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Halting the binge

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    Halting the binge

    Hello ? I?ve been reading through the posts on this board, and there seems to be a great group of sincere people trying to make positive changes in their life. I?m a person who has finally faced up to the reality that I need to change my drinking behavior.

    Thursday December 27th I went out on the most recent binge. I spent Friday with a miserable bout of hangover, guilt and anxiety. I?ve been trying to moderate, and do ok from time to time, but succumb to binging.

    Throughout the month of December I started keeping a log of my drinking. I wanted to start getting an objective picture of how much I drink. I binged twice, and drank more than 4 drinks 6 times. It?s the holidays, so I could make excuses, but I?m sick of making excuses and winding up with a nasty case of regrets and anxiety. On Friday, I decided to abstain completely for at least one month.

    This was bad timing, as my girlfriend was quick to point out. I had parties to attend Saturday, Sunday and of course tonight. My perception initially was that if I go to these parties, I would have to drink. Or I could just not go. But not going would put my girlfriend in an awkward position.

    And that is my problem ? it is just a part of my social character to drink. I can abstain fairly easily when by myself. But I?ve woven drinking into my social interactions so tightly, that I find it next to impossible to even imagine not having a drink in my hand. I guess this sounds familiar to a lot of you.

    So I went to the required parties the last two days, and didn?t drink. I talked and acted as normal as possible. I got tired pretty early. Before the events, I made a game plan. I discussed how long we?d stay with my girlfriend. I told her I wasn?t drinking (and she smirked at that). I anticipated as well I could my emotional reactions to standing in a room full of drinkers with a club soda in hand. I left relatively early, which gave raise to a minor fight with my girlfriend Saturday night, who wanted to stay longer. All in all, a relative success.

    Now, I need to get through tonight. Another drinking party, and friends who saw me Friday night and told me I better be ready to ?party? tonight. Well, I?m ready to ?party? with a club soda. If you don?t like me sober, you don?t like me.

    To take stock of where I am in relation to the principals of this program I?ve been able to read over the past couple days, I can see I am already familiar with some of the concepts. I exercise regularly (run 15-20 miles a week); I take supplements and fish oil; I use herbal sleep aids when needed (mainly valerian and skullcap teas). I eat a relatively healthy diet, although I could do better here. I am not interested in prescription medication unless I find I cannot manage cravings and anxieties through diet, exercise, supplementation and building a better life for myself.

    And lastly ? I understand the importance of perception in this effort. I?m not ?giving something up? ? I?m trying to grasp at something, mainly a fuller more satisfying life. My drinking rituals are robbing me of this fuller, richer life.

    And so with each decision not to drink at this evening?s event, I have to bear that thought in mind. This decision to abstain from drink is actually a decision to embrace my life. I?m not giving anything up.

    And as much as possible, I?m going to try to loosen up and have fun. And do it sober, for once.

    Halting the binge



    It sounds like you are ready, willing and able.

    Hang in there, it is so worth it.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Halting the binge

      Well said...... I just like you find/found it impossible to socialize without a drink in my hard. One of my girlfriends said "it makes people more interesting!" I had to laugh because I know what she means, but don't loose focus. I don't have much trouble staying away left to my own devices but out at a party..............well.......I grew up with a mother who thought it was rude not to partake. In fact, even if you said "no" she'd still give you a drink.
      Unfortunately I had to leave some friends behind, I miss them but not that much.
      It sounds like you're ready. Stay focused, its worth it.
      PS, tricks I have tried is............."Can I have some water first? I just went running and I'm really thirsty" then they forget about you ( hopefully ) and you can socialize.
      Say you're the designated driver......


        Halting the binge

        WOW - keep hold of that focus, you WIll do this I'm sure .....

        :goodjob: already .........

        BB xx


          Halting the binge

          Thanks for the encouraging words db2fromala, finally RN and Betty. It helps to know I'm not alone with all this.

          I have a good opportunity to put my lofty rhetoric into action tonight. I haven't been sober on a New Year's Eve all my adult years. And I've never felt good on New Year's Day; always nursing a hangover.

          I'll see if I can make this year different.


            Halting the binge

            Senex, you sound a lot better than many of us here,, and to me you sound like you have more willpower than many of us here! im sure you will do very well with this.


              Halting the binge

              Good luck Senex, you sound so determined that I am sure you will do it and that is great, I wish you well and a very happy new year, joesgal


                Halting the binge

                me145 and joesgal - thanks so much for the encouragement....and Happy New Year to both of you - best of luck in 2008!


                  Halting the binge

                  Senex, how are you??

                  Did you manage AF new years eve ??


                    Halting the binge

                    Hi Betty - I'm doing great! I was able to stick to club soda last night and keep it AF, and am starting the new year totally refreshed and not hungover, for the first time I can remember. I went out and took a good run earlier, and feel excellent.

                    I learned a lot over the past few days; mainly, that it is actually possible for me to socialize and NOT have to get plastered to do it. First time I ever sat back and watched everyone else get drunk and stupid....

                    Thanks for asking; hope your New Year's went well too.


                      Halting the binge

                      :goodjob: Dan!!!!!! Way to go!!

                      "Be still and know that I am God"

                      Psalm 46:10


                        Halting the binge


               sound like you have all the right ideas, and so far the right moves to go along with conquering this beast, we call alcohol. Stick with it, it will be worth it! And, stick around, ask for encouragement when you need it and certainly off encouragement anytime!

                        Best Wishes and Happy New Year,
                        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                        AF 12/6/2007

