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Always MisUnderstood.

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    Always MisUnderstood.


    I have posted drunk many, many times.

    The kind MWOers around here have very kindly NOT responded or mentioned the stupid posts I have made. Some of them were doozies. Some of them were unreadable.

    None of them have made me banned, though.

    Great news on being sober since October!! Now that is something to post about.

    And, yes, one of the reasons to stay sober is some of the incredibly stupid, idiotic, dangerous things we do when we are not.

    Glad you are here, btw!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      Always MisUnderstood.

      Finding My Self;249069 wrote: Are you hiding behind humour and why?

      (I actually think that writing on here has helped so much...and reading because it is the medium it is.....I can read and re-read before posting (believe it or not!) and see things that could be contentious/tactless (I so hope anyway) and change them whereas the spoken word has been said...done...too late. Even inflection doesn't seem to help as much as it should. And reading things and feeling a reaction within gives me the great benefit of reading and re-reading it again from all sorts of angles and seeing other possible reactions than my habitual one - especially when I read other people's differing reactions.....a great life tutorial!

      I hope you get your answers Ripple!

      Love FMS xx
      No hiding, although a good gut wrenching chuckle is the best! Yes re-reading is important so one doesn't place their foot in their mouth upon posting, done that a bunch of times. Coming here has helped me more than you all can imagine. This on line support has saved me yesterday. :thanks:

      Luv Ripple~


        Always MisUnderstood.

        Well Cindi, I was doubled crossed at another place, they all ganged up on me. Like a group bash, I handled it well, although it left a sour taste. Others lost control. Nice to know you understand a bit of the beginning here, for me. More to come. There is much more to tell! I am not here to make trouble those days are behind me for now.

        Luv Ripple~


          Always MisUnderstood.

          I would resort to the internet for relief and entertainment unknowingly without taking it seriously. Trusted a few with real life information and things became out of control. Didn't have a good feeling of myself after. My life problems are being handled correctly now since becoming AF. My thoughts are more clear and reasonable, before I was unsafe. I have matured so to speak since October with out choice, coming out has been a healing experience.

          Luv Ripple~:h


            Always MisUnderstood.

            Ripple, I was on chat with you last night, the only thing you did that I wished you hadn't, was post a glass of wine as a pic and ask everyone on , if they wanted one, then ditto a beer instead....I know you were just being funny, but as Kate and I started screaming NO..and talking about tea, it was just a bit out of "support" for the rest of us I felt...Wine is my trigger, and I just don't need anymore temptation than necessary, esp. here...this is a "safe zone"...but we've all posting when drinking, and yes, everyone understands, and we all know how it is...I really thought you were drinking, so I had no idea what was up, being my first time on chat with you. Otherwise, I totally enjoyed "talking" with everyone last night, it was fun! Ok, so you kinda want us to guess at your history? A game! I love it! Ok, just spill, lol...most of us already have! I'll ask, and you can or cannot long did you drink, what did you drink, when did you drink, whats your profession, and did it affect it, or your family? Age range, famliy, pets? Red hair, blonde 23 miles a day, or walk to mailbox?.....Love you all......
            "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


              Always MisUnderstood.

              Gee those pics should be removed, why are they available? I was in trigger mode last night although I did not lift. It is understandable your point, good thing it was you guys and not some newbie? No drinking here, although the brain can act out from years of use. I drank for 26 years, anything clear, white, or whatever. We are family business for 100 years, drinking to my knowledge affected me and hubby the most. I have 2 grown sons, 28 & 30, the older co-business owner. I am 5'^6" 178 lbs. blue eyes, shoulder length ash blonde hair. Spilled my wine, thats what happend, ya know? TIT I hope this fills in the blanks for ya now & thanks for bearing with me. Appreciate....

              Luv Ripple~
              it started in the 70's.


                Always MisUnderstood.

                No problem Ripple! I've been away for a bit, off and on, during the holidays, so we hadn't "met" and I had no idea if you were on or off, the old wagon! I'm sooooo impressed that after 26yrs., you have been AF so long! That's'd you do it??? Share that success girlfriend! We have a family owned business too, and raise world champion paint and quarter horses, main business is an independent pharmacy, we do custom compounding for humans and vets too.....fixing to embark on side career as a freelance travel writer...hoping for a Great New Year for us all, one filled with sober days, energetic days, productive days, and great times with each other, and those close to us! See you all later! Love to all....
                "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                  Always MisUnderstood.

                  Well i just received a letter from court today my next appearence is Dec. 08 and I must abide by drinkie. So I must follow through. Hubby had me arrested 2X's because I filed for divorce. Build a case ya know? No is NO to me so I will follow directions. When there is money involved tempers flare, especially in family business. I had no police record and this will be washed away providing I do as promised. I guess I am a person worth saving? "must be?" Hubby wants reconciliation, trying despite many other financial issues with the other sons business failing due to his poor spending habits. We were previously in the agriculture business, now minning and processing aggregate. When you have hundreds of acres there are other alternatives. I am more sane these days and it is very difficult at times. All who have taken the time to converse with me have helped me enormously, really a lot. Thank you. I am not a bad girl.

                  Luv Ripple~
                  I'm Free From falling today.:h


                    Always MisUnderstood.

                    None of us are bad Ripple, just human! And money, relationships, kids, business, are all big, big triggers....its just best to find a way to deal with the stress in positive ways...that's what I'm trying hard to do....I've had my share of stress this past year too, and didn't handle it in healthy, graceful, or positive way,....I'm trying hard to do that now. I'm exercising at the "witching hours", have really watched diet, and have been doing alot of praying....Just keep on keeping on! Share with us too, how you've AF'd for so long already!
                    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                      Always MisUnderstood.

                      I am just wondering, Ripple, if what is happening with you comes from being honest? I know people don't like to 'hear' what they don't 'want' to hear. I also know that when I was drinking, I may say something forthcoming and the person I had said it to may simply not want to hear it. So, inturn, they get offended and all hell breaks loose.

                      There have been SO many times here, where I just wanted to say things because I think a lot of us tend to 'condone' or 'step around' certain behaviours. If I had of been drinking I would probably of shot my mouth off.

                      For example, if someone was just being rude - if I were drinking, I would call them on it.
                      If someone is really screwing up their lives with the booze, and 'seem' to not really be trying, If I were drinking, I would of said something.

                      It is the nature of the beast on these public forums. I don't know you, but I do know I say it as I see it when under the influence.

                      Has this been something you had encountered on the other message boards? Taking a stab in the dark here. And... way to go for being sober since October!


                        Always MisUnderstood.

                        Hi Ripple. I've enjoyed chatting with you on chat too. But a few days ago I was taken aback. Out of the blue you told me and the other person in chat that you were going to report us to RJ, to have us kicked off the forums. After you had made several comments like this, I got quite upset, thinking I had siad something offensive, but was rather certain I had not. Finally you said you were kidding, and told me to pour a glass or water on myself - or something - when I said you had freaked me out.

                        Of course we can't hear tone of voice here, see facial expressions or body language. All we have to go on are these black and white words. Your comments were so out of the blue and I perceived absolutely no humorful intent in them at all (which usually is not a problem for me). You seemed angry and vengeful. (You also said you had been kicked out before, which made your comments seem like you were just being mean.)

                        So anyway - maybe you were joking that chat. But you must really think more about how your comments are perceived, if you don't want people to take offense. You can blame it on the other person - say they are too sensitive or don't 'get' you - but if you don't want to offend people over and over again, you might want to think about your part in the dialogue.
                        FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                          Always MisUnderstood.

                          AFM, I am honest for one and I also understand when people strike out at another, they have issues too. I can take critizism as I learn about myself through people. If someone is having a pissey day, okay, you can vent on me, seems like I always have to listen to someone in my life. To me there is no rudeness its being oneself. We learn from others and when we understand their pain we can help them. Yes I am in some sort of pain, but it will pass. Being AF helps me to kinda fix what I did, and admit I made mistakes. I am sorry to anyone I harmed, I give free hugs, so you need one? :l

                          Um other boards there was one person who has always swung at me, her liver is probably shot by now. Thats Okay, when she finally looks in the mirror, it may be too late?

                          I like to have a good time, laughing, crying, telling the truth and just being me as I am. If I am spicy and out of line, please tell me.

                          Love you all....appreciate too.

                          Shirl. :h


                            Always MisUnderstood.

                            Oh god, about shakin the cage. Again I thought that to be hilarious, although you guys really took me seriously. I am new to chat and all your comments are teaching me to be a bit more kinder, I can be too abrasive. Was looking for a reaction in the wrong manner. My apology. :upset: Have never really been part of a community, I devoted all my time to family and business. I need to work on my social skills. I admit.

                            You are all a blast on chat....all quality people with sharp minds and great comments. I love it. Chat is a scream to me. :H I'll be nicer and more compassionate to others, I will. Promise. :upset:

                            Luv to all....
                            Thank You...
                            AF with all of your help!:h


                              Always MisUnderstood.

                              Ripple...this is your evil twin here :H keep being u...wouldnt want it anyother way:h
                     for a ? Where and how did u decide on that face!!! :l


                                Always MisUnderstood.

                                Chokie, you can be my twin, I could use the help. We can be joined at the hip and keep the fire burning, I gotta use more control, ya know. Thanks Dear, I'll be in chat later. :H

                                Luv Ripple~
                                Devils food lover.:h

