I've been on Anti Buse before, seen my doctor, been to rehabs, ect ect ect. Have had the DTs at night for quite some time now after a bad binge. My wife knows when im in the DTs and she knows to wake me up out of them.There are times when my hangovers are SO severe that I almost wished that God would take me silently in my sleep to end all this misery,but I love my family too much to even think of them losing me.
Right now, I have so damn many problems and im NOT facing them, Im DRINKING them and I KNOW thats NOT the answer but it does at least give me short term relief-------only to add long time agony.I think the biggest problem right now is my LACK of work and to much time on my hands. I lost a good paying job awhile back to an idiot owner and I have'nt been the same since. This guy SCREWED me over good and he knows it.And right now, nobody wants to hire a 50 year old.
Anyways, feeling pretty good right now and I do have to WORK [part time] in the morning. I do NOT feel like drinking and I think im going to start my Anti Buse again tommorrow MORNING BEFORE I go into work so I wont be tempted to drink when I get out.
I REALLY do want to stay SOBER.