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This I Know for Sure

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    This I Know for Sure

    That would be "Flip", SHE, not he! lol
    It always seems impossible until it's done....


      This I Know for Sure

      kate, it may take you a while to find your wings. in other words to get your commitment and your drinking right sided together on the same path and wave length. but know this that each of us has been down that road. each of us is on our own personal journey and leans or doesn't on each other in whatever way we feel most comfortable. you will find more welcome here then i think anywhere you could go. and you will find no shame. and if you do find it i will personally be the usher to kick their silly ass out of here. lol tis important that you always get there is so much here to give and to take. mostly i think for me tis always knowing i have family that gets it and i don't have to hide out. so welcome bootsie


        This I Know for Sure

        As you approach 50

        Kate - I had to dig a little to find this! Look how far you've come woman!! You have the big 50 coming up this weekend - not to mention the "practice" runs you took this past fall to prepare for the "real deal".

        Isn't it an amazing thing when "the mind's made up"? It doesn't mean that there aren't tempting moments! But it's different. Tonight I thought of it like being married to the man who I am truly committed to. My marriage is a second marriage - of 14 years. Being married to my husband is the "right" choice for me. Do we still fight? Yes. Do I still find other men attractive? Yes ... even tempting? Yes. Will I cheat? No. That's what this is is becoming like with Alcohol. A Choice. And that is what I hear in your words ... firm, confident, sure, graceful, unbending, honest and humble.

        Look how far you've come in such a short time. Imagine how much you'll grow in the months to come. You are an inspiration.

        AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

        Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

        (from the Movie "Once")


          This I Know for Sure

          Sounds like enough is enough.....I too played the nightly game of rationing the drink always turned into ???. No matter what tool I seemed to use, or what plan I started to implement, the result was always the same...the morning after.
          I did do inpatient rehab..the staff was wonderful, the tools were useful, I made wonderful friends. For me, the problem was implementing my learnings when I returned to the real world. I had lost my saftey net, and again life hit me smack in the face. I tried to take care of me, make myself the priority, go to meetings.....but "stuff" kept getting in the way. I think they call it life!!...... Again I was back to square one..over and over.......Finding MWO has heped me deal with my daily stressors, but have my "go to" place in times of stress, or when I feel that "poor me" syndrome coming on, or I just want to chat.....I have worked hard to get to where I am today....4 months + sober...With committment, you can make this journey successfull. You know what works best for Kate......I know you will find whatever path you is so worth it!!!
          sobriety date 11-04-07


            This I Know for Sure


            You have come so far. Congratulations on your progress. Your jouney has just begun. You have a beautiful path in front of you filled with exciting experiences.

            All my love,

            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


              This I Know for Sure

              Hi Kate, isn't the morning just a bummer?
              The dog breath, the nausea, the shame, the terror of "what did I say?", the fatigue...

              I am trying to hang onto the horror of the morning as evening approaches. Nothing is worth that.

              Good luck


                This I Know for Sure


                How wonderful to "see" the evolution from where you were in Sept to where you are today!! I am so proud of you for what you have accomplished and grateful you are here to cheer so many of us on.

                Liv, thanks for "digging" this up!!

                AF April 9, 2016


                  This I Know for Sure

                  Hey you guys! Wow!.......this brings back memories. How really lost I felt when I arrived here. I had no idea how much all of you would come to mean to me. It has been because of the MWO program and all of your support that I am in the place that I am right now. I am so grateful!!

                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007


                    This I Know for Sure

                    I like this post very much. it is a true sign that if you mean to heal and your focus and being healthy and happy, it WILL happen.

                    awesome Kateh1
                    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                      This I Know for Sure

                      Hi Kate!

                      Welcome. I applaud your courageous spirit! It's not easy loosening that grip your teeth and lips have on the teat, but, it gets easier. Much easier. I've been at this for 2 weeks now and it really is getting easier and easier by the day. Sure, I still think about it (in fact, a good friend just sent me an evite for an engagement party... with a full freaking bar, sigh, why not 3 weeks ago buddy?!), but, the seemingly uncontrollable urge to drive to the liquor store/gas station/convenience store because "I just can't take it" or "I'll just re-start tomorrow" have faded significantly! Asking myself the question "if not now, then when," has helped me a lot, because, I know if I don't do it now, my health will continue on a downward spiral and the when question will be answered for me whether I like it or not. I realize I'm only 2 weeks AF, but, I just wanted to share my experiences with you, it definitley gets easier, even if you can't imagine it now.



