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Needs Help

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    Needs Help

    hey there
    anyone willing to support a person who's a complete mess will be much appreciated! so, here it is - i'm laying it all on the line. i am 27 years old and have drank heavily since my early teens. i never believed that i had a problem because, "everyone was doing it." my friends said that i was "funny" when i was drinking. so, i must be flat out "hilarious" by now - because i continue to drink more and more. i know it's ironic, but i sell alcohol for a living (liquor/beer/wine). i've been in this line of work for 3.5 years and it provides an excellent living for me. let's see, personal stuff?

    i'm married to my best friend who has stuck with me through some pretty awful stuff. he does believe that i have a drinking problem as well. my husband is also in my same line of work. this past week, i've done alot of soul-searching and have come to the realization that I do have a problem and need to search out some help. without professional help & guidance - i know i will fail. i have zero will power when it comes to drinking. i have also made arrangements to interview for a different department within my company to "get away" from the temptations of being around booze all day. i will interview monday for the job and think i will make the transition easily. i have also looked into AA-there are actually some meetings a few minutes from my house.

    Maybe, some of you can help me out with this. Now, that i've admitted to myself & my husband that I am a problem-drinker i'm unsure of how to make the next step of actually walking in the door of an AA meeting with a room full of strangers and telling them i need help and being vulnerable with my really personal issues. also, because "alcoholism" isn't a one size fits all disease - not sure if i should seek the advice of my doctor and try a prescription like "antabuse" that will just make me really sick if i drink while using.... basically, i know i cannot just "cut down" - i have to quit. but, i need help or i will fail. any advice, support and/or friendship from anyone who "actually" knows what i'm going through would be very soothing right now.

    "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

    ~Red :h

    Needs Help

    Hi Red, and welcome to MWO! Congratulations on getting this far - a lot of people fail to even recognise that their drinking is a problem until it kills them. I think you've got the right attitude towards the journey you are about to emark on. You will need as many people on your side as you can possibly find - not that it's 'hard', just that a good support network makes all the difference between struggling sometimes and possible failure.

    I got my Dr's support, and started on naltrexone and then moved to Campral (look at the related thread for further information on those drugs and people's experiences with them and others). I was sober for 5 months, lost it for 4 months, and have now been sober for 8 months.

    I have a counsellor and I see her once a fortnight. I read everything I can on this topic and other self help books as different issues crop up. I tried AA and Al Anon, neither worked for me, but there are other support groups such as SOS and a women for Sobriety group. I ended up in CoDa (codependance anonymous).

    You are so lucky to have a partner who not only loves and supports you, but acknowleges your problem and is willing to help you. So many of us are either alone or have oppositional partners.

    Good luck, I hope to see you 'on the boards' often.

    It always seems impossible until it's done....


      Needs Help

      hi Red ,and a warm welcome to you!
      Well done for recognising you are a problem drinker,and even more than that having the presence to try and do something about it.I haven't been here that long,but i know you will get lots of support/advise.Great to see you have a B/F who you can confide in , who is willing to stand by you.One of the worst things about alcohol depenance is how isolated you feel.There is in some ways a stigma attached that makes you reluctant to reach out.You are exploring and you are still very young so think positive!!
      In my own experience i tried and failed a few times and each time i dug a deeper whole.I think i really wanted to believe i could control my drinking,but now i know that i can not.Its taken some getting used to .So like you i looked at AA.Infact i actually attended a meeting last week-couldn't believe it was me sat in that circle.It was fine, i just listened took a few numbers.Its an option don't quite know if it is for me.The MWO book is good and i have just recieved the supplements starter pack and CD's.
      Any way good luck and as Flip says.Hope to see you around.Take Care


        Needs Help

        Welcome Red. This is a great site of compassionate people, but you have to do some work too. Read the book, order the supplements and gain a positive mindset that you are going to beat this. We are all in this together. :welcome:
        Enlightened by MWO


          Needs Help

          Hi Red and welcome,
          Can`t add to what`s already been said, other than to say "where there`s a will, there`s a way"..........your post says you have that will........hope M.W.O. and us can help you find your way.

          Love and luck to you.

          Starlight Impress x


            Needs Help

            i too r strugglin to admit my problem with alcohol. i tryin my first aa meeting tomorrow. wish me luck i dont know wat to expecy x bit scared x


              Needs Help


              :schmokin: Hi Sylvieeyes and Red!

              You've already had excellent advice, I'll just welcome you !

              The support of a good doctor makes everything easier in my experience and my experience with AA was actually good.

              AA meetings are all different, it might take a few to find one you feel comfortable in, "speaker" meetings might be good for a start. These meetings have speakers already arranged, you will only be asked to introduce yourself and even that will be optional.

              Nothing really to be scare of Sylvie, they will be very welcoming!

              And I said I'd just welcome you.........Welcome, we are glad you are both here!

              Flip, how long is a fortnight?

              magic xx :schmokin:
              ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
              I am in the next seat.
              My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                Needs Help

                Is that a trick question Magic? (Two weeks)
                It always seems impossible until it's done....


                  Needs Help

                  Hey Flip!

                  No tricks!

                  I had no idea, really, a term not used in Canada!!!!!!!!!!!

                  I've heard it before on Coronation Street.

                  What's a month called then?

                  m. xx
                  ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                  I am in the next seat.
                  My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                    Needs Help

                    Give it your all. You may not be able to string lots of AF days together at first, but be proud of learning how to control your alcohol consumption--even if it's just a few days at a time. Try to figure out how to have a more pleasurable life that doesn't involve alcohol. Keep fighting. You can win.



                      Needs Help

                      A month is a month Magic!! lol
                      It always seems impossible until it's done....


                        Needs Help

                        Red, Hi again we spoke in chat and I may not post on here much more, but I am still around for pm's if you need me..

                        Magic, you are definitely joking yeh?

                        Diamond x
                        I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                        I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                        Marilyn Monroe

