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My NEW Story Starts Here...

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    My NEW Story Starts Here...

    Hello Doggygirl,
    Great to read another of your posts. I love your enthusiasm and positivity - it's infectious.
    Well done.

    Sober since 30/06/10


      My NEW Story Starts Here...

      Stillcrawling, thank you for endorsing Cook's book. I've seen a lot of reference to that book - along with lots of other conflicting stuff. It's good to hear outside opinions - that helps sift out the good info from the "noise." I think I will order that book today. I read the section on Candida in 7 weeks but need to go through it again. I'm busy sort of soaking up info now - but need to decide on a plan soon. Thanks for your help!!! Have you gone through this yourself? Just curious but I know that's personal so don't feel obligated to answer if you don't want to.

      deeds, I don't think I could succeed at much of anything in a process that has built in reminders about failures and such. Yes, I've done shitty things just like the next problem drinker has. But once I learn the lessons I need to learn from my mistakes, what's the point of rehashing and rehashing? That's a useless sentence to the Jail of Misery IMO. I doubt I can personally be the sort to ever have occassional drinks. I tend to be a person of extremes in so many areas of life including booze - that's just how I'm wired. So rather than fight myself over it, I just want to be free. But the beauty of MWO is that each person can find what's right and what works for them with a great, proven program and lots of room and encouragement for individual adaptation.

      HEE HEE AMELIA!! I'm spreadin' my disease one person at a time.

      Day 13 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * *
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        My NEW Story Starts Here...

        Doggy... Thank you for this thread. I read and felt every single word. Your "freedom" feels wonderful!

        Congratulations on your 13 days and on your new outlook. You are truly an inspiration to me (and lots of others, as is obvious). Thank you, and here's to lots of AF happy times in all of our days and weeks ahead.

        I hope you continue to post your feelings, stories, etc. Thank you again!

        AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


          My NEW Story Starts Here...

          DG, what an incredible plan you have. Your plan was clearly well worked out and I wish you the best.

          I really enjoy reading your posts and thanks for the inspiration. :thanks:
          Enlightened by MWO


            My NEW Story Starts Here...

            Yes I've been there...

            DG and all -- hope all had a restful weekend...
            Candida related complex is very common in heavy drinkers as nutrition suffers as alcohol becomes more important... I am certain that many drinkers have symptoms but don't even realize it ... it also can be a result of other environmental and/or dietary influences. I was diagnosed low-thyroid in 1999 and was very sick -- but it was a result of too much work, too much diet coke and not enough sleep... I went on an "elimination diet" gave up bread, dairy, anything fermented and all refined products -- white flower, sugary things, etc. The first days were awful but once the toxins were gone WOW did I feel great! And, I maintained this healthy lifestyle until I entered a relationship that turned toxic... (I'll save that for another post!)

            Now, almost 8 years later there are more resources available -- actually this plan is good because it replenishes lost viatmins and just by giving up alcohol the candida can clear up... you may want to have your thyroid checked -- 1 in 10 adult women suffer from low thyroid although many do not know that... taking a holistic approach but PACING yourself is key... you are right on track as first you gave up nicotine and now you are addressing the alcohol -- in this stage it in almost impossible not to address diet...

            Your positive energy screams from your every post so I think you are ready!
            And, I am ready (again) For now, Liz


              My NEW Story Starts Here...

              Hi SKendall and 42Cat! I'm zany as all get out but so happy to be here in this place. The cravings come, but they also go, and the benefits to NOT drinking are huge.

              Thanks Still for additional info. I'm sure it's helping that the booze sugar is gone, the nicotoxins are gone, and the good stuff in supplements in going in. I still need a good probiotic. I ordered the product here - sounds like a probiotic type of product but not exactly that? do you have any feedback on whether that might do the trick or other probiotics you think are good? I love doing things in a natural way wherever possible - so many pharmaceuticals solve one thing, but lead to another thing. I'm sure natural remedies can be that way too...but it just seems more common with pharmas.

              I'm tacking the diet issue now. I've been back to low carb eating for about 4 days in a row. The first week of no alcohol the sugar cravings were H.O.R.R.I.B.L.E. And I'm not really a sugar junkie - at least not in the food department (obviously I was in the booze department) - more the salty snack type. But anyway, those bad cravings have subsided.

              The hardest thing for me about the true yeast/mold free diets frankly is giving up vinegar - in some recipes but also in things like salad dressings, pickles, olives MUSTARD!!!! etc. And then of course reading in different places the the list of "eat this, don't eat that" has lots of variation too.

              I will get it figured out eventually...but I appreciate your help. It's great to know someone who has overcome this....I hope yo don't mind if I keep bouncing things off of you from time to time!!

              I believe you are right that more of us have this problem to some degree than are even aware that such a problem exists.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                My NEW Story Starts Here...

                Keep the questions coming...

                DG... I know I certainly do not have all the answers but collectively this community provides great support & resources. I say don't give up vinegar ... pace yourself & chances are you may not HAVE to eliminate vinegar... I have learned that moderate amounts of anything can't hurt... naturally I can say this now becuse I am not "at risk" My most vulnerable time comes about 3 days a month -- when my body chemistry goes awry.
                Are you keeping a journal of some sort?

                Wow -- it is so easy to give advice ...but last week I was a train wreck! Last Monday I CRIED ALL DAY! I have a broken rib and I thought I was returning to work but my Dr. would not permit me... the crying did not help because I could not breathe and it impacted my voice -- just NOT COOL all around. Funny, as I was coming out of the fog and actually found my way back here the desire to drink was gone... I was too tired and knew that drinking was not the answer ... so here I am 1 week later. Haven't drank in 7 days. WOW! 7 days... I ROCK!


                  My NEW Story Starts Here...

                  DG - yogurt and cheese! Believe me it works wonders and is good for PMS as well!


                    My NEW Story Starts Here...

                    My Fall From The Wagon - and What I Need To Do About It!

                    OH the fall from the wagon has been quite the learning experience. Hello to all the wonderful people who supported me here from the first day I climbed on the sober wagon, who I somehow know are still here for me...despite my not answering PM's, etc. etc. At least I hope you will welcome me back.

                    The fall came so easily. Dog Training Saturdays were always the hardest in terms of the most throughts of drinking crossing my mind. It was the Saturday that me and all the monthly moderation buddies were celebrating my 60 days sober. I guess I made the mistake of allowing my mind to sort of slip into a feeling of "finishing" something. It was a beautiful fall day. I had so much fun taking pictures of everyone with my new camera. All the dogs did really well in training. When it came time for the afterglow, I thought of having a beer. (Beer is not my poison of choice - I'm a wine or Vodka chick) Maybe things would have worked out different if I had just opened that beer. But probably not because I KNOW that I must give up alcohol forever, and that = ALL types of alcohol. I had a Vodka drink. Then a second one. Amazing how that alcohol "glow" feels after not feeling it for 60 days. Especially among friends on a beautiful fall day. I had a third one.

                    That was all for Saturday.....(a light day of drinking by my previous standards). I was buzzed and I had a hangover the next day. I had NO desire to drink that Sunday - I felt like crap. I didn't drink on Monday or Tuesday either - my new habits were TRYING to stick to me like glue and I did my "new" routine. I exercised, cooked regular meals, did my work, etc. But by Wednesday I had a few drinks - foolishly thinking I was suddenly able to moderate. Yeah!! Moderation right out of the sky!! (not)

                    The scary part is how fast the slide down that slippery slope happened. Within another week I was drinking at my previous levels and fell completely back into my old habits.

                    I WAS MUCH HAPPIER SOBER! But for some reason (addiction perhaps??) I have just not been able to muster it up to climb back on the wagon. But I have to. I want to. I just have to dig deep and cross the bridge. Reading my own 10 day ramble has helped and I'm glad I took the time to write it - and here in public too. It reminded me of how good I felt kicking the booze beast in the ass. Next time, it must be for good.

                    I am contemplating tomorrow as my start date. November 1. The worst of the cravings will be behind me by the time holiday madness kicks into full swing.

                    Whew. I have so needed to come here and fess up. I will see what tomorrow brings. I love this place and I so need the help and support....again. This time...I can't just focus on 30 day stints. I MUST day at a time..on sobriety for LIFE. Period. I can't stand what booze is doing to me, especially now that I have taken the time to KNOW what it's doing to me.

                    I've been back in the Booze Beast Jail and I want back out.

                    Thanks in advance to everyone here at MWO for your non-judgement, and your support.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      My NEW Story Starts Here...

                      DG: I've missed, missed, missed you! I knew something must have happened. Remember when I slipped after more than 2 months sober? I was devastated. I actually had 3 slips after that, & now I'm working on another sober stretch (day 26 today). I haven't had a drink since Oct. 5th. Janice & I started a Newbies in Need ODAT (one day at a time) thread. It focusses on staying sober just for today. It's very helpful to me. Also, the daily thread on the 30 day forum is another mainstay for me. Please come back. I say that to all newbies. I know how tempting it is to stay away after a slip. I've felt that myself. The guilt combined w/the desire to continue drinking keeps us away. Just remember you don't have to be perfect to be a member of MWO.

                      I absolutely know that if I have one sip, I'd progress right back into the alcoholic pit I was in before coming to MWO. Those 60 AF days you had before you relapsed are not for naught. They taught you a valuable lesson. Even after the slips that I had (one was pretty bad: throwing up, hangover, mental anguish, etc.), I wasn't at square one. I knew inside myself how wonderful sober life was, & that I could do it. You can do it can do it. Never, ever give up. BTW, I love wine & vodka too, but I'm convincing myself that I'm not "giving up" anything now that I've stopped drinking. I'm gaining so much more. Love, Mary

                      PS: Nov. 1st is a great start date. My goal for Nov. is all zeros in DrinkTracker. Unfortunately, because of my slip on Oct. 5th, I couldn't have a perfect month, but that's my goal for Nov. Even if you don't set Nov. 1st as a start date, keep coming & sharing here at MWO.
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        My NEW Story Starts Here...


                        Welcome home.

                        magic xx
                        ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                        I am in the next seat.
                        My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                          My NEW Story Starts Here...

                          Hi DG, and welcome back. Sorry about your relapse ( been there often). We are all such
                          perfectionists RT, one slip does not make a failure. I slipped after 6 months, so I know
                          how devastating it makes us feel. Good luck, heres to a new month af.
                          Love Paula. x


                            My NEW Story Starts Here...

                            Welcome back DG!! Your enthusiasm and sense of humour has been missed here!!!


                              My NEW Story Starts Here...

                              DG!!! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooh glad to see you..... heck, to the 'slip' in a minute....Now I just am so glad you're not under a bus or anything.... I was so worried something had happened to you and we'd never have known.....

                              Right, you're not. That's is wonderful. So, now to life and living. You're blessed with it so up you get, dust off, write down how horrible it was to be back in hangover-land....and here is every single good wish and helping hand I can proffer to get those ODAT's under your belt....

                              Oh, DG it is so good to see you OK.... Hey, I've found my Feet now and am looking for my Self...I hope you can find what you're looking for here too. love. Don't disappear on us again pleeeze?

                              Lots of love and hugs.
                              FMS xxxx
                              :heart: c: :heart:
                              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                                My NEW Story Starts Here...

                                Doggygirl, welcome back my friend. It is so good to hear from you - we have all missed you so much. Why not check into the Inn on Monthly Abs????

                                Good luck this time round,

                                AF since 9 May 2012
                                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

