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Background (long)

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    Background (long)

    As I’ve taken so much from this forum I feel that its fair to tell my story.

    I’m a 33 year old bloke from the UK and begun drinking at about 16, not due to family or problems, just due to normal peer pressure and the fact it took the anxiety and embarrassment away from adolescence. I never thought much about my drinking at the time as everyone did it.

    Then came University. At this point I entered a world where everyone drank to excess, for any event there was an excuse to drink, and I did. This in retrospect is where things got started.

    Instead of a night out once or twice a week I begun embracing drinking everyday, I worked in the student union bar so I was always there and even when I was working then we stayed behind afterwards so I was always drinking. By the time I (just) finished my course I’d drink everyday, it was normal, surely? I guess that I knew at this time that not everyone else was doing this but I was just having more fun than them – wasn’t I?

    When I first started work at 22 I got into a habit. 6 beers and a bottle of wine every night (more if I went to a pub), except of course, at weekends when it was far greater. At this point everything was good; I could handle the abuse and never got hangovers. I could never understand people that only had 4 beers when they went out, where was the fun in that? The whole point in drinking was to do it to excess, get drunk. This is when I also started to plan outings and days out around bars and pubs.

    Things carried on for some time (looking back at the broken relationships and failures in my life, most of it was caused by me being drunk, but at the time this never occurred to me) but what I did start to notice was shakes in the morning after my huge weekend binges, this is when (I realise now) things were getting serious. But I started to realise that I could solve this with a beer or 2, so no problem, although this meant drinking in the morning…

    The shakes begun to get increasingly bad until one Sunday morning when I had a fit in the shower, lost consciousness and ended up with 6 stitches in my chin after falling, I still didn’t have a problem (I really believed this!)

    So things carried on until about a year later when I had a grand mal seizure on a Monday morning coming down from a typical weekend binge. This was so serious I was admitted to hospital for a week and was off work for nearly a month. During this time I actually experienced DT’s and hallucinations for the first and only time. I was diagnosed with epilepsy (great excuse for alcoholic fits huh?) what I realised then is that my drinking caused this. I lost the plot for a week or two then.

    I knew myself by this point that it was all down to my drinking, but was too scared to admit this to anyone (even myself really) but decided that drinking all week long wasn’t a great idea so cut down to binge drinking on Fridays and Saturdays and special occasions. I controlled this for a while (controlled that is all).

    It was the bank holiday weekends or holidays that caused problems. This brings me pretty much up to date till a holiday a month ago when I was drinking all day long everyday, when I got back home I was seriously under the grip of a binge. I ended up in hospital and finally admitted to my girlfriend and my doctors that I was an alcoholic. Its getting better now, I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to moderate or just try to stay alcohol free for the rest of my life. Its hard but MWO helps enormously and I feel better today then I’ve felt in over 5 years.

    Background (long)

    amashed - thank you for taking the time to tell your story - and not long...beautifully written!

    I've said something on another thread....but who knows about moderating....I don't have any alcoholsm in my family and 'sef-medicated' for a phobiafor years which then set off anxiety and know, the old vicious certainly 'crept up on me' very much as it seems to have done with you. I actually am not sure that the stuff doesn't agree with me full stop....even my little forays into half a tin of lager leave me feeling pretty ugh so...I don't want it!

    All that to say (!) that if there is alcoholism in your family you might be 'out of luck', if not, it will take a long time but maybe one day.... To me it took the 100+days to feel the stuff was REALLY out of my system....30 days wouldn't have been nearly enough. I know of two people who do mod but both took two and half years before they tried it... now they can take it or leave it. That's my goal as well....

    But isn't it just great not to have those shakes!?! And horrible sweating?! And as for your fits...well, I am sure you are happy to see the back of those.

    (Are you listening to Jonathan Ross on the radio as I type this?!?!??!?!?!?! All about booze in his 'inimitable way'....hmmm Jonathan..from this side of the fence buddy.....! 10.33 Sat)

    Well, as ever one of my rambles but I just wanted to reply, thank you and wish you continued courage, strength and success in your new good feelings! Do you have one happy girlfriend? I hope so for you both.

    Love FMF xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


      Background (long)

      Hi Amashed,

      I hope you dont mind me bumping this up just for you.

      Not seen this before, just reading your story you started at a very young age. As fms as said beautifully you said it hard but MWO helps enormously so we are here for you!
      I think moderating can be very hard, i know deep down i cant... i always want more just too greed i am. i know you have slip but it does help to read back on your post.

      Wishing you well.


      family is everything to me


        Background (long)

        Hi Amashed,

        I know you have recently posted on the Need Help ASAP thread.
        That says it all: you need help.

        I wonder how you feel about yourself,whether you value yourself at this stage in your life and really want to get well.

        Seems like you have had some nice posts in response to your story. It sounds like this thing crept up on you and you have some good insights.

        I truly hope you make it through the week ok.
        Take care,


          Background (long)

          My story


          Hi, I am a 40 year old male. I have a problem with drinking, in that once in awhile I overdrink. I am a weekend/social drinker. Sometimes, I turn into this "party guy" and get drunk. we were on a family vacation last week, and it happened again. my kids, in laws, aunts and uncles all saw me drunk. I am really embarrased.

          I have tried to moderate, and do great for a while. Then I "forget" to be careful and get in trouble. I dont want to quit drinking altogether, but do want to learn to moderate.

          I have been drinking since I was 15 and did not grow up in a family with good boundaries, although neither one of my parents are big drinkers. I have been living with this same pattern since 15. I do not crave alcohol and only really drink in a social setting. As a kid I felt like an outsider, and I wonder if I try to make up for it now by trying to be the life of the party?

          I have not tried drugs/herbs to help moderate, but I am open to it.

          I need help/support. Thanks. Need help ASAP..


            Background (long)

            Hi Amashed!

            Hope things are going better for you today.

            It took me a while to finally get to the root of my problems and one of them was very similar to yours, in the fact that I perceived alcohol as a substance for abusing in order to get off my head. My first introduction to alcohol is probably like many young teenagers today who just want to get pissed and stoned with their mates in the park at the week-end. Even though I drunk 'socially' as it where in pubs and clubs and, yes!, student bars occasionally I always wanted to get pissed and go beyond being sociable. There is a lot of peer pressure I think being a student and wanting to fit in to the lifestyle. My lifestyle choices in the past i.e. Crusty, Hippie, Raver, New-Age Traveler, Urban Squatter, etc meant almost everything I did revolved around drugs and alcohol. It's all to do with identity and how we want others to perceive us, I think. The trouble is it can go way beyond that once alcohol has a real grip.

            I also had first hand of living with a group of law students in North London near Alexandra Palace. I tell you what! I've lived in better squats!! The living room was jammed pack with empty beer cans. The cliche of the typical student was completely correct I'm afraid!!lol. Anyway enough reminiscing from me!!lol.

            You're definitely in the right place here mate and good on ya for opening up so soon. Look forward to hearing more from you soon and again I hope you're feeling much better than yesterday

            Love and Happiness
            "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
            Clean and sober 25th January 2009


              Background (long)

              Hi Amashed .......

              Thankyou for sharing that with us ............

              Bank holiday eh ......... should be banned LOL ......

              You are doing really well, please stick around and keep us posted ......

              Why don't you come and meet us in London on the 17th???

              BB xx


                Background (long)


                You've got me thinking, but admit to people I don't know , in public???? My poor male pride! It appeals as much as it scares me.....:H


                  Background (long)

                  Amashed we are all there for the same reason and It's very relaxed ........

                  Come on ...........


                    Background (long)

                    Don't be Ashamed

                    Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum. I am jhazline from new jersey. Hello Mr. Ashamed, thanks for sharing your story to us. You can still recover from drinking, it will take time, you don't have to rush. I'm sure you're worthed after that. I admire you for telling the truth to your girlfriend, she would love you more for being honest to her.

                    This is a comprehensive addiction portal focusing on topics of alcohol and drug abuse.ALCOHOL ADDICTION and rehabilitation for treatment and substance abuse recovery.

