Helpless, I would suggest that you post under the Family Members Affected by Drinking forum. There is another woman whose screen name is Waiting for his way out; her posts might be helpful as well.
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DG great thread. I have not read through all the posts, but came across a hilarious one about ice skating, tight tights and man boobs (the good kind)...made me laugh! Anyway, you are a true inspiration. This thread shows how far you have come and all the good things you have going on. I have read the MWO book, but tell me what supplements worked for you and basically what you take on a daily basis. I did try the Topo for about two weeks. I couldn't stand the fuzzy mind, fatigue, and garbled thoughts and words and then on top of it my hair started coming out in clumps. After I did a little more research, I found out that is common. Anyway, I stopped it. I bought the Kudzu and the amino acids and gaba, fish oil and L-Glute. Would love to hear your supp concoction.
Everything I need is within me!
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Hi Brightlite! Thanks for reading my journal. I LOVE my figure skating!
When I got started, I ordered the starter kit and I took everything according to the guidelines. I taped the chart of what to take at which times of day on the inside of the cabinet door where the supplements live. I ordered Topa from River Pharmacy, but I was a little concerned about both side effects and taking a prescription med on my own. I felt like I was doing OK so I never took it. I also did the CD's. I truly believe all those things help!
It still takes will power though - there is no magic pill that I have found. At 60 days sober I still succumbed to the "now we can have just one" nonsense. Took me a VERY long time of more drunk days than sober ones to finally get back on the wagon.
Supplements I take now:
All One Original formula
B Complex that I get from my doctor
D3 that I get from my doctor
Cal/Mag that I get from my doctor
Omega 3 that I get from my doctor
Probiotic that I get from my doctor
CoQ10 Ubiquinol that I get from my doctor
L-Tryptophan - I was taking 500 mg 2 times daily but I've cut back to 1 time daily and may go off of it. From what I have read, it seems common for a heavy alcohol consumer to be low on this amino, but through improved diet and supplementation, levels should return to normal. So I'm watching my symptoms.
GABA - as needed which is not very often these days.
L-Glut - as needed which is not very often these days.
The additions / deletions came over time as my body started to heal and as I got input from my new doctor and also other reading and trusted sources.
Best wishes to you. YOU CAN DO THIS. One important tip is to DECIDE you are not going to drink - don't just "hope" for it.
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
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Got some updated pictures of the inside out transformation today. I am now well inside my goal weight range. I was very happy with my weigh and measure last week at Curves - my body fat % has gone from over 37% to just over 26%. My weight has gone from 204 pounds on May 22 to 146.6 pounds as of this morning.
Reminder of that nasty before picture. Daily hangovers, poor diet, and rotten sleep from hormone imbalances sure take their toll. The outside reflects what's on the inside. Me at 50 years OLD, size 18, 198 pounds on 5/31/08:
Today - sober, happy, and getting pretty fit at 50 years YOUNG, size 8, 147 pounds on 1-3-09:
At this age, I don't think it would be possible for me to achieve this fitness level (which is modest at best) AND be drinking like I was. I couldn't do it. Sobriety is a requirement.
Now I have to figure out how to maintain! That will be an exciting project among many for 2009.
Thank you for reading my journal!
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
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Doggygirl, I loved this thread when you posted your story and pics at Halloween, and was waiting with bated breath when you said you'd post updates. This is just one of the best threads I have ever seen, and again, I applaud your courage to put your pictures out there. You are the inspiration I need -- especially at 5 minutes past witching hour.Thank you so much.
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Yours is the most inspirational story - those pictures are amazing - they speak for themselves - I too couldn't wait for the final update pictures, when you promised them earlier, incredible to think it's all taken place in just over 6 months - not without a lot of effort on your part I know, but this is such a motivating thread and as CS04 says - ideal to look at as the witching hour approaches. I've returned to this thread time and time again since Halloween to look at the pitctures, whenever I was tempted to have a drink - and it just keeps me going AF - Thank you.
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I'm postless! What a story! You look fantastic! Absolutely amazing!:teeter:JAMMS
"I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."
"no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"
My NEW Story Starts Here...
How did I manage to miss this thread? DG, you look and sound amazing. A true inspiration!
Are those trophies in the pic from Curves??? :Hsigpic
AF since December 22nd 2008
Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman
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Wow - thanks everybody for your nice posts. They sure mean a lot to me!
LOL Marshy on "trophies from Curves" :H No...we have no human trophies here. Those belong to Kimba and Ferguson the German Shepherds. Mostly Kimba. She's a princess.
I'll add one more that Mr. Doggy took last night. This is me in my "before" size 18 jeans:
Please powers of the universe, don't ever let those fit me again!!!
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
My NEW Story Starts Here...
Very Inspiring
Hello, I have been on this site almost daily for months, and just recently found this thread. I found it so inspiring. I am on day 5 AF today. This is about my third try, but my first one where I felt that I really "committed" to it. I'm doing OK, except that I have had a headache every day since quitting, and sometimes feel that I would feel better if I drink. I'm trying to work through it; and I hope it is just the detox and nothing else. I am going to go back and read all your posts again more slowly,as you have so much good advice. You are truly an inspiration; thank you for all your time documenting your journey.:thanks: