DITTO DITTO DITTO Mary on everything you said. LOL, we were probably posting at the same time on two different threads about how drinking really did suck away so much of our time. I agree that all time spent on recovery related activities is WELL spent.
My sponsor and I were laughing hysterically during a private meeting we had today about all the crazy things we do. We think we are really being clever and come to find out, it's stuff that many many many excessive drinkers do. In particular, we were talking about the number of different liquor stores it took for us to think we were "hiding" the true amount of booze we were drinking. And doing things like suggesting to the store owner or workers that we're hosting a lot of cook outs (i.e. all this booze is for company - not for me) kind of stuff. She said "can you imagine how many customers they probably get those comments from? They must laugh every day about it." LOL - I never really thought about the store owners/workers hearing that same stuff from a variety of people and just knowing it's BS. I'm glad to finally be able to see the humor in some of that stuff - it didn't always feel funny.
We are making progress Mary!