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How I got here, short version :(

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    How I got here, short version :(

    Hi everyone, I'm new here and glad to have found this place! I've taken a few days to look around and, although I'm not the type of person to normally 'open up', I'm going to trust my instincts and tell you the disgusting truth.

    About two weeks ago I was arrested and spent two days in jail, it took that long to raise bail. When they took me in I had only one charge but managed to up that to 2 before morning because I was plastered, scared, angry as hell (with reason but does that really matter?) and my 'fight or flight' response kicked in and, true to form, I chose FIGHT.

    My biggest problem probably is that I suppress my feelings a LOT of the time for the sake of peace and the anger just builds and builds until BOOOOOOOOM, I blow up. It's not one little thing, it's tons of little things that I carry that eventually threaten to crush me and I slip off the dangerous 'moderation' slope I've been sliding on for years and that's it, it all comes out, violently!

    I've stopped drinking completely, for years, before and was very happy. Then I started thinking 'I can just have a drink here or there and I can handle it." I don't think so! It's all or nothing with me, that's how I do everything so why should alcohol be any different? I'm still drinking and not having a problem moderating but I know that will not last forever so I've decided to stop on Jan. 2nd.

    I realize I haven't really revealed much here, certainly not even the tip of the iceberg of 'my story', if I told it all it would be a book, a BIG one lol. Right now I just need to know someone is behind me in this struggle and will help me stay on my feet. Thanks for listening, I look forward to getting to know all of you.

    How I got here, short version

    Hi and :welcome: ....

    I'm behind you on this, and will be by your side on your journey if you want .....

    As will lots of people here as well, we are all here for each other ...

    Please feel free to open up as much or as little as you want, I for one would never judge your actions, my story is here somewhere ....

    Love & Hugs, BB xx


      How I got here, short version



      You bet we will be here to help support your AF effort!!

      Don't worry about your story. Lots of us have just as bad. OMG, you would think you are on a website with a bunch of drunks.

      However, no better site exists. There is lots of love and encouragement here and some grand old masters at kicking the booze beast in its butt.

      Glad you are here and hope to see you around a lot.

      AF April 9, 2016


        How I got here, short version

        Thank you Betty and Cindi! :happyheart:

        Speechless now, sorry.


          How I got here, short version

          This is a great place. We are glad you'e here.


            How I got here, short version

            I often cry at posts here because the people here genuinely care ....

            So don't go disappearing on us now or we will worry

            Chin up honey,

            BB xx


              How I got here, short version

              :welcome: Diamond

              This is the greatest place for you start out in 2008! :l

              Suze x
              Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                How I got here, short version

                Thank you Soccermom, it means a lot to me!

                A little something more in terms of my story , my husband is a binger, he NEVER drinks in moderation. He drinks to get drunk and that is almost daily. He is such a good man and I try desperately to hold who he is sober in my mind and heart so I don't come to despise him, it also helps to remember that that is what I am like when I get drunk too....OMG! Oddly enough though, it helps me to not get drunk as much because someone here has to be in control of themselves, and that would be me most of the time.

                The thing I worry about, and the thing that has kept me from being AF for years is that every time I try to be AF, he continues to drink heavily and be very abusive to the point that I feel I need a drink just to cope and settle myself down. What am I going to do when it goes on night after night and the stress gets too much for me to bear? I am only human after all, despite the fact that my mom says I have the patience of Job, I am not Jesus Christ by any means.

                Please don't tell me to leave him, even though very often that's exactly what I would do if I could (financially I mean) I am not capable from an emotional standpoint. I love him deeply and know who he truly is (his sober self). He feels he has reason and justification to drown himself in alcohol, and I have to agree to a point. He has been severely disabled for well over 20 years and is in a lot of pain that no one not in his circumstances could every really know, however, I KNOW that is no excuse, but it is a REASON... Plus, I believe without me he would end his own life, and I could not live with that. So...what is a person to do? I realize that no one can be helped who does not want to help themselves. I have always known that... but, it doesn't help me with how to deal with these problems without turning to a bottle myself.



                  How I got here, short version

                  Diamond7, its me again!!!!

                  You probably don't believe it at the moment, but lifes struggles and battles are actually easier to cope with sober, you will deal with them as they happen rather than putting them off to deal with later.

                  You won't get up day after day anxious and worried about the problems, you will have dealt with them already!!

                  Love & Hugs, BB xx


                    How I got here, short version

                    Diamond 7 ... love your self enough to stop ........then you can help him.
                    "Be still and know that I am God"

                    Psalm 46:10


                      How I got here, short version

                      Thank you Belle :h


                        How I got here, short version

                        Welcome Diamond. Sorry about your luck a couple weeks ago. I no what your saying with it's all or nothing. (There is no prize for second place):yeahright: I'm learning when it comes to boozing second place is the win. You've probably tried, but it would be nice to see you get your husband on the band wagon with you. (alcohol is not the only way of deeling with pain, but it is a good crutch.) If you havn't tried yet, put it past him, he just may surprise you. Good luck in your journey. Happy New Year & keep posting. K.F.
                        There's more to life than success. The greatest success is living well.


                          How I got here, short version

                          Thank you K.F., I'm very happy to have found all of you!

                          I'll take second place . I have tried before to get him to stop with me and he says he'll never say he's quitting and I understand that thought. It's kind of good in a way because if you slip you don't make yourself out to be a complete failure with that kind of thinking. However, I don't think it means he plans on being wasted for the rest of his life either.

                          Belle reminded me of something I already knew but forgot. We can't lead where we haven't been ourselves. So, for now, I am just working on me and am going to lead by example. I know he's already noticed that I'm not drinking but hasn't said anything about it. BTW, I have not told my family that I quit drinking. I've told them that before and went back to it and it is just too much pressure on me for them to be watching my every move right now, that little extra stress might be the thing that pushes me over the edge.

                          Happy New Year to you too and I hope you don't get sick of me posting lol.


                            How I got here, short version

                            ok dear folks I was on day 6, but blew it tonite. I've had about 5 drinks so far and OMG I was doing so well. What happened? I think my hubby being drunk (started 11 a.m. this morning) didn' t help much but I take full responsibility for MY actions. I need more than just the online support group I think. Is there anyone near me, I'm just south of Atlanta and will be willing to support someone else if they support me. I'm so tired of this crap! I am without defense against his assaults at this point. Ooooops gotta go.


                              How I got here, short version

                              He's continually banging on the back door right now and he's acting crazy and asking for the cell phone. Means he wants to call the cops and have me arrested for even being here so I have to go NOW. Love you alll....

