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    tkeene - we do have some inspirational men - and women too.
    Over 4 months AF :h



      yeah , i have.. this past week when i went out for my dads bday and said nah, i dont want wine i had to say, "yeah i try to rarely drink now" in reality, i am on antabuse and takin ga month off....



        Lying to others........yeah, but not to my hubby, but to myself and he to himself. That self-lying is the biggy



          Yip, have to admit that I was a professional liar in my drinking went with the territory. Really appreciate hart`s point about how we lie to ourselves about the drink, but at the end of the day........we all know the sad truth about our excessive drinking.

          Starlight Impress x



            tkeene;226617 wrote: Why is it that it seem all the men have the most insightful posts? It is just a correlation that I see?
            In western society men are allowed to drink far more than women, and therefore are allowed to get to a much lower level of humiliation of the self. So the insights tend to pile up the lower you go. The further down in the gutter you are, the more stars you can see. We males have that privilege.

            The most important thing about this particular site is that it is the first site for alcohol dependent people which is dominated by women (as far as I can tell). Female alcohol addiction has been a hidden problem for decades. I guess it's because it's easy for a man to stand up and say " Man, you can't believe how much I used to drink; I mean I was wasted every night!"; but for a woman, it's not that easy. The new "Ladette" culture will only spill out more and more female alcoholics in their twenties/thirties forties etc.
            Long Road
            Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
            Eleanor Roosevelt



              Lying...the queen. Would say I was on medication or make up any crazy thing. Lied to miss work due to hangovers. Lied to friends and family to cover my drunkness. Hid bottles EVERYWHERE you can think...only to find out they ALL knew the whole damn time. So the only one believing the lie was me!



                Dear Bunky,
                Yep unfortunately I have lied and lied and lied about my drinking.
                Still do sometimes and if I am not lying about it, then I am sneaking it (when my partner has had a few - so can't smell it).
                There is something that it does to your soul on a long term basis though. If you lie enough about yourself and your actions, it begins to feel like the true you is not 'worth' anything....
                Basically, by lying I feel like I am chipping away at my own self confidence (the alcohol does that as well ).
                When I have been abstinent though, all the stresses of sneaking and lying just disappear.....of course.

                Sober since 30/06/10

