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Time to get serious

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    Time to get serious

    Hi all,
    I have been on this forum off and on now for about 3 weeks. I haven't done it properly or seriously though. I decided I needed to be AF and went to my dr and got naltrexone. This was great to start off with, but then we went on 10 days holiday. I knew with the naltrexone that I could have the odd drink if I wanted. So that is what I did, but now I feel I am back to square one and it isn't having the desired effect. I think I am slowly realising that I can't do moderation and will have to be total abstinence. I also hadn't taken this site really seriously, so today I have downloaded the book and am nearly finished it. It has been a good day to sit and read for me as I don't feel so good as had too many drinks yesterday and am hungover. I am still finding that I am telling myself that I can have a couple a day and it is ok, but I still don't seem to be able to stick to that.
    I am very cranky and disappointed with myself, but am hoping and praying that today is Day 1 AF for me. I will get back to the book now and feel better now I have written this down.

    Time to get serious

    I had the same experience with naltrexone, after having a few drinks it never worked effectively for me. I was also in the same frame of mind that you are in now, that it is ok to have a few, it's normal, I'll be ok, everyone else does, so why not?

    It may be that this is the time that going AF is a viable option for you, and you will be surprised at how good it is if you stick with it. I enjoy being a non drinker much, much more than I did being a drunk.

    Have you talked to your Dr about Campral, or do you want to give the MWO package a go first? You can do both if you think it will help.

    It's great to see you still here even though you've fallen off the wagon a few times, just keep coming back and eventually (maybe sooner than you think ) you'll have nailed this sucker!

    It always seems impossible until it's done....


      Time to get serious

      Thanks Flip,
      I was thinking about changing to Campral when I have to go back to the Dr, which is this week. I am hoping that with a different attitude the naltrexone might still have some effect and kick in again.
      Keep your fingers crossed for me.


        Time to get serious

        It would be good if naltrexone did work again, and I hope it does for you, but for me it just never seemed as good after I blew it.

        Attitude is everything. And even though you don't think you can do this, just keep at it and each day gets easier and easier.

        My fingers and everything else are crossed for you! lol
        It always seems impossible until it's done....


          Time to get serious


          Hi Debruce

          I am also in australia and and started on campral. I believe you can drink on it but good for those who want be AF. Check out a good website on it Campral.

          Initially I was told it is really expensive, but I paid $30 for 180 tablets. You are suppossed to take 2 three x a day.

          Hope that helps.

          __________________________________________________ _

          Insert something witty and utterly hillarious here .............


            Time to get serious

            Hi debruce,
            Am afraid I can`t advise you on the meds, but just wanted to wish you love and strength for your journey ahead.

            Starlight Impress x


              Time to get serious


              I, too, am just adding my support. Many of us, no read that MOST of us, don't suceed the first few times out the gate. It takes time and a "never say never" attitude.

              I, too, am taking the Campral, and it does "seem" to help but it is not a magic bullet. I still do get some cravings. I also take a small dosage of topa (50mg), just started that. All under my doctor's supervision.

              I am on day 7 AF now, and the big difference this time has been a dedication to taking the supps, which helped immensely with the withdrawals, I did not experience any of the symptoms I did the last couple of times I tried. That made this whole experience a lot easier.

              I do, however, still get the "boy a glass of wine sure would be nice" feeling and have to get through it. One other difference this time there is I have recognized that the irritable feeling I get because I am "denying" myself the "pleasure" of alcohol is just that, an irritation that goes away. Whereas, if I give in to it, I will truly be doing harm to myself.

              Anyway, long post, sorry about that but I hope you can pick out of this some things that will help you on your journey. It is a journey worth taking.

              AF April 9, 2016


                Time to get serious

                Hi Debruce,
                It took me longer then a year for the reality to set in:- I must go AF...forever! Still strugging but getting to that realisation is a long way to healing. What is this stuff really, it is a poison, slow and deadly.
                Good luck and God bless.
                make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.

