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It started 5 years ago!!

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    It started 5 years ago!!

    Hello all you wonderful people!
    I've been lurking around for ages, not sure if I should post cos I'm still drinking, but going to give it a go anyway. I just so hope I can reach the place where alot of you are now.

    My story.... I think from being a teenager I've always been a binge drinker....whenever I went out I always drank too much. I think probably to get over my shyness. But, I got married (twice ) had three great kids and didn't drink for years.

    Then five years ago my husband suddenly walked out (25 years together). I was devastated as were the kids. Seriously I had no idea anything was wrong.

    A couple of weeks later both my sons (I have two and one daughter) were rushed to hospital.....One with a suspected heart attack, the other with a major asthma attack. Probably the stress of it all. I felt so alone. Thankfully they're both ok.

    My daughter then left to go work in Dubai (she coulnn't stand all that was going on)....I was happy for her but missed her SO much.

    Three months later my darling brother suddenly died. I still miss him to this day....he was my rock!!

    Six months later my Mum died (suddenly) then three months later my Dad died (suddenly).

    I wasn't prepared for any of this. It all happened too soon, too quick and I started to seriously drink.

    My friends at work used to ask how on earth was I coping? little did they know I hit the bottle every night.... Now I can't seem to stop..

    I want my life back..I'm sick of feeling sick...

    Sorry so long. Good luck to you all.

    Mint. x

    It started 5 years ago!!


    Welcome to MWO.

    Your story is very sad. Lots of stress and lots of devastating changes in your life.

    All of us here will do whatever we can to help you achieve your goals, whatever they may be.

    Take care, read the book, etc, and keep checking in.

    We don't want you to go on being sick and tired, either. The drinking is only making it all worse now.

    AF April 9, 2016


      It started 5 years ago!!

      Hi Minty and welcome,
      You have certainly had a rough time, not surprising you drink.
      Stick around. Like DB says we will do our best to support you.
      Love and best wishes Paula.


        It started 5 years ago!!

        Thank you!!

        Thank you so much Cindi....
        I'll check in whenever I can.We.have A terrible connection here( I'm in Spain) but I'll keep on trying... you lot are keeping me sane at the moment!


          It started 5 years ago!!

          Welcome and glad you are here. Wow you have been through a lot! That's a lot for one person to deal with no wonder you drank but now you have realized it's time for a change and this is a great place to be. There are people here at all times and willing to talk. There's chat where people talk live which is also nice.
          Read the book and order the supp's (you can research all of them in the Health Store) also the meditation CD's are great. I listen to them when I am going to sleep at night and they still work.
          Good luck to you!
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            It started 5 years ago!!

            Thank you Paula. x


              It started 5 years ago!!

              Beaches....thank you. The CD's sound great I do have trouble sleeping so perhaps they'd help.

              Minty xx


                It started 5 years ago!!

                Minty - Hola!!

                My, have you been through it.... unfair really comes to mind. No wonder you drank. Sad thing is for you that you got stuck with it - until now.... Fact is it probably did get you no judgement here! But without it you'll be able to move on and be happier for and in yourself. I sooh hope so, love; boy, do you deserve it!

                Hard as it may seem you will be able to handle the feelings when they come up - time has been doing its bit. Gradually you'll grow in strength and lightness. Just day by day - hour by hour or less if needs be!

                So, loads of love and luck just for today.... Tomorrow? Well, that'll take care of itself when it becomes another today. Just enjoy today - with water/juice/coffee......chocolate!!!!!

                Looking forward to hearing how your journey goes...

                Love FMF xx
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  It started 5 years ago!!

                  Yeah they really help me get a good nights sleep and I wake up feeling much better. I can tell the difference when I haven't listened to them in a long time. Take Care.
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    It started 5 years ago!!

                    Hi Minty,
                    Sorry you`ve had such a catalogue of great sadnesses.
                    Glad you`ve joined us........hope you find your way out here.

                    Love and strength to you,

                    Starlight Impress x


                      It started 5 years ago!!


                      First of all, a big hug for you. :l

                      I thnk you need a few of those. Then, let me welcome you to our community, we will do our best to support you as you take the first baby steps towards getting well. Hang in there, and keep a presence here, and things will begin to get better. :welcome:
                      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                        It started 5 years ago!!


                        Hi Minty, just wanted to say welcome! You don't have to be sober to post here, so don't feel that way. So many of us are on the path, at different places along the road! You have been through so much, but now you can begin a new chapter in your life, one where you will start feeling better physically and mentally, spiritually. Suz
                        The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                          It started 5 years ago!!

                          Just a very quick hi!!!

                          And thank you all SO much.

                          Having PC problems here so can't stay on very long. I'll be back as soon as we're sorted. I really hope you're all doing ok and I'll catch up with you later

                          Mint xx

