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Im a danger to everyone when i drink

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    Im a danger to everyone when i drink

    Hey everyone, This is my first post here and just thought id say hi and im here to get added support to help with my drinking. Im only 31 and a new mum to a 7mth old. Ive suffered from alcoholism for the past maybe 5 years but that doesnt include the weekend binge drinking for all the years prior to that. I actually decided to become a mum as i thought it would help me to give up for ever but i was wrong. Im here because if i dont give up im afraid i wont live a very long life as when i drink i do really crazy stuff like blank out 4 hours and end up god knows where, drink drive and dont even remember, get kicked out of hotels for being to intoxicated etc. I always have a plan in action but when my brain shuts down i seem to lose control and cannot control my actions. Its always after i ave put my son to bed so my son isnt in danger. Ive seeked help b4 but every time i look at my son i feel guilty and know it has to stop. Im on day 2 now without a drink and am just thinkin of trying naltrexon. Ive tried the campral but that didnt work for me. Ive sent text msgs to my friends telling them to no longer invite me to social avents where alcohol will be and ive joined a gym. Im going to purchase the book and just keep seaching the net. I watched a tv program the other night and their was a 38 year old lady who had acute brain damage from alcohol and thats really scared me to as i already know i suffer from short term memory loss which is one of the first indications that delevop into acute brain injury. Im so determined this time that i will refrain from alcohol so please bare with me.....

    Im a danger to everyone when i drink

    Above is a link to my story chatnat if you wish to read. I think my ex and I were both under the illusion ourselves that having a baby would solve our problems so I can relate to you totally.

    I would like to write a lot more to you as this is your first post but I am literally on my way out of the door to spend time with my daughter (access days and all that!!). It does seem you have made some positive steps already so keep that positive thinking going and I look forward to reading more posts about your experiences in the future.

    Welcome to the MWO forums !!

    Love and Happiness
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


      Im a danger to everyone when i drink

      Hi Chatnap :welcome: to MWO, this place really is amazing, i've followed hippies lead by posting a link to my story, it just goes to show that we really all do understand the struggle ...

      You CAN do this ......:l


        Im a danger to everyone when i drink

        Well done for the first step

        Hi chatnat76, :welcome:
        sounds like you are hurting a lot. Some members here have had success with Antabuse that may be an option for now as your safety and the safety of your baby are paramount. You are doing very well to be on day 2 when you must be feeling so scared. You are not alone come here and read the posts or post when you feel like drinking, it really does help. Well done for seeking help at this site. One day at a time.
        :h :h :h


          Im a danger to everyone when i drink

          Welcome ChatNat, Glad you found your way here. It's great that you've recognized you need help and writing the first post is a great step. I know that I sat for a long time and stared at the screen before I had the courage to post then was amazed that I wasn't the only mother in the world battling this demon. I also thought have children would help however that just seemed to increase my anxiety then drinking. Coming here and reading has taught me a lot and I am doing much better now.
          Good luck to you!
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

