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Is there hope

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    Is there hope

    I am new to this site, but I am desprite to stop drinking alcohol. I am in my mid thirties and I have earned multiple advanced degrees from major universities in the US. However, my life has become a mess. I have almost lost everything. The worse my life becomes due to my drinking, the more I want to drink to avoid the reality of it all. I am going to attend an AA meeting today, any other advice or wisdom for me so that I might just stay sober for today?

    Is there hope

    First of all :welcome:

    There are many things that you can do to help yourself, I'm sure that you will get ALOT of feedback from members here. I guess the exact things that will help the most depend on how long you have been drinking, how much you are drinking and why you are drinking. I historically have been a binge drinker. For a while there I was binging quite regularly but that was a matter of a year or two. Your body suffers alot of damage from drinking which is why at the very LEAST you should make sure you start taking a Multivitamin and B Complex. There are some herbal and amino acid supplements available through this site that I found very helpful, especially when I first came here and still when I am in a "dangerous" situation. If you feel you need it there are also prescription medications that can aid in you. There are also medications to help you through withdrawal if you need them. I have not used any of the meds (and not fully woken up yet) so I can't remember the names at the moment. Of course one important thing that you have to do is also address the emotional reasons that you drink. That comes with time, you may need to try a few things. The most important thing you can do right now is try to forgive what you have done in the past and try to move into the present. Be gentle with yourself, drink LOTS of water and come here for support!

    Suddenly I see
    This is what I want to be
    suddenly I see
    Why the hell it means so much to me.

    -KT Tunstall


      Is there hope


      Get on a med to help you. Campral worked for me (when I took it) others swear by Topamax and there are others. Talk to ur doc. Change your routine. I get in the habit of dropping by the store, picking up the beer, gettng in front of puter or tv and drinking mindlessly. When I was AF I started walking the dog, working out again on the treadmill, calling people, anything to change the routine. I drank lots of water (flavored). One gets in the habit of mindlessly drinking, so be it. Make it mindlessly drinking something else.

      You can do this. :l


        Is there hope

        Lora, Welcome. I am also in my mid 30's and have 3 young kids. The kudzu and L Glutamine from here are great at kicking the cravings.

        Wishing you the best.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          Is there hope

          I ditto the above, and I can just say to "stay here".... many join and then really do not do not implement all the resources and tools offered, and just search for another website next week.

          A babystep I think would be to get ALL the supplements before you try to stop or you might get discouraged and throw out the whole plan. When you have them, decide on your day to stop. Just for one day/night. Next morning, take your ALL ONE and take your supplements on schedule. Keep a little journal and just "see" if its a little less appealing at 5:00 the next day....

          The brain might be saying "gimme gimme" but I think your body will be saying... " I think I like this new me!" And then if you have questions, then come here and ask away and make some new friends. Its a great place to be.

          All the best to you, let us know!
          If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


            Is there hope


            I just wanted to welcome you. Never lose hope. This place has helped a lot of people. I hope it does you too.

            Happy holidays!


              Is there hope

              Hi Lora, and welcome,

              You will find MWO to be extremely helpful in aiding you to stop drinking. My suggestion is that you download the book My Way Out. This will give you all the information to understand how this method really works. It is not a "One Size Fits All". There are some essentials to this program, but you will tailor make it to your situation. Here on the message board, you will find people at many different stages of recovery, all are helpful stories to listen to a learn from.

              First and formost though, get the book and read it......research is everything!

              Best Wishes for Your Speedy Recovery! And, Happy Holidays!
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                Is there hope

                Welcome, Lora. Looking forward to seeing you around!!!

