all? Did it make the work easier to accomplish? Did it make necessary cooperation with co-workers easier? The answer for me is absoultely no. Drinking through stressful times at work ADDED to the stress. Doing a tough job with a hangover just makes it tougher. Worrying about whether co-workers could tell I was all hungover (or worse, still a bit drunk) just added to the stress. Drinking did absolutely nothing to make these situations better. Drinking made it worse.

                  Keep it going! You can do it. As our friend Deter says, AL has no power at all while it's sitting there corked up in the bottle.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    My NEW Story Starts Here...

                    MWO Week 4 / AF Day 7

                    Hey DG!
                    It's the weekend, and so far I've survived Friday night, a funeral (not my own), being told I need an operation on my index finger to clean out an infection under the nail and skin, and going off my arthritis anti-inflam meds because of the impending operation. So far so good!

                    Through it all I've stayed with the MWO Program. No shakes, No craves, No stupids.

                    Through it all has been the warm help and wishes of the MWO Community!
                    :new: ceprise


                      My NEW Story Starts Here...

                      Congratulations ceprise! Especially for sticking to your guns despite the less than fun situations you have been confronted with. What we all have to learn is that life happens (for better and worse) and lots and lots of people deal with life's problems without alcohol every day. We can learn to do that too.

                      I love your kitty avatar! Keep it goin'!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        My NEW Story Starts Here...

                        MWO Week 5/ AF Day 11

                        Had my right index finger operated on yesterday. I've got a huge bandage and splint on it. It looks like one of those foam "Were Number 1" fingers. LOL! But it feels better and I'm back on my arthritis meds and MWO supplements so I've weathered the storm.

                        A dinner party with lots of wine is on the social calendar this weekend. So it will be truth or consequences on Saturday. I haven't told my wife about MWO, so this it. I can play it cool and say I'm not drinking or I can explain the program. The couple were dining with is my wife's cousin and her husband, and we have shared some family discussions in the past. Any advice?
                        :new: ceprise


                          My NEW Story Starts Here...


                          Glad your procedure went well, aways a relief!

                          I just wanted to mention something about telling people about the program. I, personally have some negative feedback from friends and relatives. They just flat out don't believe it or have even noticed that I truly stopped drinking 5+ weeks ago. They all seem to have their heads stuck on 'You should go to AA or You should go to a rehab". None of them have any working knowledge or experience in this area. At this point, I really wish I hadn't told any of them. They just want to rain on my parade and I don't need that. Right now, I'm just avoiding all of them, let them think what they want..........and trying to surround myself with happy, positive people.

                          This is just my 2 cents..........
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            My NEW Story Starts Here...

                            I'll Take Your Advise

                            Thanks, Lavande, I'll take your advise. At the dinner party I'll say that since I just had hand surgery I'm on antibiotics and pain killers and I'm passing on the wine.

                            Meanwhile, I saw my PCP and he wants me to go 90 days AF. GULP! 30 days AF is a big goal! ODAT, ODAT, ODAT!

                            I filled my latest script for Topamax and it was filled as topiramate (generic) at the generic co-pay. I posted this news on the topiramate thread.

                            13 Days AF
                            :new: ceprise


                              My NEW Story Starts Here...

                              I wouldn't bare my soul to anyone at this point, Ceprise. Many people are "AA or the highway." And, no matter what method of help you are trying, then if you slip, then people think, "well, it must not be working." Keep your tools to yourself and closest family/friends for now.

                              Good to know about the generic topa -- part of the reason I stopped taking it was because of cost.

                              Good luck at the dinner party!


                                My NEW Story Starts Here...

                                I started reading your thread last night and was completely amazed, inspired, and awed by your lifestyle changes and pics from last May to January. You are truely an inspiration and the best role model for us here at MWO and hopefully you can take this inspiration to more people. You should be on Oprah telling your story!!!!!!!!! I went to sleep thinking of you, and woke up this morning thinking of you and your accomplishments. You are an amazing woman. Thank you for posting your journal here.

                                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.

