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Just joined MYO

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    Just joined MYO


    jon, can you imagine Hogmanay and the Bells, minus a wee dram???.........I shudder to think!!!! LMAO


      Just joined MYO

      hi starlight thanks for your reply and 27 days af is a great achivment well done :O)
      i dont miss the bells lol i am making a start today to stop! my mindset seems to be better positive! due to this site and i will check in and just try it each day
      thanks for the support..


        Just joined MYO

        Popeye is scottish too. He's a champion!
        It always seems impossible until it's done....


          Just joined MYO

          thanks flip i feel in good company to so alone anymore


            Just joined MYO

            Thanks Flip,
            What a genius you are - Must be the Canberran coming out in you.
            Even used the Advanced to reply (Not sure about the love heart though)


              Just joined MYO


              Finding My Feet;183387 wrote: Welcome Aussie - :goodjob:

              Good to meet you. Looking forward to being with you on your journey - your wife and 4 kids (!) look to have a fab hubby!!!

              Love 'Finding' x
              Hi FYF
              I know you dont know me but to see you say "your wife and 4 kids (!) look to have a fab hubby!!!" makes me feel great because your saying it based on the fact Im here trying to be a better person by givin up alcohol.
              Its replies like these that makes it such a great site and really helps to hang in there and not give up.
              Thanks heaps
              I hope you are finding your feet yourself - Good luck.


                Just joined MYO

                Hi Aussie!

                I'm another Aussie, live South Coast NSW, hour or so from Canberra.

                Welcome, you'll get lot's of support here, it's great!

                I'm now 16 days af after over 20 years of abusing alcohol, so this site is obviously working, lol.

                Hope to see you around and if I can ever be of assistance let me know, and Flip is very wise, 9 months is fantastic, and I will vouch that campral has been a great help for me too.

                Luv jas xx
                :thanks: :h


                  Just joined MYO

                  All over the world

                  Hi Aussie,
                  This helps me a lot - and remember that there are millions of us all over the world. In my opinion not nearly half of people with drinking problems ever admit it. So we are lucky, you are lucky! Admitting it is more than halfway to victory. In my case it did not happen overnight and I have fallen numerous times - but every time the resolve is stronger to get up and stay af stronger. I also get a lot of strength and hope from the Word of God in the Bible.
                  So good luck.!
                  make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                    Just joined MYO

                    Welcome Aussie and Jon

                    Welcome Aussie and Jon -

                    Everybody always beats me to the punch so I'll keep this short. Welcome to MWO. The people on here are truly fabulous. If you need advice you know where to come!!


                      Just joined MYO

                      HI Jas,
                      Thanks for the welcome, it sounds like we have a similar background as far as the length of time we have been abusing alcohol and the 16 days off the grog. Good luck with your new life, we have a lot to look forward to if the first 16 days are anything to go by.
                      Lets not let it get the better of us this time round. Hang in there.


                        Just joined MYO

                        Welcome John - good to have you on board!!!

                        Finding xx
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

